If a terrestrial T suddenlig starts climbing on the sides of it's enclosiure after I have changed it's substrate, is that then a clear sign of it not liking it??? Sorry for the misspelling
I find that with my terrestrials especially my rose hair... that when I changed her into her new tank with new substrate she sat on top of her log for a couple days until i dried out completely and she started to web it all up. I think that T's just dont like walking on fresh substrate so as soon as it gets used to it, it should be fine. If it keeps doing it for about a week then yes maybe it is time for a substrate change. What type of T is it and what type of substrate? Hope this helps
It's an l.parahybana and the substrate is I think the word in english is spaghnom. I changed to same substrate with my other l.parahybana and it stays on the ground. But maybe it just have to get used to it like you said
imagine you are sitting in your livingroom, minding your own business. suddenly, this massive, blurry thing lifts you out of your livingroom, places you in this small container that is cold, then plops you back into your livingroom. everything is different--and your carpet is really wet.
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