Should I let my T. burrow ?


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2006
i give all my burrowers enough dirt to burrow. i have a couple of adult A.seemanni's, one burrows and the other don't. the one sling that i have also burrows.

it's kinda sad to see a known burrowing specie just sitting there on thin dirt...and an empty least to me...


Old Timer
May 8, 2007
One of my favorite things about t's is watching the daily progress of their earth moving projects. Right now my L parahybana sling is making major changes to the layout every night. It moved the door, added a living room and built a dirtbike ramp in the backyard all this week! All my terrestrials get deep 'strate and starter borrows near the glass so i can watch them diggin'. I dig it!
Same here. My favorite part of keeping young Ts is watching the little suckers go to work on their pads. I wish I was half as dedicated to decorating the abode.

My seemani has the best hook up. At only about .75" it has dug below a small piece of cork bark that circumvents the whole vial, and ends in a nice efficiancy apartment right on the bottom of the enclosure. Sure I can't see it all the time, but when I lift the cork bark and drop a crick in the vial, it comes out in a hurry.


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
I was reading in the Tarantula Keepers guide that it is best not put burrowing species of T's in a position were they are able to burrow.It says that if you do you will rarely ever see them again.I have a Aphonopelma Seemanni,should I let it burrow or not?
well yes, naturally. i mean, why would you stress a burrower out like that just to make it eye candy for a showpiece? if you plan on keeping it in the same enclosure for a long period of time, let the T burrow like it naturally does. if it's just for a few hours at like a sale or something, don't worry.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2005
I would let them borrow, just "help" them to burrow where you want, and you can still watch them ;)

With this setup, my Citharischius crawshayi have never been agressiv or defensive. If I scare it, it just runs down her safe burrow :)

And I think it`s interesting to see them do "their natural things".

BTW: Here abdomen has lost it`s hairs due to shipping stress. After molt