T. Blondi missing fangs... update.


Old Timer
May 20, 2008
your blondi's leg should be fine next molt. I'm glad everything else seems to be going well.keep us posted on how things are going. good luck.
as far as people bashing on here. you should be happy to help ppl and educate them so they learn from mistakes. being rude will only make inexperienced ppl stop asking ?'s. and lead to more T's not being taken care of properly.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
I completely changed the blondi's tank, it has nothing but Eco-Earth in it now. I poured the water onto the substrate, and it is very wet in there now. He's really fat and lost most of his hairs. Looking forward to next molt.

P.S. - They weren't cedar chips.


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2007
Glad to see your blondi got his fangs back and is fattening up. I wouldn't worry much about the loss of his leg though, especially if there is no hemolyph leaking. Good luck on your next molt.

As for not wanting to risk opening your P. regalis tank I understand that. If I know a species I have is fast, defensive or just plain irritable I will ask my friend who is also into T's and has a hell of a lot more experience then me for help in transferring or cage maintenance. I frankly don't care if I get bit either (it come with the hobby sooner or later) but I'd rather not see one of my T's get hurt because of my inexperience in working with faster and more defensive species.

There were a lot of rude posts in this thread and unnecessary attacks on your keeping habits. While a certain substrate may be better as long as the T's don't seem to mind it is the OP's decision to keep it on whatever he wants.

It is ridiculous to demand someone change something when from what I gathered his Tarantula's were doing fine on it. Still eating, not climbing the sides to escape it, etc. Substrate comes down to personal choice and the best we can do is kindly offer our opinion and why a certain sub would be much better rather then saying "use this now" and flaming and ripping the guy apart.

The OP took the initiative and did change out the bedding and was still flamed. Which is sad and shameful because the T community is a seemingly small community and people screaming at the top of their lungs about what someone is doing wrong only hurts the community and gives newcomers a real bad impression of the community in general. Like I said if you find something can be changed for the better then offer the suggestion and explain why but don't try and cram it down someone's throat.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Just because a T is eating and looks ok doesnt mean that its happy and comfortable in its enclosure, and that causes stress for the T. Dogs live in terrible conditions and are alive and eating, but you dont consider them happy do you? There are so many problems with woodchips for high humidity T's its kind of staggering. ( by the way im not flaming you or telling you what to do, im glad you took the good advice and changed its substrate) But Blondi's need alot of humidity as they are moisture dependent T's(without it they die pretty quickly). Woodchips dont hold humidity good, the T cannot burrow well in it, and wood tends to mold in high humidity. It is just saving you alot of time and aggrivation by changing it. A good and easy way I found to hold humidity and control it easily to use put folders on top of the tank. You can adjust how much airflow and moisture that escapes this way until you find the perfect spot to keep it at the right humidity.
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Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008

I can't believe nobody noticed...... That's not a t. blondi. I'd say it's a t. apophysis. Roughly same care though. Get rid of any chips in any t. enclosure. If the t falls the chips will impale the abdomen and likely die.

My blondi's enclosure- Plants around the edge to provide a soft landing incase of a fall. Also over 12" of substrate to help with humidity and allow for any earth moving. As well she has a hide 10" wide and 16" deep. Here's some pics.

This is a 9-10" Female T Blondi


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
I bought the T from botarby8s.com, before kenthebugguy took over that site. The dude was doing it for many years, I don't think it was a mistake, it's a t. blondi. And I have a hard time believing that wood chips can impale any T just from falling on them.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
I gave you a few very important reasons why not to use them, not accusing or flaming, but they are a bad idea. The chances of a woodchip puncturing a T is small, but a sharp thin chip is all it takes. You can never be to careful.


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
T. Blondi!!

I've owned many t. blondis, slings to adults and never seen pink feet on any of them. T abdomens are delicate. A fall on an upright wood chip will puncture the abdomen.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2008
I do find it kind of amusing how some people on this site seem to take personal offence to seeing someone keep a T in a way they deem unacceptable. Keeping spiders is not an elite club ;)
You're right its not an elite club but it is a priveledge. Too many people purchase animals without doing a little research and finding out what their requirements are. It'd be like keeping freshwater fish in a salt water tank. Or keeping a forest tortoise on aquarium gravel. Not very humane. And with T's their requirements are so minimal that there really is no excuse.

ACE: Just because animals were kept a certain way in the past improperly does not make it ok to keep them that way now that we know better. Just like baby turtles used to be sold all over in little bowls with a palm tree. That in no way met their needs and thousands upon thousands of turtles suffered a long slow painful death! People still to this day ask if they can get a turtle for a bowl when we know now that it is extremely cruel. It is so easy now with the internet to get the info you need to properly take care of your animals. I'm not trying to come down on you or anything I just don't like to see how their needs can be dismissed so easily because someone did it that way in the past or you would feel bad about changing their homes and giving them the proper substrate. It's not just about mulch being toxic because I'm pretty sure you've got cypress mulch there which is not toxic like cedar. But the T's can also be physically damaged from the rough texture of the mulch. It may take a long time for an "accident" to happen or for the constant rubbing of that substrate to cause some damage but why wait for it to happen when it could be very easily prevented in the first place. As far as the blondi it sounds like now you are keeping it wet which is not good either. Humidity and the substrate being completely soaked are two different things. If you can squeeze a handful of the eco earth and water is dripping out then it is too wet. This can promote mold and bacterial growth. It's kind of a delicate balance to keep it very humid but not too wet and can be tricky. Thats one of the reasons they are considered an advanced T. Just a few tips. You might want to run a search on the boards for blondi and just read all the info that comes up. That way you can get a lot of advice from different sources on a variety of topics for that species without feeling so "attacked" for lack of a better word. People on here can be a little rough but they are just concerned about the best interest of the T and only can go off of the information that you post for them to see. Good luck with you collection.


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
sorry i retake my previous post....not cedar wood chips, but wood chips either way. I know you have changed the substrate since then but seriously, take peoples advice here and listen to it.. also what business do you have owning a T when you dont know how to properly care for it in the first place...do some reading.

I'm happy that the blondi has its fangs back.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2008
Okay. For ONE... I'm NOT afraid of being bitten, but of losing the T under something or it getting hurt. I know how fast my ornamental is, and I've heard of them getting out and not being able to catch them too easy.
I know what you mean, i have a P.Striat - that is very VERY fast, i had to get my husband to help me remove him from his tank so i could deal with a tank issue i had.

When i went near the tank every time -- he would go nuts and run like crazy, it was scary to me, because i did not want to cause harm to him or have him run off into an area where it would be difficult to retreat him. Such as vents and under the stove. I also have very shaky hands.

When my husband went to handle and transport - it was docile as an avic.
I was like what the heck!! He's always so confident with bugs and has no fear.

What i learned is that you need to build the confidence to handle them (not necessarily with your hands), and come up with a strategy on how to go about it all, how to deal with situations where they might get out of hands.

Glad wrap, chopsticks & jars can be your best friends.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
I can't believe nobody noticed...... That's not a t. blondi. I'd say it's a t. apophysis.
You know, as I was reading this thread, that's exactly what I was thinking...I was hoping to be the first to point it out but oh well, you beat me to it. :}

I bought the T from botarby8s.com, before kenthebugguy took over that site. The dude was doing it for many years, I don't think it was a mistake, it's a t. blondi. And I have a hard time believing that wood chips can impale any T just from falling on them.
I didn't realize your opinions were of more value than other people's opinions, many of them have more experience than you. I personally have been collecting tarantulas since 1998.

And maybe instead of using an excuse like 'he was doing it many years so he's right', try searching around. Look at pictures. Maybe that'll exercise that brain of yours.


Look like your spider? I think it does.

Ryan, what do you think? Anyone else?

Ace, you have said in your earlier posts that you know how to keep tarantulas. You know their care requirements, etc. Then, within the last page or so, you said you knew they needed it moist, but not how moist. So you're contradicting yourself.

Maybe two subsequent bad molts were just in the cards, but your pictures make it obvious that your spider is not being kept the way it should be, and logically it is more likely the bad molts were caused at least in part by the poor environment.

Yes, I have read this entire thread, so you don't need to tell me you have replaced the wood with Eco-earth, etc.

And by the way, once it dries out, it doesn't re-compress. In case you figured it was still moist because it was still 'expanded'.

My two cents. I hope I don't get an infraction for it. Wouldn't be my first. ;)

And, for the record, I do hope that T. apophysis does well and regenerates the leg. Yes, they can regen in one molt after losing it/casting it off, but it had to have been lost shortly after a molt so the tarantula has that extra time to regenerate it before the next molt. Also, it will most likely not be 'full' when it regenerates. It'll be there, but it will be much skinnier and not as strong until the following molt.

Best of luck!



Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
I hope that ends this thread. Joe could not have posted a better reply.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008

I like how you use quotes to mock what I say... I emailed the retard twice and both times he said he was 100% sure it was a blondi. The third time I gave him the address to this thread and he saw the pix. And he says "Okay... it's an Apophysis." He has no more T's and I'm sure Ken the bug guy isn't going to give me a blondi. So I'm stuck with this stupid thing, maybe I should just let it die next time. I didn't feel comfortable with buying on the internet, but I wanted a blondi so bad that I finally did... see what happens? I'm sick of everyone telling me what I'm doing wrong, I really don't care anymore... "Too wet, too dry, too hot, too cold, it's the wrong substrate no matter what I have in there, substrate isn't deep enough... FORGET IT.... I'll just do whatever the heck I feel like doing, and you people can just DEAL.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008

I like how you use quotes to mock what I say... I emailed the retard twice and both times he said he was 100% sure it was a blondi. The third time I gave him the address to this thread and he saw the pix. And he says "Okay... it's an Apophysis." He has no more T's and I'm sure Ken the bug guy isn't going to give me a blondi. So I'm stuck with this stupid thing, maybe I should just let it die next time. I didn't feel comfortable with buying on the internet, but I wanted a blondi so bad that I finally did... see what happens? I'm sick of everyone telling me what I'm doing wrong, I really don't care anymore... "Too wet, too dry, too hot, too cold, it's the wrong substrate no matter what I have in there, substrate isn't deep enough... FORGET IT.... I'll just do whatever the heck I feel like doing, and you people can just DEAL.
Do you feel like a big tough man now. {D You just dont know how to take in information and just argue. You dont deserve any pet at all sense you cant even take care of one T. I truely feel sorry for your T.


Old Timer
Jul 9, 2006
^ Thats pretty unnecessary...

He has explained himself quite a few times, and there are some people on here that would rather take potshots than listen to what he has said. I'd be frustrated too. He likes tarantulas! Great, help him out instead of exasperating the situation...


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
I would rather have an apophysis than a blondi anyway, but that's just me!


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
^ Thats pretty unnecessary...

He has explained himself quite a few times, and there are some people on here that would rather take potshots than listen to what he has said. I'd be frustrated too. He likes tarantulas! Great, help him out instead of exasperating the situation...
Obviously we tried to help him and failed. Did you read hi most recent post? Id say we are definately not the problem