Terrariums and your personal preference


Dec 5, 2016
hello. I was wondering what determined everyone's personal preference for terrariums. (Width/height).

I know a part of it has to do with the type of T you have (aboreal or terrestrial).

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, if you have a terrestrial T, you'll want a shorter terrarium (height wise), but one with more floor space. But how do you determine how much floor space you want to give your T? Or how much height?

I have a LP sling, so I got it a short but wide/long terrarium. I'm not sure if it's not tall enough for it though.

Any help would be great! Thanks!
I think the terrarium is about 48 x 24 x 10"


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2014
hello. I was wondering what determined everyone's personal preference for terrariums. (Width/height).

I know a part of it has to do with the type of T you have (aboreal or terrestrial).

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, if you have a terrestrial T, you'll want a shorter terrarium (height wise), but one with more floor space. But how do you determine how much floor space you want to give your T? Or how much height?

I have a LP sling, so I got it a short but wide/long terrarium. I'm not sure if it's not tall enough for it though.

Any help would be great! Thanks!
I think the terrarium is about 48 x 24 x 10"
Terrestrials don't need it very tall. That is probably too tall, it can climb up and potentially fall and hurt itself. Usually 2-4 times the T in length, 2-3 x the width, and 1.5 x the height of the T. For arboreal T's, a terrestrial T's on it's side ;) You are fine you also may want to lower it. Just to make sure. Take a pic, we can help more that way :D


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2010
Terrestrials don't need it very tall. That is probably too tall, it can climb up and potentially fall and hurt itself. Usually 2-4 times the T in length, 2-3 x the width, and 1.5 x the height of the T. For arboreal T's, a terrestrial T's on it's side ;) You are fine you also may want to lower it. Just to make sure. Take a pic, we can help more that way :D
I usually go a little more than 1.5 x the DLS for height so I can provide enough substrate for burrowing (at least for those that are so inclined). I try to keep the height from the top of the substrate to the top of the tank around 1 to 1.5 x the DLS. (A little less for my stupid Grammostola sp. Concepcion and Grammostola sp. Maule, both of which seem to think they are arboreal species, no matter how dry I keep the substrate!)


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2010
I have a LP sling, so I got it a short but wide/long terrarium. I'm not sure if it's not tall enough for it though.

Any help would be great! Thanks!
I think the terrarium is about 48 x 24 x 10"
48 x 24 inches for a sling?!? That's huge! My adult female T. stirmi isn't even in something that big!

How big is your sling? You might want to get something much smaller (like a deli cup), at least until the spider gets a lot bigger. When the enclosure is too big, the spider will hide a lot more - and may have trouble finding food and water.


Dec 5, 2016
It must not be a sling, it's a juvi. And I don't have it in the tank I was talking about in my initial post. I just know LP's are supposed to get pretty big so I'm trying to figure out what to put it in. I like a lot of floor space for my T'S /:


Dec 25, 2014
It must not be a sling, it's a juvi. And I don't have it in the tank I was talking about in my initial post. I just know LP's are supposed to get pretty big so I'm trying to figure out what to put it in. I like a lot of floor space for my T'S /:
When chubby/big terrestrial T's are concerned I prefer to offer them floor space, and not height at all (max and I say max 20 cm, on that sense) but 40 cm (floor space) are enough for an adult female L.P :)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
But how do you determine how much floor space you want to give your T?
You'll get a thousand different answers. There's no scientific answer. It's a very valid question however. In the past I have typically looked the size of the T, but also looked at what other have done in conjunction w/what their T is using for space.


Nov 24, 2016
I basically have the same question. My G. pulchripes will be between 1.5" and 2.25" just depending on which one gets sent to me. I'm setting up its home right now. All I picked up was a small size critter keeper and some substrate. I filled it with coco fiber and am using a small porcelain mug buried in the substrate for a hide. I have 1 ounce solo cups that I had on hand already that I plan to use for the water cup. I already put one in the enclosure but I haven't added any water yet because my lil friend won't be here for a bit. Please take a look and let me know what I should change or add to this setup. Thanks. :)

I attached one with flash and one without flash. They are both terrible pics.



Old Timer
Apr 18, 2012
I basically have the same question. My G. pulchripes will be between 1.5" and 2.25" just depending on which one gets sent to me. I'm setting up its home right now. All I picked up was a small size critter keeper and some substrate. I filled it with coco fiber and am using a small porcelain mug buried in the substrate for a hide. I have 1 ounce solo cups that I had on hand already that I plan to use for the water cup. I already put one in the enclosure but I haven't added any water yet because my lil friend won't be here for a bit. Please take a look and let me know what I should change or add to this setup. Thanks. :)

I attached one with flash and one without flash. They are both terrible pics.
That looks like a pretty nice setup. I assume that's a plastic cup cut in half? Bark would probably be better. I usually just start a burrow with a finger poke in the sub packed under a piece of bark - they like tight places.

I'm not sure how small the T will be but At 2-3", mine have been fine in a KK. As they get closer to 1" though, I've heard they can squeeze through the top holes.


Nov 24, 2016
That looks like a pretty nice setup. I assume that's a plastic cup cut in half? Bark would probably be better. I usually just start a burrow with a finger poke in the sub packed under a piece of bark - they like tight places.

I'm not sure how small the T will be but At 2-3", mine have been fine in a KK. As they get closer to 1" though, I've heard they can squeeze through the top holes.
The cup is made of porcelain or some sort of glazed glass. It's actually a small mug. It's not broken in half or anything. It's just buried halfway in the substrate. Is it best to use something without a bottom then because this is where they burrow from? I accidentally broke a bowl yesterday so maybe I can use pieces from that. I didnt find any small enough pieces of bark at the pet stores, but maybe I can order one online from somewhere.

clive 82

Sep 11, 2016
The cup is made of porcelain or some sort of glazed glass. It's actually a small mug. It's not broken in half or anything. It's just buried halfway in the substrate. Is it best to use something without a bottom then because this is where they burrow from? I accidentally broke a bowl yesterday so maybe I can use pieces from that. I didnt find any small enough pieces of bark at the pet stores, but maybe I can order one online from somewhere.
The only thing to bear in mind about using your broken bowl is that it may have sharp edges that could injure your T. I personally wouldn't use it for that reason.


Feb 7, 2010
Sterilite containers. They're east to work with, and come in a large assortment of sizes and latch styles.


Feb 11, 2016
I love using veggie containers like this for my Ts, and my sister's juvenile Lp is housed the same:
Once they molt again I'll move them into these high-heeled versions. Good clarity for plastic, stackable and easy to drill. Slightly on the expensive side, but worth it IMO:


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2012
It must not be a sling, it's a juvi. And I don't have it in the tank I was talking about in my initial post. I just know LP's are supposed to get pretty big so I'm trying to figure out what to put it in. I like a lot of floor space for my T'S /:
The size that you're probably imagining it will get to, may not actually be the size it will grow. Realistically, expect a spider between 8 and 9 inches in a stretched out DLS, tops. My adult female comfortably lives in a 10 gallon tank.


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2012
The cup is made of porcelain or some sort of glazed glass. It's actually a small mug. It's not broken in half or anything. It's just buried halfway in the substrate. Is it best to use something without a bottom then because this is where they burrow from? I accidentally broke a bowl yesterday so maybe I can use pieces from that. I didnt find any small enough pieces of bark at the pet stores, but maybe I can order one online from somewhere.
I see. Yeah, they like to burrow down.

I have a store near me that sells loose bark, try calling around and seeing if you can find some.

Worst case, just poke your finger into the sub and start a burrow and hope it takes.