T arrived with twisted abdomen, liquid and mites. HELP PLEASE!


Jul 12, 2022
That's a bizarre one. A very exotic formulation. Several antibacterial agents and a cellulose binder. Definitely want the man's analysis of it and what role camphor plays.
Camphor is used medicinally to relieve pain, itching, and irritation.
It also smells good and can cover 'icky' medicinal smells, like in Vicks rubs.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Camphor is used medicinally to relieve pain, itching, and irritation.
It also smells good and can cover 'icky' medicinal smells, like in Vicks rubs.
So not ideal for general animal usage but non problematic. I get the feeling with all those additives it's adhesive wound seal ability is somewhat compromised.

The stuff that really rocks is the wound closure tapes used instead of sutures for humans and sometimes animals. Interestingly the tape originated in the fine art restoration business. A neutral lasts forever adhesive that is impervious to envorinmental attacks, yet can be easily and harmlessly removed from the most delicate paintings with a special solvent.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2022
So not ideal for general animal usage but non problematic. I get the feeling with all those additives it's adhesive wound seal ability is somewhat compromised.

The stuff that really rocks is the wound closure tapes used instead of sutures for humans and sometimes animals. Interestingly the tape originated in the fine art restoration business. A neutral lasts forever adhesive that is impervious to envorinmental attacks, yet can be easily and harmlessly removed from the most delicate paintings with a special solvent.
Given that the additives are present with the adhesives, it's likely that the stuff was manufactured to still be effective with them present, or work in tandem with them. Most adhesives are either hydrophobic (repels water) or hydrophobic (wan wash off with water), while mixing components of both (without the help of an emulsifier) can cause the adhesive in question to be less sticky. Camphor is also an oddball towards inverts. While some inverts eat it and like it as a food source, it's toxic to some others. For best and safest best, avoid the stuff around a T.

I feel you on the wound closure tape! Good stuff! I didn't know it's history though and thank you for sharing. You're quite the library of knowledge!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I feel you on the wound closure tape! Good stuff! I didn't know it's history though and thank you for sharing.
Purely accidental. Watching a Rembrandt being restored with an isolation layer of a catalytic, completely transparaent and certified 100% inert for 100+ years. Easily removed should another restoration be needed. I thought that would be fantastic stuff for things like wound closures and researched it. Duh. Already incorporated.

Given that the additives are present with the adhesives, it's likely that the stuff was manufactured to still be effective with them present, or work in tandem with them.
Oh dear. Is my lack of a formal course in chemistry showing? Blame it on covalent bonds and my tendency to get side tracked. Metallurgy beckoned which in turn led me further astray with a yummylicious welding class assistant teacher***. I extracted my revenge introducing her to wild land fire fighting. With a bonus landing in my lap one fine post fire season winter's day when I was informed my sideline could deliver me generous crredits if I dipped my toes in fire science management. I majored in cross science credit juggling.

Vehicle in canal from post, other. Incidence, 15:10. Assorted people randomly circling. One lane closed, traffic chaos. 16:30 law enfarcement showed up. Single vehicle victimless accident. No extorting or other cash extraction on the horizon, they left around 16:45. 17:00 Vehicle had slid further into the canal. More bystanders and three rescue vans showed, red and blue code threes on. They blocked all traffic but none had any retrieval gear. 17:10, tow truck arrived. It had about 10 feet of lightweight cable. Couldn't get a snatch. Uncoordinated bystanders start directing traffic. A series of near head ons went on until about 17:30. A different tow truck arrived. Territorial dispute with yelling. until around 18:10. Vehicle is by then nose down under water. (I took a break and took my other out to dinner here). 19:15. Second tow truck makes snatch and removes vehicle.

***Welding class. Over the years I discovered every last method the instructor taught was a degree of wrong. Textbook technician from some adjacent field, a shoe-in. Never worked welding a day in his life. The assistant however was a natural pro. Grabbing up a TIG and laying down several inches of bead that looked like an artists depiction. Asking her how long she had practiced? A week.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Small update.

Last night before I went to bed I put more corn flour on Amaterasu's wound, she just let me, she did check what the pipette was by leaning bk off the bark and touching it but once she did she corrected her position and allowed me not only to directly place the flour but then use the side of the pipette to push it further into the crack , this worried me as the day before she hadn't wanted it n moved constantly as I tried to place the flour. This morning I got up and not only has she laid down more web but i only see one small mite at the base of her bk leg, it looks like this lot of cornflour did the trick too and I see no leaking, she's even been doing premoult yoga so I have hope she will be OK, I won't celebrate till she's pulled through this moult but her progress is promising 😊 20230824_074154.jpg
The area that was covered in mites and leaking nolonger covered or leaking they preferred the gills of the portobello mushroom thankfully.

Amaterasu just chilling and looking so much better then when she came 😊

I don't know what I would of done with out the ppl on ab to help me with her, both Amaterasu and myself thank you all ❤ I am sure the next time yous see her she will have a shiny new outfit to update yous on 😊


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Small update.

Last night before I went to bed I put more corn flour on Amaterasu's wound, she just let me, she did check what the pipette was by leaning bk off the bark and touching it but once she did she corrected her position and allowed me not only to directly place the flour but then use the side of the pipette to push it further into the crack , this worried me as the day before she hadn't wanted it n moved constantly as I tried to place the flour. This morning I got up and not only has she laid down more web but i only see one small mite at the base of her bk leg, it looks like this lot of cornflour did the trick too and I see no leaking, she's even been doing premoult yoga so I have hope she will be OK, I won't celebrate till she's pulled through this moult but her progress is promising 😊 View attachment 453601
The area that was covered in mites and leaking nolonger covered or leaking they preferred the gills of the portobello mushroom thankfully.

View attachment 453602
Amaterasu just chilling and looking so much better then when she came 😊

I don't know what I would of done with out the ppl on ab to help me with her, both Amaterasu and myself thank you all ❤ I am sure the next time yous see her she will have a shiny new outfit to update yous on 😊
Definitely makes me miss my Irminias, I used to have a few. Best of luck 🤞!!!


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021

I am pleased to announce Amaterasu has moulted 🥹 I am so proud of her to go through all that and still moult out. It just shows you how tough these little floofers can be, to arrive in that state and still manage her spoody thing its amazing 😊
Thank you all for the help and support, hopefully I won't need to update this thread any further.
Not the best pics but I didn't want to disturb too much and ignore the cornflour everywhere , I will not miss trying to apply that stuff 😆
20230904_064920.jpg 20230904_065024.jpg
Well done Amaterasu 👏


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011

I am pleased to announce Amaterasu has moulted 🥹 I am so proud of her to go through all that and still moult out. It just shows you how tough these little floofers can be, to arrive in that state and still manage her spoody thing its amazing 😊
Thank you all for the help and support, hopefully I won't need to update this thread any further.
Not the best pics but I didn't want to disturb too much and ignore the cornflour everywhere , I will not miss trying to apply that stuff 😆
View attachment 454754 View attachment 454755
Well done Amaterasu 👏
Hurray !!’ So glad it’s ok , I used to have a few they were amazing. Lost to old age :sad:. I didn’t keep good track but I had the female 10-12 years. Bought at 2”. Someone tossed all my arboreal containers. I can’t find them.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Hurray !!’ So glad it’s ok , I used to have a few they were amazing. Lost to old age :sad:. I didn’t keep good track but I had the female 10-12 years. Bought at 2”. Someone tossed all my arboreal containers. I can’t find them.
Yes unfortunately this sp isn't as long lived as others, I got a pulcher and fell in love with her so I thought I would try some more sp from the genus, I got a victorii sling first she's growing well and is a she, and I had done so well with getting females from slings I decided to try an irminia, so I bought a 3/4 cm sling and received Amaterasu an 8cm female, obviously she came in a state but luckily she has pulled through and I now have high hopes she will spend her next 10 years happily in my care 😊

Ah don't be mad an excuse to get new vivs and spoods to go in them 😉

Also she chucked the moult and 20230904_071813.jpg
Amaterasu is definitely a she and had 8cm on her moult.
A fancy new viv for my little fighter is in order I think, as I said before was only expecting 4cm sling so she is now way too big for the 10x10x15 cm viv she is in. I will wait for her to harden off of course but this special girl needs a home as kick a** as she is 😊.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Holy crap, I wasn't expecting that outcome. Glad she moulted out OK!
Thank you me too 😁 I wasn't confident when she came honestly I thought i would be burying her but these animals are amazing, what they can do blows my mind every day. She did loose some floof from her ankles on a couple of legs when she moulted but apart from that seems to have come through fine, gave her her first meal day before yesterday she smashed it was just a small headless freshly moulted mealworm but she couldn't take if fast enough 😊 , she ticked all my boxes, moulted, ate n made the mess psalmopoeus are famous for on her wall and I couldn't be prouder of her for it 😆 never thought I would be so happy to see a t moult n poop 😂 20230910_130344.jpg
Not the best pic coz of her web but Amaterasu demolishing the meal worm, it was only a small worm I didn't want to test her with anything big but she couldn't stuff it in quick enough, I will try her again with a headless morio in a few days will hopefully help her fill out that booty 😊