haha I just went trough my photobucket...LOL...yeah your right at one time I had five scorps in one tank two Het. sp. and three P.imps including a baby. I guess i put the wrong picture. Hmmm.... if i remember correctly it's the same scorps as the next picture. Well it doesn't matter i ID'd them both as H. spinifers since they looked exactly the same except one was bigger. But you could be right too. I gave away my last one but I still have one I'll take a better pic for you.Sorry dudes, I can't keep up with the posts with this piece. Sorry I can't see everybody's pics. The emps are pretty big Paul. I bought an adult mouse to feed a rat snake. But just for the hell of it, I put it in with one of the emps to see what the emp would do. That sucker was 110% going to kill and eat that mouse. I didn't want to be cruel so I took the mouse away immediately and gave it to the rat snake. The snake squeezed the hell out of it til it's eyeballs and brains popped out of it's head, I felt allot better ...anywhooooooo, I think they're about 6 inches but they sure look bigger don't they... Yeah Abyss, I know what you mean. I can't see my pics either! A piece of junk I have! But no, that little one in the first pic with the two "adults", I'm pretty sure you have a Heterometrus there. Petco was selling H. laoticus here with a bunch of emps. They didn't know. That sure looks like a Heterometrus to me. The chela are too big for it's body to be an emp and should prob have more granulation on the chela even as a young emp. Man I'm sure no scorp expert but I still have 4 of them that look like that little one in the first pic. It'd be cool to post a better pic of it. Congrats if it's a Hetero, don't know when we'll see those in the stores again.
Ahh, now I see your second pic, it's just a close up of the scene in the first pic.
6 inches with the tail, I know they look bigger.
swammerdami spinifer longimanus etcSo they're all called that? There's no different names for the different species?
Was under the impression spinifer was the Asian forest scorp and swammerdami was Indian something.. no?
What I would give for a swammerdami...They are just so cool but they are extreamly rare in the states because of indian export laws. ~ RexAnybody got Heterometrus swammerdami or Heterometrus spinifer?
Here is a link to a picture of the 2 forms of emperors, forest & Savannah, the picture has been floating around but belongs to Pandinu.net here is a link to the pic I uploaded to my photobucket account -->HERE<-- The forest form are probably the record holders of 20cm.Keep posting piccies people! Any of the big species please
I read that emperors have the upper range of 8 inches in length? (That's 20cm to us metric sytem users)
Don't get me wrong, I like my emps and all, but gawd are they boring. The only reason I've seen them in the last two weeks is because I lifted the hide today to see if they were still alive! Lol! Seriously, great looking animals, and I am glad to have a pair, but my flat rock and C. vitts are so much more fun. (Although my flat rocks been hiding for 3-4 days now, haha).Holy crap. You people are so so lucky. What I wouldn't give for an emperor and a big Asian forest scorp! So shiny... Are the Asian Forests more agressive?
Yeah Heterometrus sp. are typically more skittish, but still not to the point where I'd label them as defensive. It also depends on individuals.Holy crap. You people are so so lucky. What I wouldn't give for an emperor and a big Asian forest scorp! So shiny... Are the Asian Forests more agressive?