ok well this is the last A. henzi sling i have left from the Mo bug hunt(the other one had been paraticized by a small headed fly) i only had two now just one
but this little thing is just "curious" the best way to put it. it loves to be out and explore my arm
thank you Koh. but those pictures dont do her justice. maybe if my photography skills were better i could capture the real beauty of it.(i belive it to be a female but im sending her molt off for a confirmation)
my GBB molted in the midst of the night and i suspected male, but now have confirmd it.
oh well im sure i can find a nice female to breed him with eventually. any way here he is.
thank you. ive decided basically give up sexing her:8o i mean it. because she molted a few days ago, so i decided to get my microscope out and sex it via molt. well letsjust say th end result was wasted molt. :wall: :wall:
man, i havent seen my M. robustum in almost 2 months. I literally put it in its enclosure,and it disapeared untill today! this species is purely gorgeous!
my C. huahini wont burrow. not sure its even an obligate burrower due to its extensive webbing. it acts more like a super mad C. cyanopubenses.(GBB) than anything. either way you cant go wrong. and thanks.
well my T blondi sling decided to molt tonight! maybe it will gain a little more color. this is the best picture i could get without disturbing it too much. (so sorry for the bad quality) enjoy
ive only had the M. robustum for a few months now. but we will see what happens.
i have found the two tricks to keeping humid loving species, is
1. use peat moss- it has less of a chance fore molding because its higher PH levels
2. dont be scared to get it moist- i add a good amount of botteled water
well like i said above, my T. blondi molted last night. but it had a minor set back(one of its leg/toe was crooked some how. it doesnt seem to affect it any but here is a pic. enjoy
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