So how is the T market doing? Inspire me....


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2009
While I'm somewhat of an ArachnoNoob, I think I'd have to side with Bill on this one. Breeding for the hobby is a plus, but should he have to forfeit a profit, or at least, cover his overhead, just to supply us with some T's?

I'm all for voicing your opinions, but if you want somebody to take you seriously, you should consider cleaning up the grammar and punctuation. It's not a guarantee that people will listen to you, but it helps.

I think, if Bill wants to breed the high end T's, let him. Regardless of his motives, it brings those T's to the hobby, and if people pay his prices, they chose to pay those prices.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Billru, you sound like a wanna-be know it all.. but that's just me ;)

Prices on anything will go down, the more they are available. There are several threads on here -specifically, one about the most everyone has ever spent on a single T - that illustrates how the pricing on various species has drastically dropped over the years as they become more known and populated in the hobby.

If I were breeding Ts (which I will be, one day) - I will be breeding species that *I* personally enjoy, and hoping to share that enjoyment with others who also enjoy or want to experience that species. Going after a species that you just think is going to make you break even or turn a profit from breeding... that's the wrong reason for pursueing the hobby, in my book. But hey, people do it ALL the time in EVERY hobby... it's human nature.


Oct 31, 2009
In my opinion ( Criticism is welcome ) I believe that the "market" for tarantulas is never ending. 930 Some species of tarantulas has been described so far. Experts believe there may well be over 1000. If i were to say i wanted to find every single species of tarantula that has been described to date. I think i would be looking till my death. It may even be impossible. Some of the tarantulas that are often sought after ( P metallica,E olivacea etc.) are really the tip of a large iceberg. Many of the tarantulas that have been described have never been seen since. Or have never had any extensive study's done about them. In time we will see many Tarantulas come into our hobby that will be breathtakingly Beautiful. And many people will pay a high price for them. The sad side to it all is, Alot of Species that has been Described are actually endangered. So we didnt even know they existed and when we did there almost wiped out. Mostly due to habitat destruction. And that is the reason why i promote active breeding and selling. It can only help the species. Any way's i hope that gave you some insight. Good luck and keep us updated. :D


Nov 18, 2009
In my opinion ( Criticism is welcome ) I believe that the "market" for tarantulas is never ending. 930 Some species of tarantulas has been described so far. Experts believe there may well be over 1000. If i were to say i wanted to find every single species of tarantula that has been described to date. I think i would be looking till my death. It may even be impossible. Some of the tarantulas that are often sought after ( P metallica,E olivacea etc.) are really the tip of a large iceberg. Many of the tarantulas that have been described have never been seen since. Or have never had any extensive study's done about them. In time we will see many Tarantulas come into our hobby that will be breathtakingly Beautiful. And many people will pay a high price for them. The sad side to it all is, Alot of Species that has been Described are actually endangered. So we didnt even know they existed and when we did there almost wiped out. Mostly due to habitat destruction. And that is the reason why i promote active breeding and selling. It can only help the species. Any way's i hope that gave you some insight. Good luck and keep us updated. :D
I think you are right on target. Believe me, coming from the Ball Python hobby...The only way you are going to grow the BP market is by bringing in new upcoming breeders. Not many normal pet enthusiast are going to buy a 1000.00 Ball just to have sitting in a tank. If you keep bringing in new blood to grow the breeding of high end Ts, you will get better quality and better genetic spiders. It is a number game. For someone to say that breeding out high dollar Ts will be the end, is just clueless. The people that will make Ts strong will be the people that love them enough to breed them, and yes, to sell what they breed so they can help cover some costs along the way. Believe me, know one is going to get into T breeding just to make money. That is just ridiculous. You will do it because you like to breed animals and in general anyone that has bred anything knows it takes a lot of hard work....And that hard work should be rewarded if you are lucky enough to breed something out.

Bill R.


Nov 18, 2009
Billru, you sound like a wanna-be know it all.. but that's just me ;)

Prices on anything will go down, the more they are available. There are several threads on here -specifically, one about the most everyone has ever spent on a single T - that illustrates how the pricing on various species has drastically dropped over the years as they become more known and populated in the hobby.

If I were breeding Ts (which I will be, one day) - I will be breeding species that *I* personally enjoy, and hoping to share that enjoyment with others who also enjoy or want to experience that species. Going after a species that you just think is going to make you break even or turn a profit from breeding... that's the wrong reason for pursueing the hobby, in my book. But hey, people do it ALL the time in EVERY hobby... it's human nature.
Hey Teal,

One thing I have learned about people in my 43 years of life is this. When someone accuses another person of being a know it all. Well I have learned who the real know it all is. You just picked up on my AAA personality, and I am cool with that. No one will walk all over me. I defended myself, and I think I did it with some class. Sorry you were offended by it. No one will walk over me on any forum unless I deserve it. A 22 year old kid will not walk all over me about my desire to breed Ts. I think I deserve a little more credit than that.



Old Timer
Dec 28, 2005
Good Morning !

Whats to argue in this thread....a guy just wanted some info...Duh?


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2009
Cool, some e-drama. Love the smell of e-drama in the morning. Here's a picture. It's highly unrelated.

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Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
I enjoy T's and have for many decades, but what is wrong with making a profit? If I can breed a few T's and make a few bucks, why not? No one will get rich breeding T's but for me a lot of the fun is the challenge of producing more, and if I take a lot of time to do that, why can't I make a few bucks? If someone wants to spend a lot of money to buy high end T's to breed them, with the chance they may get some of their investment back or maybe make a little money, go for it. Breeding, collecting and selling T's is never purely about money, even for the dealers on these boards. Even the bigger sellers on these who are caring for a 1000 T's and making a little money are in it for the love of the hobby, because I can guarantee they are working very hard and not getting rich. I just don't understand the anti-profit sentiment that sometimes creeps up on these boards. I assume it comes from the big WC dealers that primarilly sell to pet stores.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Hey Teal,

One thing I have learned about people in my 43 years of life is this. When someone accuses another person of being a know it all. Well I have learned who the real know it all is. You just picked up on my AAA personality, and I am cool with that. No one will walk all over me. I defended myself, and I think I did it with some class. Sorry you were offended by it. No one will walk over me on any forum unless I deserve it. A 22 year old kid will not walk all over me about my desire to breed Ts. I think I deserve a little more credit than that.


Offended? Nope. I'm harder to offend than that. What amuses me, is your "holier than thou" attitude in all your posts.. the formality, I suppose. Like even these posts, to you, are a business endeavor. Your AAA personality? Are you a tow company? :?

It's just an internet forum pal.. lighten up.


Nov 18, 2009

Offended? Nope. I'm harder to offend than that. What amuses me, is your "holier than thou" attitude in all your posts.. the formality, I suppose. Like even these posts, to you, are a business endeavor. Your AAA personality? Are you a tow company? :?

It's just an internet forum pal.. lighten up.
You are a total hypocrite...Take a look in the mirror. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. What a laugh. You definitely need to reread a lot of your posts. Look, no one is going to call me out and not get blasted back. It is a forum. Unfortunately filled with people that can't think. I don't blast people. But I do Blast people back. Again, you need to lighten up. Are you the unofficial hall moderator. People like you that hijack threads to make your self look so innocent crack me up. Go moderate someone else.



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
LMAO I love people like you.. nothin' but drama, and tryin' to make other people look as dramatic as possible as well.

Please, continue this soap opera you've created in your own little brain about this thread.. it's quite amusin' :D


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
@OP - I'd say that if you have the funds and understand the risk, go for it and enjoy, best of luck to you. Inverts aren't a very strong or stable market from what I can see, but chances are you won't make too much money, just take a shot with one pair to 'test the waters.' If you are pleased with the results, get more pairs and increase the production of slings.

I do think the ball python, corn snake, crested gecko, boa constrictor, leopard gecko, and <insert random generic reptile, usually one that comes in genetically "enhanced forms"> markets are currently in a state of decline/sufferage, this is largely due to a very high supply fueled by the illusion of being able to produce crazy, high price morphs that sell. I see hundreds of hobbyists online and off trying to produce investment quality animals, most are unsuccessful because there are more of the above listed herps produced than people than there are consumers. It now seems as if over half the people you see buying these animals expect to make the hobby a part time or even full time occupation when in fact very few people could generate the means to sustain themselves solely off the hobby. This may also happen to the spider market if it expands enough.

To paraphrase, I would recommend not getting into spiders for financial reasons. Spider prices are dropping as well as there is less and less demand for what used to be the "holy grail."

LMAO I love people like you.. nothin' but drama, and tryin' to make other people look as dramatic as possible as well.

Please, continue this soap opera you've created in your own little brain about this thread.. it's quite amusin' :D
I'm sure you'd be displeasured by the obvious, non-delusional idea that you've created more "drama" on this thread than any one else. Let's just relax and tolerate the innocent views, opinions and hopes of others here without flaming them before you even see the 'full picture.' Quit attempting to assassinate a new online personality's character.

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Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I'm not attempting to "assissinate" anything.. just voicing my opinions, sorry you don't like them :)

I didn't like the way the OP attacked another member for expressing HIS opinion, which was different from the OP's... so I said something about it. Then the OP decided to attack ME... well, *I* can see the trend atleast.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
I'm not attempting to "assissinate" anything.. just voicing my opinions, sorry you don't like them :)

I didn't like the way the OP attacked another member for expressing HIS opinion, which was different from the OP's... so I said something about it. Then the OP decided to attack ME... well, *I* can see the trend atleast.
I realize that he is replying in somewhat of an infractable manner, but I also believe that he didn't warrant the replies he got back for his original post either. I'm just saying that we all need to step back and cool off.

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Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
But that's just it - it's what YOU believe. Everyone is going to voice their own beliefs, and then defend them.

The OP said in his original post not to flame anyone, and then turned around and flamed someone when he didn't get the response he wanted... and the response he didn't want, was a valid arguement for the 'other side' of the topic.

I'm not here to create drama, but if I disagree with someone or somethin' I have a hard time keepin' my mouth shut :D


Nov 18, 2009
But that's just it - it's what YOU believe. Everyone is going to voice their own beliefs, and then defend them.

The OP said in his original post not to flame anyone, and then turned around and flamed someone when he didn't get the response he wanted... and the response he didn't want, was a valid arguement for the 'other side' of the topic.

I'm not here to create drama, but if I disagree with someone or somethin' I have a hard time keepin' my mouth shut :D

You and several other people have misread my original post so bad it is really over for me. I don't know what else I can say. You have made your point and I have made mine. Good luck to you.

Bill R.


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
In your original post you said that you didnt want this to turn into a "slamming people" type of thread. But you are the one doing 60% of the slamming.

Not trying to offend you or anything, and I know that you are just defending yourself, but dont let words make you this angry. The mods will step in (shortly, im sure) and clean up this thread anyways, so there is no point in arguing with anybody unless you want to get yourself an infraction.

Im not trying to argue/pick on/ be rude/ call you out, or anything of that nature. Im sure your a nice guy, but im just trying to say that you should get the thread back on target before the moderators get involved.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
But that's just it - it's what YOU believe. Everyone is going to voice their own beliefs, and then defend them.

The OP said in his original post not to flame anyone, and then turned around and flamed someone when he didn't get the response he wanted... and the response he didn't want, was a valid arguement for the 'other side' of the topic.

I'm not here to create drama, but if I disagree with someone or somethin' I have a hard time keepin' my mouth shut :D
Fair enough, go about your dealings, I'm just hoping for more leniency and not leaping on a bus against a new keeper that really didn't seem to have created this thread in the slightest of malice. It would be a shame to see this poster deterred from the forum by some of the posts on this thread.



Roach Lovers Mom
Old Timer
Jan 27, 2008
I was going to put some input on your original 1st post about how the good T breeders & dealers are nice & there are a few that arent but the actions on this thread alone made my point. Most are really, really great, some arent. I hope you just take the plunge, find a couple of really nice people to deal with & just let the others do their e-drama thing. I know I have bought from a few really nice people & I just keep going back to them. The ones I have met that are scammers & liars, get a bad review & hope they get out of the hobby. Its too small to play the above games. Kim


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
Seriously, there have been 3 people in this thread that have had a problem with Bill. The original incomprehensible firestarter, Teal, and J.huff. Everyone else realized that Bill was just new to the hobby, and wanted to get some information about breeding/selling tarantulas. It's difficult to lay out a few thousand dollars on higher end tarantulas if there is no chance of making some of that money back.

Let's get one thing straight here. Anyone who keeps and breeds tarantulas is in it because they are passionate about keeping and breeding tarantulas. Nobody is keeping tarantulas for the money. Honestly, to accuse someone of breeding T's for the money is laughable! If I never see someone accuse another hobbyist of that again, it will be too soon. There IS NO MONEY in tarantulas.

Teal - I do not know where your arguments with Bill are coming from. You called him a "wanna be know it all" when he was clear from the very start that he is brand new to the hobby and only wanted some information. The original incomprehensible hateful poster made some ridiculous and immature comments, and Bill responded to them. I don't know where you are getting the impression that Bill is trying to be elitist. In fact, not a single thing you have posted in this thread has made a bit of sense to me. You've, for some illogical reason, taken personal offense to Bill. For the life of me, I can not see why.