"The Dark Den" Good Influence?


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Petko is an excellent videographer. That's where his skill really is.

If you are an established T keeper and then view some of his videos you'll appreciate those skills but see where the problems are with what some of his video's content is.

99.99% of tarantula uploaders on 'You💩' are all about entertainment not correct information.

Tom Moran of 'Tom's Big Spiders' is about correct information or best methods that work and proven to work with rehouses, husbandry and general information. No glitter entertainment to keep short attention spanned people to keep watching.

The problem is not with experienced keepers going to 'You 💩'. The BIG problem is with people that never intended to get involved with tarantulas or first time owners getting all their info from there instead of doing thorough research and finding Arachnoboards first.

Petko is a likeable person as quite a few are. So first time viewers that never owned a tarantula start on YT get pulled in by the person then the entertainment factor and assume they are getting correct information on every aspect. What they really get is entertainment as most of everyone here already knows.

Then they stumble into AB eventually and think they are being contradicted on what/if information they learned when provided with correct info.

Examples ...handling, 1 to 2 inch sling in a 10 gallon aquarium, rocks galore in enclosure with 12 inches or more from surface to top, Mississippi River running through the middle of their enclosure etc. etc

As irritated and mad it makes AB members there's no answer in sight how to stop it and the flow. Members have a right to be angered as YT and Facepuke puts the hobby in a very bad light misrepresenting it and those that take caring for these animals the best way possible serious.

If this trend in the U.S. keeps rising it highly contributes to the demise of responsible T keeping and the hobby as a whole.

I'm not stating this as fact it's simply my opinion.

Believe it or not back in 2018 that's how I got pulled into tarantulas. Suffering from severe arachnophobia I'm here to tell you searching for tarantula videos was never on my search list or agenda. The T videos just out of nowhere popped up on my recommended list.

Yes I watched those videos and was horrified. Because I watched those particular ones more popped up. Dark Den was one of them and yes I watched and then I was intrigued. From there I found 2 tarantula websites which AB was one of them. I literally spent one and a half years researching and reading. Purchased 'The Tarantulas Keeper's Guide' by the Schultz's before buying my first tarantula in December 2019.

PS. Truly sorry for this long winded post.
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Oct 20, 2021
Imo he has really nice timelapses, slow mo shots etc.
The only thing bad is sometimes he has no idea what or how to take care about to a pet store level. Tbf he knows about and sometimes even mention he's learning.

Anyhow, i go with dave's little beasties. He really got the vibe. Calm, patient, careful. Informative.
That's top notch!


Nov 14, 2020
Believe it or not back in 2018 that's how I got pulled into tarantulas. Suffering from severe arachnophobia I'm here to tell you searching for tarantula videos was never on my search list or agenda. The T videos just out of nowhere popped up on my recommended list.
Same. YouTube recommended is a weird thing but I'm glad it happened. However, whenever I watched their videos it was more of a "there's more than just brown tarantulas?!" and it was 100% simply a visual wonder rather than paying any attention to whatever they did in terms of husbandry/care (or lack thereof). It wasn't long before I did a couple of Google searches on the most basic of questions on them, and I was brought here. But yes, unfortunately, it appears as though too many people do what I did, see these videos first, but take whatever these people are doing as gospel, despite them just being regular hobbyists too. People outside of the hobby see a huge collection and think they must be experts.

Whilst it's a great way to show people that tarantulas aren't these absolute monsters people regard them as, individuals do need to be willing to do their own research. But it seems like everything has to be in video form now for anyone to care - no one wants to sit down and read things. Those videos, however, can provide completely outdated information or just plain dangerous advice.


Sep 19, 2021
Not including the average hobbyist I generally see two types of YouTubers in the T hobby, those that are making videos with the purpose of educating people to be better keepers, and tarantula hoarders that want to be YouTube stars. People like Tom Moran and Dave from Dave's little Beasties are clearly out to educate and further the hobby. Their videos are informative and their animals appear to be well cared for. The hoarders are many, and I'll leave them nameless so as not to single anyone out, but it's pretty obvious they are just addicted to collecting animals and making videos for views, while providing little to no direction on husbandry or other particularly useful information. Many times you'll see Ts in enclosures that are far too small because they should have been rehoused several molts ago, dry water dishes, no hides. Then take a look at how Tom or Dave do things and the reasons behind why they are making videos. The difference is night and day. We are lucky to have people like them in the hobby.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
What about The Tarantula Collective?
Ever since he threw AB under the bus in that stupid garbage anti hobby article I have a very foul opinion of that guy. I used to watch a lot of his videos.

The best was old good Jon3800: No aesthetics of all sorts, screw 4K's, T's in minimalist enclosures and as a bonus, a nice collection of fire alarms! :)

I forgot about him. Long time.


Jan 23, 2022
Got to admit I used to really like him. Until I saw an Instagram post of his where he was rehousing a P. murinus. Caption said something like “long overdue for a rehouse, she’s mad at me”. This thing was in an enclosure suitable for an arboreal sling and looked like it was juvenile. So many comments said “I hope this isn’t the enclosure she was in” because it looked like a catch cup, but the webbing and deco said otherwise. Needless to say the comments were ignored entirely and not addressed. Gave me the impression he was nervous of it/didn’t have the time or room to care for an individual amongst his collection. Lord knows he can afford a decent enclosure for all of them.
I do think some people have far too many Tarantulas and as such it's difficult for them to keep up with their growth (rehouse) also it's a lot of money to invest in larger vivariums.

I know this myself so limit myself to only 10 tarantulas


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
I do think some people have far too many Tarantulas and as such it's difficult for them to keep up with their growth (rehouse) also it's a lot of money to invest in larger vivariums.

I know this myself so limit myself to only 10 tarantulas
I would agree with that train of thought. We're better off to stick to a small collection that we can maintain properly instead of having too many and becoming a burden instead of a pleasant hobby.


Apr 15, 2022
While he´s definitely more on the entertaining than educational side, i don´t think thats necessarily bad. Would it be better if every tarantula-related YT-channel is educational and full of correct information and good practice? Sure, but thats just not realistic.
At least he probably got quite some people who hated/feared tarantulas to not hate or fear them anymore.
Obviously, people should check out different sources of information and not just one when planning to buy an animal and not everyone´s gonna do that, but thats not the fault of an YT-creator.


Sep 7, 2021
Excellent advice - However.

Say I'm a first-time owner of " X " and have downloaded a " good " caresheet on same " X " and have watched YouTube videos on same, and don't know about AB how do I confirm their accuracy ??
I suppose this is the main reason we have new owners posting on AB with serious problems, or in need of urgent help.

There is no way of knowing the accuracy of any care sheet or video, and as mentioned I could search and have guidence from 4 sources, all inaccurate.

Unless there is some form of grading as to the accuracy of care advice - which will never happen - then new owners will always be at a loss as to accuracy.

Then, of course, we have to factor in the " advice " from some, no all , pet shops.

This is quite honestly the issue with all information obtained online, on just about any topic. There is just so much available it's very difficult to know what is best. In my opinion it's critically important to take enough time for your research to establish a general consensus before acting on it.

For example studying six care sheets for a specific species and four agree on a particular practice would generally indicate that is the best method to attempt and and then evaluate the results. People should be willing to put the research time in to give their T's the best possible survival rates.


Oct 20, 2021
For example studying six care sheets for a specific species and four agree on a particular practice would generally indicate that is the best method to attempt
Three copied the fourth. This is usually the case and none of them did research, which you always should do yourself.

You either Check the origin and the climate itself, contact proven successfully keepers or get in contact with people living there or have observed them in nature.

I don't blame anyone, that's a lot of work.

The article above is not that bad. There is a lot of shady stuff going on, WC animals get deported to a Farm where they get imported and the Number is massive. Salesmen then just lable them as CB. I used to believe them aswell but man, the Number of actual, reasonable breeders is quite low! (Europe)


Apr 20, 2021
For me, Dave's little beasties is my favorite T YT channel, followed closely by Tom Moran. Both of these guys husbandry is top notch. I love Dave's character, so calm and nice.


Jan 22, 2021
Yeah Dave is so authoritatively chilled out. I reckon if he tried to rehouse me I'd let him.


May 12, 2024
As previously stated, If you want husbandry information Tom Moran is really the way to go for YouTube. He’s got a great podcast that covers almost any beginner question too, he’s just not as flashy which I’m okay with. I think the collective gets really excellent footage of his animals and I think that’s his strength, not information so much. I’ve seen some click baity titles and also some things I don’t agree with, but I do believe there’s worse.
I’ve never heard anyone say anything about Tarantula Kat, but I feel her husbandry is very good. I’ve gotten a lot of tips n tricks from watching how she does things. But then again, she follows what Tom Moran says, and constantly credits him for her husbandry and knowledge. Tom Moran is top dog when it comes to Tarantula YouTubers.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Tom Moran and Dave’s Little Beasties. No commercial hype, cutey-cuteness, drama or showiness via vexing the spiders, just good info and experience.