Robc's picture thread


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
GBB molt pics

Well one of my little GBB's molted...he is about 1" maybe slightly bigger...

Post-molt pics of my huge T. Blondi, Zilla

My big female T. Blondi decided to come out of her den for a few minutes this evening so, of course, I grabbed the camera! She didn't stretch out at all, but I did put her old carapace next to her and a quarter - just to show her relative hugeness (her molt measured 10" and she appears to have gained quite a bit of size)! There is a big difference in the size of her new carapace when compared to her old one.
Also, she does have a small injury to the side of her carapace. I had noticed when I first removed the molt that the carapace had stayed connected to it in one place - exactly where she has the injury now. It doesn't appear to be too serious, but I am still keeping a close eye on her.

Close up of the injury on the edge of her carapace:

what a picky eater!!! (P. Ornata feeding video)

I shot this feeding video of my Mm P.Ornata feeding, he will only eat on the glass.....he will not even think of eating anywhere else....I think he is just halarious!!! I have to hand feed is the only way LOLOL


Starting another T.Blondi mating project (video)

Well both of my females have molted, the massive girl "Zila" will not be ready for 1 1/2 months but my other female "Sammy" is ready!!! She is about 1 moth and 3 weeks into her molt cycle, I was going to wait until she was 2 months but decided to mate her now. This is the female with the odd looking spot on her abdomen....but she is kicking the deformed spot off and I believe it is just a piece of molt or tangled hair and she is fine. Below is her mating video!!




The P. Ornata Eggsac Movie Experience! LOL

Well, I pulled the eggsac from my 10" P. Ornata today - that was a little scary!! Watch the movie to see the entire thing!!


G. Rosea time-lapse molt video

Our female G. Rosea molted last night so we decided to do a time-lapse video of the entire sequence.

Time lapse video:


Pic by pic video:


Feeding video: T. Blondi, Pokie, Brachy

Decided to do some feeding videos...the Blondis are by far my favorite! Talk about CRUNCH!! LOL



Old Timer
Oct 1, 2007
Nice pics rob. BTW you have to get one of Zilla next to a ruler....if she molts a couple more times you'll have to feed her cattle.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Nice pics rob. BTW you have to get one of Zilla next to a ruler....if she molts a couple more times you'll have to feed her cattle.
No, I haven't yet but she is massive! I redid her enclosure - just posted a tutorial on it in the Q&D section - and you can see her on video. She's in an 8" deli and she makes it look small....she barely fit!!


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2008
robc, how do you keep the quality of your image? Everytime I post on here it tells me to resize so I resize to 1024 x about 800 and the image comes out horrible. Any recommendation?

Ps. Your thread is awesome. Puts mine to shame. :worship:


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
robc, how do you keep the quality of your image? Everytime I post on here it tells me to resize so I resize to 1024 x about 800 and the image comes out horrible. Any recommendation?

Ps. Your thread is awesome. Puts mine to shame. :worship:
Resize your pics to 640 x 480 before uploading and that should work. You can also change your camera settings to take the pics at 640 x 480 so you won't need to resize them. Either should work.

Thank you!!


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2008
Great pics and vids rob. Spent 5hours watching them, lol.

Can we see some arboreal setups now? lol :D


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Here's some new pics/videos

G. Aureostriata molt pics

Well my G. Aureostriata molted today and she has realy gotten some color!!

L.Parahybana molt pics & she ate it!! (vid & Pics)

My big L. Parahybana molted and I caught her eating the molt!!, so I tape it!! I know this is not uncommon but it made for a great video..


A. Versicolor handling video

Decided to take my MM Versi out and hold him. Thought I'd share a quick video of him...he is the daddy to the sac I just pulled.


Pics of my Big Female T. Blondi "Zilla"

I shot a few pics of my girl while she was out & placed a quarter near her for reference....her mating video is in Q & D....

P. Ornata & A. versi emerging/molting (vid & pics)

I took a Time lapsed video of my P. Ornata eggs with legs molting into 1st instar, I also have pics of my A. Versicolors emerging from eggs.



Pics of my new T's & rehousing them!

Well Alex080 gave me a shipment of T's (Female A. Metallica, Female King Baboon, Female C. Fasciatum, Red leg trapdoor) for here is a video of them and putting them in there enclosure!!


GBB Molt pics

Well One of my little GBB's molted and is know about 1 1/2", I realy like the coloration at this stage.....the Blue will be great but I love this stage also.

A. Versicolor update - timelapse video/pics

Our A. Versicolors started molting into 1st instars already. They were just eggs 6 days ago and a day or so later they started emerging into eggs w/ legs but never fully emerged. Now they are already 1st instars - if that's what they are at this point. They are mobile. Does anyone have any thoughts on this going so quickly? Ever seen it before? This just seems quick to me. (Watch the video in high quality if possible).



Handing my biggest Blondi Zilla

I decided it was time to hold my biggest T. Blondi, Zilla. I tried to hold her but she didn't fit in my she just basically wandered around and over my hands. She is a big old girl - for something of a size reference, keep in mind that I am 6'5", 260lbs.


The complete H. Gigas Egg Sac Experience (LOL)

Well, I went to rehouse my H. Gigas last night and *surprise* she had an egg sac waiting for me! Took a video of me pulling the sac (always makes me feel bad!), opening and placing the eggs on the incubator!


3 New Awesome T's!!!

Got 3 new T's from Alex080 today...They are just stunning!

Video of me putting them each into their new enclosures:



5" Female GBB:

1.5" Female Blue Fang:

7" Female P. Fasciata:

Male P. Fasciata Mature Molt - pics & vid

My male P. Fasciata molted out mature a few days ago. I was able to get a time-lapse video of the molt, not the best angle but he molted inside of his tube hide. The last time he molted we thought for sure he would mature, but he didn't and he was 7" then. He is now 8"+...pretty big for a MM of this Sp.



5 new T's & 1 terrible thing!! LOL

Got some new T's in over the past two days...thought I'd share some pics of all our newest friends!

4"+ Male A. Metallica:

3"+ Female H. Maculata:

4"+ Female M. Robustum:

5" Female A. Seemanni:

8" Sub-adult Male T. Blondi:

6" Scolopendra Heros Centipede:

B. Emelia time lapse video & pics

My B. Emelia molted and I got it in time lapse video....she is now about 4.5".



P. Ornata & A. Versicolor sling update!!

Here are some awesome pics of the little guys (better camera helps!!). The Versicolors are ready to molt & the P. Ornata's are doing great!! They are eating and have a lot of blue in them!!

P. Ornata (2nd instar)

A. Versicolor (getting dark!!)

A. Versicolor Sling Update!! Molting...

Well, our Versicolor slings started molting this afternoon! They are absolutely adorable! I was told that these had been still in the "eggs w/ legs" stage and would now be 1st instars, but these look more like 2nd instars to me. Here's a molt sequence...a new camera (and software) sure helps!! LOL

New pics of some of my favs

Got some pretty good pics, thought I'd share!

MM A. Versicolor:

Female A. Metallica:

Female GBB:

10" Female L. Parahybana:

Awesome close-up shot of A. Versi sling & Video

Took some close up pics and video of the A. Versicolor slings....they are realy turning blue!!


H. Gigas Eggs w/ Legs Update

They have hatched into 1st instars! Only 30 made it out of the whole sac, but that's better than none!

Here's a pic of a newly hatched H. Gigas (20 sec old):

Pics of C. Fasciatum & B. Emelia

Male C. Fasciatum:

Female B. Emelia:

P. Ornata sling feeding (they actually shared)

Decided to shoot a video of our P. Ornata slings eating together. You can actually see two of them sharing a cricket...pretty cool!!


Close up of A. Versicolor slings sharing prey

I pre-killed some crickets and the little blue fuzz balls loved them, and even shared! LOL

MM P.fasciata sperm web (suction caught on video)

My Wife caught our MM P. Fasciata making a sperm web & you can actually see him sucking the sperm off the sperm web with his emboli!! pretty cool stuff!!


New T's

Got some new T's - thought I'd share.

I got a 6"+ female P. Formosa and a 1" P. Pederseni from Ken the Bug Guy...and I also picked up a Giant White Knee from a local reptile store. Couldn't be happier with all of them!

Here's a video of me receiving my P. Formosa (& P. Pederseni) and putting her in her enclosure:


Some pics of the P. Formosa:

Pic of the little P. Pederseni:

Pic of the Giant White Knee:

Momma P. Ornata molted & male matured!

Our biggest female P. Ornata molted - this is the momma to all the little slings. She looks absolutely unreal!! Just stunning!!
Here is her molt sequence - I will post some post-molt pics in another thread (they really show off her stunning beauty!)

Her boyfriend had his mature molt about an hour after she molted - great timing!!!

Here's some post-molt pics of him:

Stunning post-molt pics of my female P. Ornata

Got some really great close-up pics of my newly molted female P. Ornata. She's got a lot of purple!! Absolutely beautiful T!!!

Ornata's molted into 3rd instars (video & pics)

Well the ornata's molted agin into 3rd instars, they are now 1.75" & some in the 2" range!! In the video you can also see there momma wich molted about a week ago!!


Got some new Pokies!!

Got some new pokies from Ken the Bug Guy...below is a video of me receiving the T's and putting them in their new enclosures - as well as pics of both.


Female P. Fasciata:

Female P. Pederseni:



Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Finally caught a T flipping over to molt (video)

Well I caught my Female GBB flipping over to molt....I turned on the lights to feed and saw my GBB flip back over after shews on her i waited with the camera to flip back over.


Female GBB molt pics

Well my female GBB molted and she is just stunning!!! she is now around 6".

My wife interacting with "Zilla"

My wife decided it was time for her to interact with Zilla (our huge female T. Blondi) can really see the size of Zilla compared to my wife's hands!


A.Hentzi molt sequence...prettier than I thought

Well my A.Hentzi molted and she really turned dark....she is a lot prettier than I once thought!!

A.Metallica, A.Versicolor & H.Gigas molt pics

My Female A.Metallica, A.Versicolor and my Female H.Gigas molted & I thought I would share some pics!




P.Ornata slings molted into 4th instar (pics)

Well the P. Ornata slings molted again into 4th instars and are know around the 2" mark....they finally got there yellow startle bands and red hues!!

Singapore & GBB pics

I decide to take a pic of GBB Female and after that I went to feed my female Singapore blue and she bolted out of the cage!!! After getting my heart rate down - LOL - I took a close up.

Female GBB:

Female Singapore Blue:

Female A.New River molt pics:

My female A.New River molted finaly, so I took some pics....I think this Sp is just gorgeous!

P.Ornata colony update and feeding (video)

I decided to shoot a video of my P.Ornata colony and a video of them feeding....they are doing very well!


Male B. Smithi & Female C. Fasciatum Molts

Both my male B. Smithi and my female C. Fasciatum molted recently - thought I'd share some new pics. I thought for sure the B. Smithi would have matured out, but not yet. He's about 6" now and still not mature yet. Hopefully next time!

Male B. Smithi:

Female C. Fasciatum:


Miss Bianca

Old Timer
May 14, 2008
This may be an understatement ... but Zilla is hugeeeeeeeeeee


an also.. great shots of the GBB... need to pick up one'a those...



Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
This may be an understatement ... but Zilla is hugeeeeeeeeeee


an also.. great shots of the GBB... need to pick up one'a those...

Thanks! Yeah, Zilla is a big girl!


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Some updated pics!!

Dinner time! T Feeding Video!!

I decided to shoot some video of some of my T's being fed - there are some pretty cool take-downs!!


P. Irminia Slings - Molting into 1st instars!

Our P. Irminia eggs w/ legs have started molting into 1st instars - alot faster than I thought they would!! Some of the eggs haven't emerged into eggs w/legs yet - I was thinking they were just behind the others that had, but now I'm not so sure they're going to make it. I'm keeping a close eye on them...time will tell.

I decided to shoot a few pics of the little guys...

P. Ornata 3rd instar molting into 4th instar (time lapse)

Caught one of the 3rd instars in my colony finally molting into 4th instar (he was the last one!) so I decided to get a time lapse video. I noticed that some of the others in the colony hovered over him after he'd finished his molt and even took the molt away...odd behavior.

Here's the time lapse video:


Male P. Rufilata Molted!

I looked into my male P. Rufilata's enclosure to find that he'd molted overnight. He gained quite a bit of size and looks stunning! Here's some pics:

Female C.Crawshayi video

My Female C.Crawshayi came out of her burrow so I decided to take a quick video of her! She molted about a week ago and looks great!!


Female P. Formosa - Fresh molt pics

My female P. Formosa molted last night - she is simply stunning and about 6.5" now. If anybody has a MM for sale - let me know (hint, hint!).

Various Molt Pics (boehemi, GBB, regalis)

We've had a few molts recently - our male B.boehemi, one of our GBB slings and our male P.regalis had his mature molt! Thought I'd share a few pics.

Male B. Boehemi:

GBB Sling:

MM P. Regalis (Mature Molt):

Male Cyclosternum fasciatum molt pics

Our male C.fasciatum molted last night - got a few pics of him during the molt. Haven't gotten any of him post-molt yet but I will in the next day or so.

A.versicolor sling update - 1st instars!

Our A.versicolor eggs w/legs have molted into 1st instars! Thought I'd get a few pics:

Almost time...

It's nearly time for another molt...2nd instar P.irminia slings emerging soon!!

P.irminia 2nd instars!

The P.irminia slings have started molting into 2nd instars and boy are they cute!! Only 47 made it - there were quite a few infertile eggs. But 47 is better than none!

Can anyone spot the odd one out??

(Doing cage maintenance - sorry for the dirty fingers...sometimes it sucks to have a good camera! LOL)

P.Irminia update! (she has very good aim - LOL)

I rehoused my Female P. Irminia (the one I have slings from, I believe I figured out why this sac wasn't as successful as the others. While I was rehousing her she nailed me with poo!! wife managed to catch it on tape. Pretty funny stuff!!!!


New T's! I finally got a metallica! YES!!!

Got some new T's from Alex080 today - thought I'd post some pics:

Female P.metallica (she's little but I still love her!):


A.versicolor molting into 2nd instars

Caught a couple of the A.versicolor slings molting into 2nd instars, thought I'd get some pics:

P.ornata colony pics

I had to change the container for the ornata colony so I thought I'd get a few pics of them in their new home. They are now 5th instars and almost 3". They are doing well:

A. geniculata time lapse molt (video & pics)

My white knee molted and i decided to take a time lapsed molt of it....I also included some pics!


As you can is a He!!

Up close fang shot!

Rehousing my female Blue fang (she didn't go easy!!)

I decided to rehouse my Female Blue fang (she is growing fast!!!). She is very fast I knew she was going to bolt....I am luck she didn't go far LOL.


P.fasciata molt pics (Time lapse vid & pics)

My Big female P.Fasciata molted...her molt was 8" so she is a bit over that now and is just gorgeous! I took a time lapse video of the molt also.


Up close fang pics:

Post molt pics:

New stuff from the local reptile show!

We got a few new pets from our local reptile show. Picked up a 5.5" female N.chromatus, a baby bearded dragon (my sons) and a 6" female leopard gecko (my wifes). We could use some advice on the lizards - being new to them. We received some basic care instructions but would love some more info from more experienced keepers. Thanks!

Here's a little video of all three:


Here's a pic of the female N.chromatus (judging by the sexing pic below):

Here's some pics of the baby bearded dragon:

Here's some pics of the leopard gecko:

Female P.regalis post-molt pics

My female P.regalis molted a few days ago...she's about 6" now. Her boyfriend had his mature molt a month ago so a new breeding project will be under way soon!



Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007

Just love your picture-filled thread.

This is just wonderful
Thankk you, you also reminded me to udate we go:

P. irminia double clutch!

I noticed my P. irminia webbing up her hide about a week ago....she came out and I got to see the little white jewel she left for me!


Feeding vid (crunch time!)

I shot a video of me and my son feeding the T' some pretty good hits!! LOL


Female P. metallica has arrived!

I got this P. metallica from Sukai94 (Jamie)...she bought the female and had Gootyguy (chris) send her to me....The packing was great!!! So basicaly I have the female and M and will be breeding them and exchanging slings with Jamie.....this T is just simply amazing and very docile....dream come true for me!


Female P.metallica enclosure tutorial

I just had to make a new enclosure for our female P.metallica - wanted her to have something nice to call home. She'll get a bigger enclosure eventually with a different type of hide - I'm thinking dual-chambers. She's already eating and seems quite at home...any disturbance near her and she goes right into her hide.

Here's a video of the enclosure being made:


MM P.pederseni

I got this T from Dansdragons...he said he was close to his ultimate molt and 2 days after I received him, he had his mature molt! Good's been over a week (11 days) since the molt, he's made a sperm web and since I got him out to breed, I snapped a few pics of him:

Singapore Blue fresh molt (pics & time lapse vid)

I caught my Singapore Blue on her back so I shot a time lapse vid and took some pics the next day. I included the pics in the vid also so my youtube members could also see.


P.irminia sac - Siamese twins!!

Pulled our P.irminia sac earlier tonight (video of that is uploading now) and as we were seperating the eggs w/ legs, we noticed something has one abdomen, two heads and 16 legs - all wiggling! We've never run across this before, thought it was very interesting and wanted to share some pics of the little guys/girls...

Here is a video of the Siamese twin....the pics are in the video that are already posted but I wanted my youtube viewers to also see it. The black egg in the vid was removed LOL


Must see macro pics of the molted Siamese twins!

I decided to start a new thread for these pics (as well as posting the pics in the other threads)...wanted to make sure everyone gets a chance to see them. I'm still shocked over these guys...I can't believe they've molted successfully into 1st instars - I had my doubts.

Close up of where the heads meet - they are not joined:

Close up of heads and abdomen - notice there are 4 spinnerettes:

Female P. metallica pics

Decided to shoot a few pics of the female P. metallica while she was out, she does need to molt but is till gorgeous!

N. chromatas time lapse molt & macro pics

I found my N. chromatus on it;s back and decided to shoot a time lapse video and take some pics.


I am thinking female-LOL

B. boehmei time lapse vid & molt sequence pics

My B. boehmei was on it's back so I decided to shoot a timelapse vid!


Here is the molt sequence pic by pic:

Some fang shots:

Recieved the MM P. metallica

I recieved a MM from Jamie (Sukai94).....and he is a very pretty boy! I wasn't actualy going to get a MM but I decided that since he was so fresh & if the female molted out I could still breed him again after she molts.


Got a new T at the reptile show.

Well I picked up a female E. murinus at the reptile show, she is just gorgeous (still needs a molt). she is actually a lot more docile than I expected!!


Feeding vids!!

well me and my son (Brandon) decided to make some feeding vids and Brandon decided he would also just like to make one himself!

Brandons feeding video


Both of ours LOL


T. blondi (mature molt)...but not without problems.

Well my male T. blondi had his mature molt, i originaly thought he was not going to make it. he did get some of the molt stuck on a booklung but I was lucky enough to get it off!! In the video I did this right after the molt.....I only did this because of where it was, if it had been somewhere else on the abdomen I would have waited a day or two.


Here is some pics of him and his emboli:

As you can see in the vid and pics below he does have a ulcer and a injury but is somehow doing fine. He cracked his exo before he molted (about 2 hrs) before, I have decided to leave on the stuck on pieces!


Pics of the place that ruptured before the molt:

He also rupture near the back of his abdomen but there is no evidece of that on his new skin?

Pic of one of the stuck on pieces:

A. metallica eggsac video

About a week ago my female webbed up the bottom right hand corner of her enclosure and laid a nice sac, she came out tonight so i shot a few pics & a video.


Feeding time!!!

Me & my son Brandon decided to do another feeding video, Brandon wanted to tong feed a T. blondi and he got his wish! I think he did great and I am very proud of him!


Pulling my LP sac (who wants to count??....NOT me!!)

I pulled my L. Parahybana sac today and I thought it was going to bad, but most look to be good, some arn't, but I took the pics to see how many eggs this beast laid! was just unreal seeing the endles flow of eggs LOL


All of them together LOL:

Incubator #1:

Incubator #2:

Incubator #3:

A.metallica eggs w/ legs molting (time lapse & pics)

Our A.metallica eggs w/ legs started molting into 1st instars today so I thought I'd do a time lapse vid of some of them...


Carpace & T pics

I decided to take a few pics of some T's and the carpace's.

Female P. metallica:

Female P. formosa:

Female P. pederseni (very gravid LOL):

Female P. irminia:

Female A. versicolor:

Female P. metallica pics

decided to shoot a few pics of this gorgeous girl!

Female P. metallica:

Female P. metallica pics (No flash)

P. metallica Time-Lapsed molt & pics

I had a HUGE surprise, I found my sub-adult male P. metallica up at the top of the enclosure molting, he molted 30 days ago!! I thought this would be his mature molt but I was wrong, he is over 5" and not mature.


My biggest female P. ornata "Clover" post-molt (vid)

I decided to get a look at my largest female P. ornata "Clover"...she had molted about 3 weeks ago and I wanted to se her. She was claimed to be 10" when I first recieved her (I think 9.5").....she has molted 2X since then....her last molt was not a very good molt, she was a little skinny and had curved back leg slightly. This molt, she looks just huge and beautiful!!


Female B. smithi "Jazz" Time-Lapsed molt

Our Female B. smithi "jazz" molted a couple a weeks ago and I forgott to post the vid here it is.
