And again.So more people shall seeith.
THAT IS EXACTLY what I am talking about. A system that was based on the facts. Being from the Scientific area (at one time...sigh) it was always frustrating to hear when laws were being passed or concepts thought on, but the law-makers were NOT basing their decision on SOUND DATA. A system like this COULD REALLY WORK if the Government would get their answers from the scientific sector and from experienced handlers/breeders etc. But they don't, hence discussions like these...
Not necessarily. I'm not saying it would be easy to derive the prerequisites, but it would be better than the alternatives we are faced with! As a very loose analogy, some locations (states, cities) etc. allow "conceal and carry" of handguns. But I believe (at least what I read about some places) the people wanting to do this (legally, at least) have to take a gun safety course and pass it. And technically you cannot LEGALLY drive an automobile without having a license and you have to pass a test (though not a very difficult one, if you ask me and also people should have to RETAKE the exam I think every X amount of years...too many BAD DRIVERS on the road, IMHO, but that is way off topic). So it should be a balance I feel....not only looking at the "potential" or "danger" of the organism in question, but also at the "competency" of the PERSON who wants to own them.
The real problem is that most people who really care animals have unknowingly signed petitions and or made donations to splinter groups of those who are really behind the drive to pass this ban.Yeah, I know I'm desperate. I've already gotten over 1,500 people to see it though. Which is good. You can't expect them all to act but hopefully a good percentage did.
Technically, the second amendment guarantees you the RIGHT to keep and BEAR arms, and it shall not be infringed.
Keep=own or possess
infringed=interfered with in any way
Therefore all US citizens have the RIGHT to own and carry any weapon they see fit in any manner they see fit. Any other interpretation of the second amendment is a failure to understand simple English, and the lack of a dictionary.
Any state, county, or city that bans any weapon, if in violation of the 2nd amendment. There is no way around this.
Some day I sincerely hope the USA gets off this idiocy called democracy and goes back to how it is supposed to be which is a Constitutional Republic.
Seeing as how the USA doesn't care about the LAW of the land , IE the Constitution, anymore and we allow politicians get away with serious violations of said Constitution with their "laws" I don't think there is much chance they will do whats right in this case either.
BUT please call or write these folks with the ID 10 T errors and let them know how you feel.
Like i said, i really pity this country if we don't get back to the constitution as THE LAW.
That doesn't matter. Most laws started as trash in/trash out bills. People disagreed but didn't step up. The government won't know we're against them if we don't make it crystal clear.The real problem is that most people who really care animals have unknowingly signed petitions and or made donations to splinter groups of those who are really behind the drive to pass this ban.
Anytime that was done their names were added to the list of people supporting those organizations, those organizations are then considered a powerful lobby group because they can show the names of so many supporters when they push for this type of legislation. It does not matter that people got their names on the supporters list without knowing what they were doing.
Let us say that we, those opposed to this legislation, got 1,000,000 people to write in their objections. The odds are that at least ½ of them are also counted by the other side as supporters. That discounts our side by ½ bringing us down to 500,00 and you can bet that they have many many more than that signed on from dog lovers, horse lovers etc.
I am not saying don’t try, I’ve already spoken to a couple of congressmen myself, but be aware that we are behind the eight ball from the start and the odds are greatly against us unless the media picks it up, helps to make ALL Americans aware of this situation and comes down in a positive manner supporting the rights of ownership..
I would have to respectfully disagree. The permitation system is a terrible idea because the government would choose the requirements. Look at Florida. You have to provide an enclosure as long as your snake now. Who could afford a collection like that? The point is that government permitations are usually expensive and have obscene rules. In Florida you have to work a thousand hours to get a hot. That's insane. You can learn yourself, I know numerous self taught people. When the government steps in with rules they say "Hey look that passed, maybe we can make it steeper." One regulation is never enough for the government. They must be stopped as soon as they make the first bill and it is a dumb thing to suggest a permitation system.well i dont think the animals that are the problem
if someone wants an alligator
by all means get one
but make sure you can care for it
there should be a system to make sure that people are able to keep pets
even if it means that gov. people would come into our houses and inspect
they dont have to be strict but keeping an alligator in a kiddie pool is ridiculous
however keeping him in a proper enclosure is not
keeping a ball python in a cardboard box is not ok
keeping it in a proper tank is fine by me
and then more common animals
why should people be allowed to get dogs if they leave them outside all year
i can understand some situations but in extreme heat or cold you need to properly care for them
so basically its not the pets doing wrong
its the keepers who just want the pets and dont know enough to care for them
tests or something
even a pet license
if you should have to have a license to drive you should have one to care for another beings life
like kids if someone cant care for kids
gov steps in and takes them to a care center
same principle
Not to mention the fact Burmese Pythons are pretty much going to be living in the wild along the Southern United States forever now. Along with nile monitors, green iguanas, spectacles caimen, (unconfirmed) anacondas, etc etc etc...Well, what awoke the sleeping ,sniveling incompetent giant (gov), is people getting cobras turning up in there garage for one thing.
I actually found a yellow, and am hot on the trail, or tail,of a big green.Not to mention the fact Burmese Pythons are pretty much going to be living in the wild along the Southern United States forever now. Along with nile monitors, green iguanas, spectacles caimen, (unconfirmed) anacondas, etc etc etc...