Robc's picture thread


Sep 12, 2008
I havent been on the forums very long but I love your vids they have been very insightful keep up the good work on keeping us informed and in awe with all of your T's. Very beautiful pics I think the A.versicolor is my favorite thinking about getting one for myself the OBT and H.Lividium are also very beautiful but wow that blondi is insane 2 more inches and it will be a foot long that scares me lol


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
I havent been on the forums very long but I love your vids they have been very insightful keep up the good work on keeping us informed and in awe with all of your T's. Very beautiful pics I think the A.versicolor is my favorite thinking about getting one for myself the OBT and H.Lividium are also very beautiful but wow that blondi is insane 2 more inches and it will be a foot long that scares me lol
My largest female is near the 11.5" mark....rob


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Wow it's been a while since you have added pictures to your photo thread. Anything new going on? :?


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Wow it's been a while since you have added pictures to your photo thread. Anything new going on? :?
I need to update this....I have a lot of pics to put in here....lot of molts,feeding video's.....ECT......thanks for bumping it up!!!:D


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2008
keep those pics coming, that tip u said about tapping the floor is gr8 :O pretty cool man =) Does it work on any sort of floor? or it just works on carpets ?



Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
keep those pics coming, that tip u said about tapping the floor is gr8 :O pretty cool man =) Does it work on any sort of floor? or it just works on carpets ?

It works every time for me...and I don't think the type of flooing matters...they can sense the vibration no matter what surface they are on and it's stops them.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
P. Irminia Molt Pics:

Well, my juvenile P. Irminia molted - she went from 2 1/2" to almost 4" these pics, I did not touch her, she climbed out so I thought I'd get some pics.

The top 3 pics were taken through the container in her tube web:

P. Cambridgei Molt Pics:

Well, my P. Cambridgei molted today as well...he's now about 5", and I'm really surprised at how much he resembles a male P. Irminia...



Old Timer
Mar 20, 2007
Just a word of advice... Be careful when you let your spiders run on the carpet... Their hooks can actually catch on the carpet and it can rip off their legs.


My New Male P.Ornata

Well I got this new male P.Ornata from jct5150 for free!! I trealy like his packaging also, but this T is very fast as you will see in the video, he is a very handsome boy.





Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Pics of My MM and female H.Gigas

I got this MM H.Gigas yesterday and the female about 5 days ago, the female is crazy and will bite anything in site, the MM is more laid back.

Pics of MM:

Pics Of Female:

H.Gigas attitude on tape!

I had to re-house my H.gigas and before I started video taping (and while he was still in his temporary enclosure) he was on his back, almost doing a back-stroke in the dirt with fangs out and venom flying ever where - it was nuts. So I decided to get some video of me putting him in his new enclosure, see if I could get a little of that attitude on video...and I succeeded! He is a mean won't dodge that strike!

NOTE: It is not recommended to antagonize any T and I did not in any way...I simply had him in his cup to transfer him and he was not pleased - to say the least!!


New C. Andersoni - video & pics

Just picked up this new girl (I believe) tonight...someone was selling her locally on Craigslist - it was too good of a deal to pass up. She's lightening fast!!


Sex pics - I believe 100% female:


Female B.smithi molt sequence

I caught my Female B. Smithi molting and decided to snap a pic by pic molt sequence, so here you go!!

Her past three molts:

Female B.Emilia molt pics

My Female b.emilia molted again!! She is growing quite fast, her last molt was 11/05/08. She gained a lot of size with thias molt & is just gorgeous!!!

B Sabulosum stuck in molt (had to free him/her - video)

I'm putting this in Discussions initially and then I will move to Tarantula Molts.

Well, my B Sabulosum got stuck in his molt, he had several legs on one side stuck, so I had to intervene and try to help him. I got all but one unstuck....the last leg could not be saved. I do NOT recommend any one doing this, do Not do what is done in this video unless you have no other choice - it could kill your T. I was very lucky, it usually doesn't end up with these results.




Here is a pic of him- notice the missing leg. Also, feel free to sex him/her...I have my thoughts but want everyone else's opinion, like always.

P. Regalis Molt Sequence - Bad Molt (Pics & Video)

Well, our female P. Regalis molted late last night/early this morning and it didn't go well. I started another thread with a few pics last night but wanted to started a new thread with the entire molt sequence and a video I just took so all the info is in one place. Any advice or info on what went wrong is appreciated. She seems better than I thought she'd be considering how she looked right after the molt. The whole family is upset and very worried about her...

Here's the molt sequence (make sure you watch the video at the end...):

After the molt, she turned right side up by herself:

About 2 hours after she molted:

Video taken about an hour ago:


She died 1 1/2 months later.

P.Regalis & B.Boehemi molt pics!

Well My B.Boehemi molted again and has realy got some color with this molt!!! she is araound 3" and id just plain gorgeous....her orange has realy come out.

Female B.Boehemi:

My Male p.regalis molted again (this is the guy that tagged me!!). He gained some unbelievable size, he went from 4" to 5 1/2"!!! I looked in the container and couldn't believe how big he is.....I had no idea he was in pre-molt.....he ate 2 hrs before his molt. I will say one thing, looking at his folio stripe he doesn't look that maleish..but he is!!

Male P.regalis:

Post molt Versicolor pics!!

I took some more pics of my MM A.Versicolr (he is about 1 week mature)....he is just stunning!!!

Here he is on his tube web:

9"+ Female T. Blondi molt sequence - Video & Pics

Well, our 9"+ female T. Blondi molted last night/this morning...took about 10 hours for her to complete the molt. I took pictures and videotaped the entire thing. She's resting now and looks stunning! She does seem to have a small abnormality on her abdomen...if anyone has an idea as to what this is, please let me know. Also, she was gravid and during the molt I saw a few clear eggs come out of her furrow...has anyone ever seen that before? I hope you can take the time to watch all the videos...I know there's a lot and hope they don't bore anyone. I just thought it was very intersting and worth sharing. We stayed up the whole time (she finished at about 2am) so we could be there in case there was an issue and also to document the entire event. Thanks! Rob

Video 1 - she's on her back:


Video 2 - and so it begins:


Video 3 - fangs nearly out:


Video 4 - legs coming out:


Video 5 - legs out:


Video 6 - legs all the way out:


Video 7 - all finished and wiggling:


Video 8 - upright again:


Video 9 - 14 hours post-molt:


Here's the pictures of the entire sequence - for those of you with a slower download speed, I wanted you guys to be able to see it without it taking 10 hours.

And here's a close up of the abdomen, you can see the discolored, "lumpy" section I was referring to:



Old Timer
Jul 21, 2008
great pics rob keep us updated on your new C. Andersoni im curious if it will start webbing now sence you said its a webber


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
great pics rob keep us updated on your new C. Andersoni im curious if it will start webbing now sence you said its a webber
She's webbing more every day - got about half way up her 10gal vertical enclosure...she's not even trying to burrow.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
P.Rufilata molt pics

My 2" male P.Rufilata molted & is now 2 3/4".....I love these T's....they roll up in a ball when threatened!!! lol



Old Timer
Oct 19, 2006
sad to see the bump.i just lost a v.velutinas after she molted(also had the same looking bump)
good luck with her