Snake Identification


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2006
Can someone please check out the following thread and let me know what species is pictured and possible venom "level" please?

Thank you for your time, I will assemble the information given in this thread and repost it in the other forum, with props of course and a link to this thread.


Old Timer
May 12, 2006
It's not venemous. I'd say its a Bull snake or Gopher snake, or some sort of Pituophis relative. Pretty find. =)


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2004
Looks like a nice gopher to me too. Alot of huffing and puffing but non-venomous. Great to keep as pets.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
Really pretty markings on that one. The pattern degenerates in reverse from most I have seen(pattern by head has more 'noise' than tail).


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2006
Thank you for taking the time to identify this critter! Thank you again.



Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
Yeah I agree Gopher or Bull snake. They seem to be pretty common pets too, I know my father used to have one when he was a kid. They can get up to about 6 feet long too I think.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
just for future reference..there are only 4 really venomous snakes in the us.
corals, rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths.
once you learn what those four look like, you're set.
nice bull/gopher snake, though!

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
If only more people would learn that. Here is a field guide to snakes in my area

Milk Snake= Copperhead. Kill it!

Common Water Snake=Cottonmouth. Kill it!

Juvenile Black Rat Snake=Copperhead. Kill it!

Mature Black Snake with juvie pattern slightly apparent=Copperhead-Black snake hybrid. Kill it!

Hog-nosed snake=Something that must be deadly. Kill it!

Garter Snake=Well, better safe than sorry. Kill it!

Any other species=It's a snake, dammitt! Kill it!


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
If only more people would learn that. Here is a field guide to snakes in my area

Milk Snake= Copperhead. Kill it!

Common Water Snake=Cottonmouth. Kill it!

Juvenile Black Rat Snake=Copperhead. Kill it!

Mature Black Snake with juvie pattern slightly apparent=Copperhead-Black snake hybrid. Kill it!

Hog-nosed snake=Something that must be deadly. Kill it!

Garter Snake=Well, better safe than sorry. Kill it!

Any other species=It's a snake, dammitt! Kill it!
not sure where you're from, but in the land of the idiot rednecks, Texas, the only good snakes are purportedly dead snakes.:wall:
these idiots still think that snakes can roll into hops and roll away, and that snakes have legs, 18 ft rattlesnakes, 10 foot cottonmouths, just like you said, everything here is a cottonmouth hybrid and must be killed.

to be honest, i have caught collected snakes from everywhere, and have never encountered a cottonmouth yet.
alwys a watersnake.
its danged rediculous.{D


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
It's absolutely out of control! I grew up catching the native snakes around Bryan tx. My grandfather had 1000's of acres and allot of it was floodplain. I herped out there all the time. I never saw a Cottonmouth. They are in Brazos county but not very common but to most people, they are all over the place. It's the Broad-banded watersnake and the Diamond-backed
watersnake that have people whacking the snakes there because to them, they look like Cottonmouths. So many people think that a snake that strikes is venomous. It just has me shaking my head. When I run and grab a snake when I'm around someone like that, they just don't know what to do or say. Ha, kinda funny.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
yeah, galap!
man..i dont even know where to start with these people and their 2000 year old mindset.
when i used to go catch the diamondback watersnakes at our local lake for fun, we used to see them sun basking by the dozens on fallen cattails, along with grahams, ribbons, and a few others.
we used to run and leap from the bank onto the piles of basking snakes, grab them as fast as we could, and fling them onto the land, then swim back and get them before they made it back in the water.
people used to freak out and run into each other trying to get away from us.
if we started walking around the lake edge in one direction, with a pillowcase full of em, and a few large ones in our hands,people sunbathing and whatever, would start to walk fast or run away in the direction we were going..if we picked up the pace a bit, soon enough we had a large line of people going around the lake.

man many good stories about that lake, and the snakes there.:D


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Ha, man that's funny! Did you mention the 2000 year old thing because of the Adam and Eve thing and the "snake/serpent"? That's what I was thinking when I was typing. Just added to the irrational thinking I think. Man against nature! Kill nature! Crazy. I found my first Smallmouth salamander when I was around 11. Some old man saw me walking home with it and he started to panic. "Dat tings poisnus! Put dat ting down, put it down!" I started running man!


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
Ha, man that's funny! Did you mention the 2000 year old thing because of the Adam and Eve thing and the "snake/serpent"? That's what I was thinking when I was typing. Just added to the irrational thinking I think. Man against nature! Kill nature! Crazy. I found my first Smallmouth salamander when I was around 11. Some old man saw me walking home with it and he started to panic. "Dat tings poisnus! Put dat ting down, put it down!" I started running man!
lol..yeah, i was thinking about that too..that and this one neighbor of mine who used to tell me that when she lived in the country as a kid, that snakes would chase her home form school everyday..even waited on her.
she really, really, believed this to be true!..she was so traumatized..and sid when she ran home and looked out,she could see the snakes still hanging around.
of course i laughed at her..and she would get angry at me.
so as the years went by, hundreds of snakes, and stories from her side, one day..i was in her from yard, showing some kids my eastern hognose, and she comes out and stands there with this very perplexed look on her face.
she finally said''Teddy, i always wondered do those things move so fast, do they have little legs under them?''
she asked this with the most curious and serious look on her face.

i think i left my snake there i ran off laughing so hard.
once i put a ribbon snake in her fish tank;)
i used to really prey on her because of her antiquated mentality.



Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
HA! Oh man, I don't think I can top that one. "legs" ...ha, left the snake... I have talked to several people in Bryan Tx that thought a tarantula could jump 12 feet. I confess though, I would laugh at people that thought Horned lizards could squirt blood, then when I was 11, I get nailed! Someone should start an "old wives' tale" thread.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
A few years ago, a fellow on a message board spoke of how he had heard of a snake that somehow applied it's venom to a rock and then flung the poisoned rocks with it's tail at people. I think he said it was in Greece.

I pretty much laughed off the idea and explained that no snake on this planet did such a thing. The next thing I knew, I got a private message from a real-world friend who also happened to post at that message board. In it, she proclaimed that "Just because you like snakes, doesn't mean you know everything about them."
I was flabbergasted. I explained that I do not , in fact claim to know everything about snakes, but do recognize folklore when I hear it. It was a bone of good-natured contention between her and I for quite a while. Whenever i made any sort of claim about anything after that incident, I would always preface it with "Well, I just like" (whatever the subject would be at the time), "I don't know everything about them, but...." and then continue with my statement.
I also took to warning her to beware of those rock-flinging snakes.

Having told this tale, I now fully expect someone to come into this thread and post "But the Greek Seven-Lined Mountain Viper, Rockaflingus greco,does just that. It flings envenomated rocks at it's chief prey, the flightless Greek three-legged booby, Boobicus tripodicus" !
And probably they will post provide wikipedia links to support their claim and youtube footage of this snake in action, and a link to their photobucket folder full of pictures of their breeding colony of the snakes.
And I'll have to e-mail it all to my friend and apologize for thinking that I know everything about snakes. I hate it when that happens.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
A few years ago, a fellow on a message board spoke of how he had heard of a snake that somehow applied it's venom to a rock and then flung the poisoned rocks with it's tail at people. I think he said it was in Greece.

I pretty much laughed off the idea and explained that no snake on this planet did such a thing. The next thing I knew, I got a private message from a real-world friend who also happened to post at that message board. In it, she proclaimed that "Just because you like snakes, doesn't mean you know everything about them."
I was flabbergasted. I explained that I do not , in fact claim to know everything about snakes, but do recognize folklore when I hear it. It was a bone of good-natured contention between her and I for quite a while. Whenever i made any sort of claim about anything after that incident, I would always preface it with "Well, I just like" (whatever the subject would be at the time), "I don't know everything about them, but...." and then continue with my statement.
I also took to warning her to beware of those rock-flinging snakes.

Having told this tale, I now fully expect someone to come into this thread and post "But the Greek Seven-Lined Mountain Viper, Rockaflingus greco,does just that. It flings envenomated rocks at it's chief prey, the flightless Greek three-legged booby, Boobicus tripodicus" !
And probably they will post provide wikipedia links to support their claim and youtube footage of this snake in action, and a link to their photobucket folder full of pictures of their breeding colony of the snakes.
And I'll have to e-mail it all to my friend and apologize for thinking that I know everything about snakes. I hate it when that happens.
oh man!! classic!
thats a new one for me...LOL
the folks from south of texas used to try to tell me that when a rattlesnake drinks water, they take their venom sac out and lay it beside them..and thats how you can catch them.:D


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
HA! Oh man, I don't think I can top that one. "legs" ...ha, left the snake... I have talked to several people in Bryan Tx that thought a tarantula could jump 12 feet. I confess though, I would laugh at people that thought Horned lizards could squirt blood, then when I was 11, I get nailed! Someone should start an "old wives' tale" thread.
true...a truths and myths kinda thread


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
A few years ago, a fellow on a message board spoke of how he had heard of a snake that somehow applied it's venom to a rock and then flung the poisoned rocks with it's tail at people. I think he said it was in Greece.
Thats a new one! Thanks for sharing!
