Scoprion vs Mouse


Old Timer
Apr 28, 2009
So this guy actually forced the two to fight? How the hell is that natural? Nothing pisses me off more than these kinds of people. Its not quite like Dog Fighting but its close. First, in nature, there would be a way for either to escape each other and they most likely would have a flight rather than fight response. The purpose of this forum is for scorpion owners to learn more about their pets, its not an avenue to show "fight videos". :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
There is a cruel aspect of wanting to see something like that over and over again. If that's the case, I think the person needs to work out some issues. I introduced a mouse to an Emp one time. It was a short experiment. I had a couple of what people call "forest emps". They stand out in the crowd, no denying it when compared to a 4 or 5 incher. I still think it's genetic and don't think it's oxygen related. There are studies that show field grasses produce more oxygen than trees per a given acre, simply more leaf surface area per acre with bunched grasses compared to crowded trees. Anyway, I bought a "jumbo" mouse for a snake I had. But impulsively, I decided to see if one of the scorps would go for it. It did, it was going to kill and eat that mouse, it was not a fight, the mouse was going to be food for the scorpion. I took the mouse away from that scorp before it could kill and eat it, but not before the scorp broke it's back leg. The mouse then went to one of my snakes asap. Sad to see that but I was impressed the big emp took on such a large animal. Most scorpions have the instinct to run from mammals, but not the bigger imperators.