The difference between a newb and a NEWB.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
What I am saying and I may have been vague. Sorry. I am saying that with anything new previous experience can only go so far. When I decided to buy a T, I treated it like I have had no experience at all. I bought the same T that any begginer should have bought. I don't believe with Ts previous experience like mine could have preparred me to buy a difficult T to keep. Belive me I wanted an ornamental or a big bird eater bad, but even with my experience with animals I did not believe it would have been a positive experience like it has been so far with the Brachy.

Bill R.
I see. That was a mature decition that not many people tend to follow.
Althought I would be more corncern of more potent bites when you are a newby(specially if you dont live by yourself but have people who depend on you) than really the size of the T, or somehow the behavior :).


Nov 18, 2009

You hit the nail on the head. If I was in my younger years, I am sure I would have something exotic and deadly. Like I said we all learn the hard way. I know when it comes to something like a T, I need to learn just like all of you have. One easy step at a time....And so far it is a blast.

Bill R.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2006
I agree with the original post but I think a bunch of "experienced" keepers on this board routinely warn "beginners" off of species without any consideration into who that person is.

Many of these "experts" have been bitten! What good did their experience do them? Did it help them tolerate the venom? Did it make it not hurt? NO!

Personally I started with Rosies, A. seemani and avics mostly because of availability but partially because of the beginner vs expert species stuff. I easily could have started with a defensive species, especially a sling. You can grow into a sling.

Oh I have never been bitten by a T. I did get bit by my boa once. I put my hand in there too fast because I was in a hurry and it was hungry. Complaisant with experience.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Well this thread has made me realize one thing. I am not as newb as I thought. I have been into snakes and lizards for over 20 years. But I am still glad I didn't read this thread until after I got my first T's. I love my Avics. But if I would have read this before getting my T's, I see myself getting a pokie or two instead of my A. Metallica and A. Versicolor.


Dec 18, 2009
I am about to get my first T's. I am very arachnophobic, and I have not much experience with exotics, aside from lizards, and a few constrictor snakes. I have done a lot of research, I ordered TKG and I have talked extensively with experienced keepers. I am getting a couple of A. Versi, although I have been told that some of the "scarier" to me t's would be Ok. I appreciate that you have put this post up to help the "experts" remember that not everyone has the same background. I would pee my bloomers if I got a pokie, or a very defensive OW my first time. Even with all the research in the world, not all animals of a species or gender are the same. You do get the odd balls, but having a basic idea of their needs and tempermant can go a long way. Thanks again, and I am excited to eventually add my NEWB experiences to this forum.