Snake Identification

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
You are quite welcome. If you ever hear any similar claims, let me know. I'd like to know if it is an actual piece of folklore or just a fabrication made up to pull peoples legs. Which is probably the motivation for most folklore, now that I think about it.
Heck, as far as I know, the fellow that have made the story up on the spot, but I really don't think so. Mainly because he did not claim to witness the feat, just that he had heard of it.

So far searches have reveled nothing, but I did tun on to an account of the "Howler Monkey Snake", a creature with the head of a howler monkey and the body of a boa constrictor. That one was new to me also


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
I have a couple of swedish tales:

Viper females climb up a tree to give birth so the babies drop to the ground othervise they bite and kill her

The same species can roll up to a wheel by biting its tail and roll down a hill to escape predators



Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
Yeah I agree Gopher or Bull snake. They seem to be pretty common pets too, I know my father used to have one when he was a kid. They can get up to about 6 feet long too I think.
They are fun pet snakes. Gopher's will puff up a bit and hiss and will rattle their tails like rattlesnakes. They are not venemous. I own a pair of gopher snakes myself.