

Jul 6, 2010
Man, I'm done. Me telling people to knock of their teacher like rules of classroom etiquette on an internet forum is not being rude. I am not the one that needs to relax, you are the one that called someone rude. I asked you politely to stop it, I even said please twice.

How on earth telling someone that they are being rude, is seeing the positive side of things I have no clue. Because to me, it is petty bickering over something in a thread that wasn't yours. So, I am done with the thread jack, as I have nothing further to offer the OP. I suggest you do the same and please quit trying to make people communicate in a way you would. Blunt is not rude, it is simply not sugar coated and that is how some people are. I'm sure you have run into them in real life and I doubt you tell them to quit being rude.:rolleyes:
;/ what does OP stand for?


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
;/ what does OP stand for?
Sorry for the abbreviation, but O(riginal)P(oster) is what it stands for. I usually try to avoid abbreviations when posting in newbie threads without explaining them. I apologize for my oversight!

I do have something to add about the size of the sling you order, 1" is smaller than you might think. That means you will really see it grow, but it will be more delicate. I am not saying a newbie shouldn't attempt to raise slings that small, because we got a tiny P. murinus with our first sling order. Just letting you know that research on sling care, is prudent and needed to ensure the greatest chance at survival.

A. versicolor is startlingly beautiful to watch grow, with their vibrant blue beginning that turns into a green head with red hairs. Ours just molted into its adult coloration this week and it is gorgeous beyond words. It is on the fast side, but it is more Diet Coke fast, not teleporting so fast your eyes can't keep up. They seem to do small bursts of speed in one direction and then head in an opposite one in our experience, causing some misdirection confusion. They also always prefer to go up, so if you do handle it, place a finger perpendicular to the hand it is on, but in front of it as it walks on your hand and it will most likely climb right on up. Then rinse and repeat, always keeping the hand with the tarantula close to the floor.

B. smithi is one of my personal favorites and was the first sling I bought by myself. The color changes aren't quite as dramatic as the A. versicolor, it will get bolder colors with each molt but no color transformation wizardry. Ours is for the most part docile, but it does kick hairs more often than it used to. This is something to consider as well, because B. smithi has all 5 types of urticating hair, so allergies have a greater chance to occur.

If you don't have the money to buy the T(arantula)K(eepers)G(uide), you can request at your local library. Good luck with your selections!


Jul 9, 2010
dont get me wrong guys but an Avic sp to me is an awesome T for anyone.. you dont have one GET ONE :p

butttt im going to say an Avic sp for a beginner without an introduction or abit of revision on them can turn some what a bad idea, YEP YOU HEARD ;P, and my reasons for this being, the care... yea there easy to care for to be fair but, with out the knowledge of how to care for them, 9 times out of 10 there put on dry substrate and there usaully passed on by the end of the month..

So if you get a pink toe (Avic species) the substrate must be moist, with a nice kick of humidity and some caulk bark to climb and web all over with maybe a plant or 2 thrown in there, dont have to be real =], and a nice water bowl for her to drink at her own will, (not saying you dont no this oready, but i dont want you to buy an avic and start out in this hobby with a month of joy then a dead spider) :)

now you no for sure how to care for these :p GET AN AVIC .. welcome to the boards.. me also new here but welcome anyway :p