thank you, i try very hard to get better with every picture i take. kind of a hobby/obsession if you will. i know theres always room to become better though.
haha...yeah well, she scares me. one of the only Ts i have im acually nervous to do simple maintinece with. because she is a nut case. she held that threat posture for over 4 hours after that joke. and will stike at her own shadow. but weird thing is. she is by far the most active T i own, and is always moving things around, and matts her whole enclosure too even over her water dish.
honestly, theres no telling yet, its only 1.5 inches, as far as i know though missouri had a bad overtake with the chinese mantid(back when magazines made egg cases readily avalible for gardening) so honestly no telling all i know is i have hundreds of the little things because i mated some mantids i found outside my house
haha...shhh..dont tell anyone..but yes! there awsome. still plating around with them a bit but definatly love them. only thing i am disapointed with is that hoya didnt have any that way 67mm to fit. these arent the "best" but work good enough for now. i will definatly be taking lots of macro shots with them
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