So how is the T market doing? Inspire me....


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
first... grab ur panties outa ur cornolieus.. wat i said was not a big deal.. next this is a public forum. i can say wat i want. 3rd with it being a public forum and not english class i truthfully dont care how well.. i type my sentences. or run on sentences for that mater..

and to go further since u decided to pm me bc it was such a big deal.. if you mentioned the population of tarantulas as a whole. when talking about breeding and selling i wouldnt say a word. but u spoke at directly the specific "high end" that will make u the most money.. to me that is crappy. take it or leave it. i dont care.

i dont have a problem with anyone. i simply voice my opinions as i see it.. thats it. plain and simple.

and to answer your little tid bit bout humidity in my snake. i bought the snake in mid shed. on crapy woodchips. changed it to shreaded paper and gave it lots of water. im not stupid. but when u buy a 20$ python from a kid who didnt care about it. u have to fix mistakes or carelessness of other ppl. so dont get snippy with me..

and for the record im 22. and i dont care about spelling. go ahead and bash me.. it wont hurt me at all.. have a nice day.

edit- and about the petcoe coment.. i dont buy anything more then supplys at petcoe. i dont buy anything live from their. i actualy havnt bought anything more then crickets their.
How can anyone take this immature individual seriously? You CAN'T. He's overly argumentative and can't throw together a comprehensible statement.

Billru, you sound like a wanna-be know it all.. but that's just me ;)

Prices on anything will go down, the more they are available. There are several threads on here -specifically, one about the most everyone has ever spent on a single T - that illustrates how the pricing on various species has drastically dropped over the years as they become more known and populated in the hobby.

If I were breeding Ts (which I will be, one day) - I will be breeding species that *I* personally enjoy, and hoping to share that enjoyment with others who also enjoy or want to experience that species. Going after a species that you just think is going to make you break even or turn a profit from breeding... that's the wrong reason for pursueing the hobby, in my book. But hey, people do it ALL the time in EVERY hobby... it's human nature.
Bill is BRAND NEW to the hobby. He JUST signed up for AB, just got his first T. And you bash him for having not read the pricing threads?

Offended? Nope. I'm harder to offend than that. What amuses me, is your "holier than thou" attitude in all your posts.. the formality, I suppose. Like even these posts, to you, are a business endeavor. Your AAA personality? Are you a tow company? :?

It's just an internet forum pal.. lighten up.
What? Now you're bashing him for trying to be polite and clear on a forum?

LMAO I love people like you.. nothin' but drama, and tryin' to make other people look as dramatic as possible as well.

Please, continue this soap opera you've created in your own little brain about this thread.. it's quite amusin' :D
Teal - you are the one starting this drama. It's you. Your very first post in this thread called a brand new T owner a "wanna be know it all".

I'm not attempting to "assissinate" anything.. just voicing my opinions, sorry you don't like them :)

I didn't like the way the OP attacked another member for expressing HIS opinion, which was different from the OP's... so I said something about it. Then the OP decided to attack ME... well, *I* can see the trend atleast.
YOU ATTACKED THE OP FIRST! You didn't disagree with him about anything. In fact, he didn't even have an opinion for you to disagree with in the first place! He wanted some information. You were just disgruntled and chose to take it out on him.

But that's just it - it's what YOU believe. Everyone is going to voice their own beliefs, and then defend them.

The OP said in his original post not to flame anyone, and then turned around and flamed someone when he didn't get the response he wanted... and the response he didn't want, was a valid arguement for the 'other side' of the topic.

I'm not here to create drama, but if I disagree with someone or somethin' I have a hard time keepin' my mouth shut :D
No, Jester22 flamed Bill, which was totally and completely unwarranted. As are your posts. It is pathetic the way people (Teal and Jester22) are attacking a brand new member of our hobby. They have no basis for their attacks and their posts lack any substance whatsoever.


Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009

To be totally honest, what you are saying to Bill, and how you are acting is totally off base. He was simply trying to obtain some information on a totally valid question before you and jesters jumped on him. You are the annoying, self righteous, wanna be know it all on this post. To top all of that off, I have spent some time reading through a good bit of the posts you have made here on arachnoboards. Very little of what you have to say is valid information, or worth much other than empty statements/words on a forum.


In regards to your original post, I would say go for it. The market has obviously slowed quite a bit, but will pick back up as the economy does etc... My collection consists mostly of the rare or harder to find stuff. I have quite a bit of the common species as well, but this is not what I am concentrating on. I am trying to concentrate myself on breeding stuff that I know will sell. I am not trying to make money or get rich by doing it, but I am trying to make the hobby self sustaining, or provide some extra spending cash. I would say pick and choose wisely however.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Even if a T breeder makes decent money, most just use it to support their hobby. Even then it pays to breed something popular and price it a bit lower than the competition, you'll make less money off of each sling but you'll sell more slings to make up for it.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2009
One advantage to T's over BPs is that overall, less space is needed. While, if you look at the thread here where people show their T rooms some are quite elaborate, a couples of shelf systems and a number of inexpensive plastic or acrylic containers can start you off very nicely.

I'm sure the large dealers make some money. And if you like T's there's no downside to trying, after all, you'll just end up with a bunch of Ts if you breed them.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Wow...this has spiraled a bit out of control. Hopefully I remember the original point to this thread. I may have been sidetracked though.

Why would it be bad to try and make money doing something you enjoy?

I think even with the cheaper species you can at least break even. For those that do this for the fun of keeping the spiders only, then it doesn't matter either way. Though it is nice to have a hobby that pays for itself. I'm sure some make money off of it as well. Dealers for example.

If you were to breed on a large enough scale you could make money. Another example: Cornsnakes (a market more similar to the arachnid market) are now relatively cheap. Most morphs won't even cost $50.00 for a baby even in a retail establishment. A few years ago some morphs were hundreds for each specimen. (Sound familiar.... just wait P. metallica). Now everyone has them so the price has dropped. If you're the average Joe (wait....I'm Joe(y)....weird) then your pair of cornsnakes may make enough to feed your adults for the year. Now if you have hundreds of females, (which doesn't take that much more effort) it can start bringing in money.

I think the arachnid market is more similar to the corn market than the ball python market. With pythons, if you're the first to breed a species/morph, then you will probably make more. The python market is still in a huge morph craze (sadly...though I'm guilty with my retics). The new morphs are quickly snatched and mixed with others to create the new thing. This isn't happening with spiders. They have much more than the average ball python (4-6 snakes per clutch), and there isn't a new pied morph P. metallica that will bring the price back up once it drops to $50.00 in the next year or so. (A hopeful prediction....maybe I'm wrong.....we'll see).

Finally, until very recently I have kept reptiles with the intent of breeding them. One for the joy of keeping them is seeing babies hatch or be born. I have and continue to sell the babies in order to continue funding my projects. Because I have done this I have reached a point where I can invest in projects that will never make money. In fact, they are what you would call a money pit. They are rare either in the wild or in captivity so I acquired them in order to preserve bloodlines and protect this species so that it will exist once the morons that are destroying its habitat succeed in driving it to extinction. I attribute my ability to acquire these not so profitable projects directly to my entering the hobby for the love of it, but with a business savvy mind as well. You can do both. They are not mutually exclusive.
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Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
JFB and smitty - I don't care if the guy is brand new, or if it was RobC... if I think someone is coming across like a jerk, I'm gonna say so. Plain and simple - I didn't like the way the guy was sounding. Maybe I'm the only one who saw it, which is fine (wouldn't be the first time LOL).

*I* never claimed to be helpful or valid or whathaveyou... I'm here to learn just like alot of others, and to show off my growing collection. But when someone comes across the way I saw Bill coming across - WHICH apparently I am the only one who saw it that way - I respond accordingly.

Really, that's all there is to it. I don't like "drama"... but I express my opinion.


Nov 18, 2009

It is good to know this group is worth working with. There are definitely some class acts on this forum. Thank you for your words of support. I am very appreciative of the nice comments. I am new and would love to become an experienced T breeder. It will take some time, but with my daughter by my side and the forum here to support us how can we lose.

Thanks 1000 times,
Bill R.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
JFB and smitty - I don't care if the guy is brand new, or if it was RobC... if I think someone is coming across like a jerk, I'm gonna say so. Plain and simple - I didn't like the way the guy was sounding. Maybe I'm the only one who saw it, which is fine (wouldn't be the first time LOL).

*I* never claimed to be helpful or valid or whathaveyou... I'm here to learn just like alot of others, and to show off my growing collection. But when someone comes across the way I saw Bill coming across - WHICH apparently I am the only one who saw it that way - I respond accordingly.

Really, that's all there is to it. I don't like "drama"... but I express my opinion.
I think it is easier to learn from listening, not talking. I also think you would be a little less abrasive if you'd loose the bold typeface, kinda feels like you're yelling all the time.:)


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2009

It is good to know this group is worth working with. There are definitely some class acts on this forum. Thank you for your words of support. I am very appreciative of the nice comments. I am new and would love to become an experienced T breeder. It will take some time, but with my daughter by my side and the forum here to support us how can we lose.

Thanks 1000 times,
Bill R.
Look through the thread of setups. And, maybe this is too soon, but look through the descriptions of vendors and see what makes the best ones.

Good luck!!


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
The difficulty of the task of retraining my brain to NOT put the bold tags on the start and finish of posts is not an endeavor I'd like to set out on, thanks though :)

'A little less abrasive' is just not something that describes me {D


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2009
'A little less abrasive' is just not something that describes me
What a difficult life, to be abrasive all the time. A soft word can often persuade more easily, and make friends, and a future.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Really guys? Really? lol

I am a very sweet person, actually.. I smile at strangers on the street, and if someone says hi, I say hi back ;) But if I have something to say - I say it.

Me, a troll? Me thinks you don't pay much attention :rolleyes:

Annnd this marks the end of my involvement in pointless thread drama! Thanks yall ;)


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Wow.....Hello everyone..........LOL


You guys crack me up......

As I started reading this thread....I didn't think it would be this investment of mental energy/evaluation and time....

Jayefbe is his contexts........;)

Allota good points throughout thread.........
Ball Pythons.............Well - Probably the Dictionary pic of "Greedy Reptile Venture"....should be placed....Quite frankly...........

Think about it Everyone..............If you Try to make money at an animals expense....for the wrong reasons....It either does not work out......Or, you are Un-happy with end result.......

Do-it for fun and ..... You can make a couple dollars back if so capable of efficiently marketing...And ofcourse.....Those types, Usually Re-Invest in the Hobby, they truly LOVE and learn from/about and Enjoy!

Royal Pythons are pretty and easy......

Tarantulas will go steadily down in price........Just like Ball Pythons.........
I bought a ball last week c.b. Father was Albino - $10
Bought a P.Metallica last week for $185
In 12 months I'll be able to buy a sling for $75

There will be "other" spiders that will be valuable and profitable arising-natural-cycle.

Near Jay and I..............A seller offered multiple Females and Adult P.Metals
At LOW-LOW prices like Wall-Mart.........It's a matter of time....................

Finally - It IS, O.K. to make a little $$$ in a hobby that you Enjoy..............

Teal is a Pretty Color:rolleyes:

Jason - "Lost more than I made in Hobby" {Long-run} Un-like POKER
Po-Po-PO-Poker face...........Come - on, I'm holdin' a Joker - LOL{D

Oh - And if you call someone a "Troll", is that cause you're MAD you paid a Price ?
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Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007

You guys crack me up......

As I started reading this thread....I didn't think it would be this investment of mental energy/evaluation and time....

Jayefbe is his contexts........;)

Allota good points throughout thread.........
Ball Pythons.............Well - Probably the Dictionary pic of "Greedy Reptile Venture"....should be placed....Quite frankly...........

Think about it Everyone..............If you Try to make money at an animals expense....for the wrong reasons....It either does not work out......Or, you are Un-happy with end result.......

Do-it for fun and ..... You can make a couple dollars back if so capable of efficiently marketing...And ofcourse.....Those types, Usually Re-Invest in the Hobby, they truly LOVE and learn from/about and Enjoy!

Royal Pythons are pretty and easy......

Tarantulas will go steadily down in price........Just like Ball Pythons.........
I bought a ball last week c.b. Father was Albino - $10
Bought a P.Metallica last week for $185
In 12 months I'll be able to buy a sling for $75

There will be "other" spiders that will be valuable and profitable arising-natural-cycle.

Near Jay and I..............A seller offered multiple Females and Adult P.Metals
At LOW-LOW prices like Wall-Mart.........It's a matter of time....................

Finally - It IS, O.K. to make a little $$$ in a hobby that you Enjoy..............

Teal is a Pretty Color:rolleyes:

Jason - "Lost more than I made in Hobby" {Long-run} Un-like POKER
Po-Po-PO-Poker face...........Come - on, I'm holdin' a Joker - LOL{D

Oh - And if you call someone a "Troll", is that cause you're MAD you paid a Price ?

Wow. No ofense but that was really hard to understand. :confused:


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
LOL - More laughter

But - You UNDERSTOOD it your sayin' ?

No offense detected...... You must use "right-gaurd":D


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
You are Patting yourself on back ?


Good trade....Wow......You the man.......:rolleyes:

How much are the tolls you pay the "trolls" :evil: ?:D Is that, WHERE all the $$$ is Goin'?.............................LOL

Golden-Gate is $6 Now!!!!!!!!!!!


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008

You guys crack me up......

As I started reading this thread....I didn't think it would be this investment of mental energy/evaluation and time....

Jayefbe is his contexts........;)

Allota good points throughout thread.........
Ball Pythons.............Well - Probably the Dictionary pic of "Greedy Reptile Venture"....should be placed....Quite frankly...........

Think about it Everyone..............If you Try to make money at an animals expense....for the wrong reasons....It either does not work out......Or, you are Un-happy with end result.......

Do-it for fun and ..... You can make a couple dollars back if so capable of efficiently marketing...And ofcourse.....Those types, Usually Re-Invest in the Hobby, they truly LOVE and learn from/about and Enjoy!

Royal Pythons are pretty and easy......

Tarantulas will go steadily down in price........Just like Ball Pythons.........
I bought a ball last week c.b. Father was Albino - $10
Bought a P.Metallica last week for $185
In 12 months I'll be able to buy a sling for $75

There will be "other" spiders that will be valuable and profitable arising-natural-cycle.

Near Jay and I..............A seller offered multiple Females and Adult P.Metals
At LOW-LOW prices like Wall-Mart.........It's a matter of time....................

Finally - It IS, O.K. to make a little $$$ in a hobby that you Enjoy..............

Teal is a Pretty Color:rolleyes:

Jason - "Lost more than I made in Hobby" {Long-run} Un-like POKER
Po-Po-PO-Poker face...........Come - on, I'm holdin' a Joker - LOL{D

Oh - And if you call someone a "Troll", is that cause you're MAD you paid a Price ?
Yep 35$ female P> met!