User Storm76's picture thread


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Mmmm, Jan. I need an A. geroldi or fifteen in my life. If you breed your Euathlus sp. "red" please be a dear and take pictures of the eggs and first instar, etc. I am really interested in breeding them as well because everyone needs five in their collection. But their size is so daunting. I'd like to see pictures of the involved process and can't find very much on the subject.
Yeah, like I said - debating it. If I go for it, which is a distinct possibility, I'll be sure to record it as much as I can. In the meantime, there's an article in the ARACHNE
over here about the woman who bred E. sp. "red" first in Germany. I'll try to dig it up for you.

As for the geroldi - yeah and they'll get pretty big for an Avic. Around 6" is pretty normal for them. Gotta rehouse mine sometime this month after I got upgraded enclosures for them.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Picture will follow some times this weekend, but for now - just an overall update video. Enjoy!



Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Some pictures

Here's some pictures, I'll take some of "Medeia" once she's stretched out and hardened up some. Didn't want to stress her out.

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~5" immature male - one of the rare occasions in which he sat still...he's nuts and always out to defend his home

Unnamed, Poecilotheria miranda, ~3" suspect male - often quite skittish, but here just somewhat scared

"Stripes", Poecilotheria miranda, ~3" female - this girl is pretty calm, until feeding time :p

And here's a couple pictures from the skin of "Medeia" after her surprise molt yesterday...

Measured size: 7.75-7.8" (comparison with my hand...yes: BIG! That's a DIN A5 book it's sitting on...)

Pictures of "her majesty" will follow when she's hardened up as mentioned before :)


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2012
Fine, fine, tempt me with more Poecs too. Just about everyone on the boards does so with their pics.

Sigh. I knew it wouldn't end just with my 1+1 accidental ornata sling..

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
Such beautiful pokies, and your A. geniculata is stunning! Can't wait to see those post-molt pictures. If you raised Medeia from a sling, how old is she?


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Update "Medeia", 8" female Acanthoscurria geniculata - after last molt

Fine, fine, tempt me with more Poecs too. Just about everyone on the boards does so with their pics. Sigh. I knew it wouldn't end just with my 1+1 accidental ornata sling..
Whoops? Well, only one way to fix that, right? :D

That's a HUGE genic!!!!! :mask::mask::mask:
That she is! She's my little monster :)

Such beautiful pokies, and your A. geniculata is stunning! Can't wait to see those post-molt pictures. If you raised Medeia from a sling, how old is she?
Thank you! I'll let the T's know you said that :D I bought her as an unsexed 2.5" - raised her from that point on ever since. So, ~8" 'old', hehe :)

I'm desperate for a P. Miranda, those poecis are BEUTIFULL!
Go, get some then? :)

Now for the pictures of 'her majesty', "Medeia"....

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - a little timid upon opening the cage...

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - after the first pic she actually moved by herself, didn't prod at all!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - Yes, and she can kick hair already again! *sigh* :D

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - in all her freshly molted glory! Stunning, right?


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Update on Hera's sac (C. fimbriatus)

I finally managed to steal the sac from her (geez that actually was work!) and obviously I should have done so earlier. Opening it, there was a bunch of mold in there with lots of the little EWLs stuck together in a way that I couldn't help them anymore. Those that I deemed to have a chance and could free without problems, I put in a secure container. Using the stocking over water method these are now in a warm, dark spot in the hopes they'll actually survive and hatch just fine. Fingers crossed!

The temps in the cage was all the time around 22-25°C degrees, never below. Humidity wasn't excessively high, as I only kept her waterdish filled. I'm thinking that the faulty sac was partly my mistake, as I should've probably removed the stuff to restrict airflow for her when she layed it. Considering this is my first ever breeding experience, I'm already glad they made it to EWLs, but there's room for improvement and next time, I know what to look out for.

A couple pictures:

These are those that I think have a chance...except for that big ball of molded EWLs in the top right part of the pic - those are beyond it

A little more closer look..

If these make it, it'll be somewhere between 20-30 spiderlings. Otherwise if the whole sac would've been good, around ~60 I recon from the looks of it.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Updates pictures - and bad news about the C. fimbriatus sac :-(

Bad news first, right? None of the EWLs from my Hera's sac survived. Sadly! I did my best to separate those that seemed alright as soon as I saw mold on the others get a grip, but even though I tried that - even the last one which molted just fine into the first Larvae stage, didn't survive. They all fell prey to mold and I suspect by the time I pulled the sac, it was already too late for them. Goes to show that it breeding isn't as easy with every species as many would assume. However, this was clearly a fault on my end. I'm sure that it was caused by the fact that I had restricted airflow for Hera and kept it that way when she dropped the sac. In retrospect, I should've removed it, but one is always smarter in the aftermath as we like to say over here in Germany. Better luck next time.

Secondly it looks like my A. sp. "amazonica" isn't going to drop a sac at all. In fact, she's preparing to molt I believe. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've little hope for a sac at this point from her. Especially considering how worn out she looks. She's certainly in need of a molt. Oh well...

On the upside (yes, there's also always an upside!) everyone else seems to be doing extremely well. Temperatures are rising over here caused by the better weather and more sun, in turn heating my bedroom up quite some while it's warm like that. Which caused some of my T's to go for molting once more. So without further delay - let's go for the pictures, shall we? :)

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~6" unsexed - this T molted just a couple days ago and is suddenly at a whopping 6" (wth?!)

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~6" unsexed - in addition, the molt was preserved just fine, except for the vital part! So once more I'm not sure what sex this T is now. Certainly looks female now...*sigh*

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - this big girl eats again and seemingly calmed down some - I don't trust her!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - I just know that at some point she's gonna surprise me again and I'm intent to not let that happen!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - after all, ~1.5" long fangs wouldn't be fun I assume...hehe :D

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - but she's a true beauty, and with her stocky built looks simply impressive!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - I especially love how thick her legs got after this last molt...awesome!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - One word: Stunning!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - The best part about her? Aside the huge size, she's also extremely seldomly hidden!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - Gotta love that this species tends to stay out in the open, visible nearly all the time despite time-of-day.

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - well, if my fasciata keeps on growing like it is so far, it might surpass this girl (don't think so, though!)

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5,5" female - she was kicking hairs a bit today while doing maintenance, suspecting early stages of premolt on her hence

"Kamala", Brachypelma auratum, ~5.5" female - in comparison to this girl that usually always flicks hair - not today. Odd? :)

"Kamala", Brachypelma auratum, ~5.5" female - but a beauty she is! Sorry pic got a little blurry, my bad.

Unnamed, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, ~4" suspect female - this one is most likely finally the female I always wanted!

Unnamed, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, ~4" suspect female - despite that she's a molt-muncher, her sac-mate is already a mature-male after the last molt. Hence...*crosses fingers*

"Aurelia", Holothele incei, ~2.5" female - this little one molted just a couple weeks ago and is extremely seldomly out

"Aurelia", Holothele incei, ~2.5" female - which makes me happy I got to see her at all during maintenance (obviously had to water her!)

"Star", Avicularia versicolor, ~3" female - yep! Female, Joyce! :) And a nasty one like my other...*sigh*

"Star", Avicularia versicolor, ~3" female - she has the funny habit to jump at the tongs during feeding after I removed the lid...

"Star", Avicularia versicolor, ~3" female - it's as if she expects food the moment the lid gets removed, I swear! Though she gets me with it despite knowing her hehe

"Star", Avicularia versicolor, ~3" female - first couple pics are without flash, the other two with...beautiful in either light, right? :)

"Unnamed", Avicularia velutina, ~2.75" suspect male - the slowest growing Avic in my experience...this one molted a few weeks ago and looks extremely blueish with flash

"Unnamed", Avicularia velutina, ~2.75" suspect male - without flash they look nearly black, with a woodland-green carapace...very pretty.

"Unnamed", Avicularia velutina, ~2.75" suspect male - sure loves his nomnoms as one can see :)

Alright, that's it for the update. Thanks for checking on my thread, appreciated.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
B. boehmei molted

Looks like "Kenno", my immature male Brachypelma boehmei figured it was about time to molt again. He's still a little rascal though! :laugh:

"Kenno", Brachypelma boehmei, immature male, ~4" - I knew he was in premolt, so this didn't come as a susprise

"Kenno", Brachypelma boehmei, immature male, ~4" - very vivid coloring again

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, adult female, ~8" - *nomnomnom* couldn't help but take one of her being greedy hehe


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Update Vid on the whole collection - June 2015

Just an overall update in video format...enjoy.



Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Some Poeci pics and Avicularia minatrix lady shows up :)

So, those of you having kept or still keeping Avicularia minatrix will most likely agree, that it's the one species of Avicularia genus that is -seriously- secretive. I hardly ever see my girl, except for lightning-fast "grab-a-bite" attacks when feeding that is :D. So a couple days ago I got lucky while feeding and watering and snapped the pics you'll find in this post. She's certainly accepted the jar she's living in and doing well, molted twice in there and overall just doing good. Just...have patience with them :)

As for my Poecies...all three molted. The P. miranda male is now a MM which is a pity, considering my female isn't yet ready fro breeding, but I'll see if I can find him a date. He's also very skittish and easily annoyed, displaying a low-threshold for intrusions. The female is still pretty mellow, though on occasion displays insane skittishness! Geez, so fast and far I have to say I like this T quite some. She's not too different behavior-wise from my P. cambridgei girl actually. Anyways, lastly the P. fasciata is certainly female (you were right guys..thx!) and also very much of a fighter. Opening her enclosure is only possible after dropping food in there, else there's a high probability of her shooting to the top and giving instant threat postures - which I tend to avoid! The first time that happened I nearly dropped the enclosure - she was sitting behind her corkbark and I thought it would be alright to open it then - bad idea! :) Now I drop food in first, then open - works way better. Rehousing her after the next molt will be interesting, I guess. Not so much getting her out of the current one, but into the new enclosure. We'll see...
Otherwise everybody's doing just fine. My A. sp. "amazonica" will most likely not drop a sac, as she's in heavy premolt and basically waiting for her to flip and molt any day now. On the bright side that'll mean she'll grow and I'm curious with what size she emerges from that molt once done.

Well, enjoy the pics! Here you go...

"Stripes", Poecilotheria miranda, ~4.5" female - she molted a week ago and the purple highlights come through more intense now

"Stripes", Poecilotheria miranda, ~4.5" female - ...although she is easily scared after her last molt, resulting in her bolting into hiding or "camouflaging" where she is :D

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~5.5" female - Yep, certainly defensive from the get-go, but also very food-intense. Great eater, if left alone very stunning to look at

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~5.5" female - she's a handful for sure!

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~5.5" female - gotta love the intense coloration showing the "Beware - I can and will defend myself! Leave me alone!" message...

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~5.5" female - considering she was eating, she was surprisingly cooperative letting me take some good pics - here top-view.

"Takhisis", Poecilotheria fasciata, ~5.5" female - ...this one was the last before she gave me a slight warning posture telling me to bugger off :)

"Gemma", Euathlus sp. "blue femur", ~4.5" female - *nomnomnom*...feeding time :)

"Gemma", Euathlus sp. "blue femur", ~4.5" female - the water to the left of the pic was due to overflowing her waterdish - sorry the pic got a bit blurry I accidentally used the wrong macro settings

"Gemma", Euathlus sp. "blue femur", ~4.5" female - in all her beauty - looks like your girls Jenn, right? :)

"Aurora", Avicularia minatrix, ~2.75" female - so secretive! You keep this species? You better get used to hardly ever seing them - as secretive as P. irminia :)

"Aurora", Avicularia minatrix, ~2.75" female - but so cute - and fast! :p

"Nyx", Grammostola pulchripes, ~6" female - I don't know why, but she's not really taking food lately and considering she's not famished, I'm not worried....

"Nyx", Grammostola pulchripes, ~6" female - ...she does, however, take to her hide now a lot and frequently. The times I see her being out are less than before...hmmm

That last picture of Nyx was seconds before she gave me a slap when I grabbed the mealworm offering it to her with the tongs again. She most certainly wasn't interested, so I took it out and left her alone. Only opened the cage to refill her waterdish in the first place anyways. Little brat...oh well.

Thanks for checking on my pictures, appreciated!



Old Timer
May 11, 2008
Really good photo work here Jan! And WOW is your P. miranda a looker, stunning! :D


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
A. sp. "amazonica" molted and some more updates...

Really good photo work here Jan! And WOW is your P. miranda a looker, stunning! :D
Thank you for the kind words, Michael! ;) And that P. miranda female starts to worry me somewhat - she's refusing to eat after molting...hmmm. Oh well, I'll give her another couple weeks before starting to worry for real.

Man that minatrix is absolutely stunning! Love the versi shots too!!
Thanks, mate. The minatrix is cute and a total doll mostly. That versi though...meanie! :D

Alright, time for some updates, right? After the desaster with the C. fimbriatus sac I was hoping that "Kyla", my A. sp. "amazonica" female would drop one. Well, she didn't. Instead, she molted and looks to be around the 5 to 5.5" mark now stretched out. She's still not fully hardened and turned down a meal today during feeding, but I snapped some pictures for you guys. She's stunning - as expected. Awesome coloration and I have high hopes she retained her generally friendly disposure. Well...except for getting spooked easily and taking a run. But that's fine with me :). Let's get to it, shall we?

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "amazonica", ~5" female - this and the next pic were taken a couple hours after she molted, while removing the old skin

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "amazonica", ~5" female - she got a little scared obviously...poor girl!

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "amazonica", ~5" female - here's a week passed since molting and she didn't want to eat today, gonna give her a few more days before trying again

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "amazonica", ~5" female - it's extremely warm over here suddenly and my room is at around 95 F currently - WITH the fan going! My T's are doing just fine though.

"Jewel", Homoeomma sp. "blue", ~5.5" female - this girl was complaining sitting in her empty waterdish (i just refilled it yesterday!) - so I dampened her sub some and refilled it again.

"Jewel", Homoeomma sp. "blue", ~5.5" female - also took the liberty of throwing in some mealworms that she hunted down with gusto!

"Jewel", Homoeomma sp. "blue", ~5.5" female - obviously! :)

"Lin", Avicularia versicolor, ~4.5" female - this is one mean versi! She got really skittish and bitey over the last few months...again: Thanks for jinxing it, Chad! *evil eye* :D

"Lin", Avicularia versicolor, ~4.5" female - slightly different angle while hunting her food :)

"Firali", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5" female - this is my mean irminia girl - she's nuts! Perhaps being angry living in a 1gal jar - although she's doing just fine.

"Firali", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5" female - anyways, she hates me. Today for good reason I admit: I decided (since she somehow hid her waterdish...) to spray the enclosure down some with the temps...

"Firali", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5" female - obviously she didn't move to cover as expected, but no - she decided to charge at me! How -dare- I, right? That I just fed her apparently slipped her mind in light of the water...:D

"Aurora", Avicularia minatrix, ~2.75" female - Isn't she a doll? Likes to let her abdomen show in a somewhat twisted way. I didn't even notice her getting that fat. NO food for you, darling!

"Aurora", Avicularia minatrix, ~2.75" female - ...then again with these temps? Alright, one -small- mealworm. But no more! :) Gotta love this girl - she's quite calm usually.

"Kenno", Brachypelma boehmei, ~4" immature male - Yeah, go ahead and stuff your face! Wanted to drop one worm, he slapped the tongs and quickly jetted out into the box with feeders next to his enclosure "all you can eat"! Little brat! *hrmpf*

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~3" female - she may look calm, but boy has this girl a feeding response! I'm not lying when I say "just as my GBB"! She pounces so quickly on anything to watch!

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~3" female - this one I took with slower shutter speed and ISO for comparison. I don't really see the difference - do you?

"Nila", Avicularia azuraklaasi, ~6" female - see how big she is stretched out? Such a bulky Avic - awesome! Moody, too. Decided to try and bite me instead of taking the worm off my tongs. She failed...took the worm frustrated a moment later :D

Alright, folks! That's it for now and as usual: Thanks for checking out my pictures, appreciated!
