Re-housing P. Murinus


May 23, 2007
Hey all,

so i got this P. Murinus from a friend who had to give up on keeping T's,
its quite big like 4cm body lenght. He/she (?) lives in .... a tank that got another smaller tank in it.... (dont ask me how. i got it this way), i want to rehouse it, basically getting the smaller tank out will be enough, but its webbed all over and it requires some serious interaction
so i would love to get the T out of it, and thats where my problem afraid of it,
its FAST and i mean it, i tried already but it alwasy run around as mad then gives me threat position, if given a chance it would run out of the box....
i heard you can put the spider into fridge(?!?!) to make it slower/ that true??
or u got any other suggestions how could i do it??
im not totally begginer (got 7 other t's) but this one is a real lighting bolt....




Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
If all you are doing is trying to get that second tank out of the bigger one, get a cup of some sort something you can put over the T when and if she comes running out. Take out the small tank, and slide cardboard under the cup and put her back in the new tank. If she does not come out and just throws threats do the same thing put the cup in front of her I think I saw someone use a large coke bottle cut in half, and corral her in there do the work you need to do then drop her back in there.
You can do the fridge thing to. I have used it sometimes when shipping time rolls around and it works every time. Thats about 12 minutes in the fridge, check on her every so often to see how slow she has gotten.
Hope this helps some.
I know there are many threads about similar things somewhere. And I am sure someone will point them out here soon.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2007
fast lil guys id cool it down befor doing anything with it if your worried about it. if you havent worked with them befor no matter how prepared you are it will suprise you :p my last rehousing i had 3 out of 10 launch from their cages to the freedom of the bathtub got to be smarter then the spider :p


May 23, 2007
i will start with fridge then, wasnt sure if thats safe but now im "ready" :),
and yea i have never worked with Murinus before :p, and i dont wish to do it again any soon,
none of my spiders gives me same felling as this one, but i like it :), i like to think of it as of REAL BI**H hehe and well gotta admit it just beautifull :)

thanks again !!!


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Since you seem a bit nervous about all this I think its fair to warn you that even with the fridge method they are prone to snapping out of it at a moments notice and running like lightning again. I have had that happen a few times too. Good luck take pics and let us know how it goes.


Old Timer
Oct 2, 2004
Hey all,

so i got this P. Murinus from a friend who had to give up on keeping T's,
its quite big like 4cm body lenght. He/she (?) lives in .... a tank that got another smaller tank in it.... (dont ask me how. i got it this way), i want to rehouse it, basically getting the smaller tank out will be enough, but its webbed all over and it requires some serious interaction
so i would love to get the T out of it, and thats where my problem afraid of it,
its FAST and i mean it, i tried already but it alwasy run around as mad then gives me threat position, if given a chance it would run out of the box....
i heard you can put the spider into fridge(?!?!) to make it slower/ that true??
or u got any other suggestions how could i do it??
im not totally begginer (got 7 other t's) but this one is a real lighting bolt....


don't be affraid. just be very cautious and understand that the T is not trying to hurt you, it's TERRIFIED of you more than you are of it. i'd start by trying to remove/detatch the webbing so that you can have the advantage by knowing where it is. but keep the lid close to the top so you can close it at a moments notice. then carefully do what ryan[talkenlate04] suggested with the deli cup or 2 liter pop bottle with the bottom cut out. just be very cautious. good luck.


May 23, 2007
well i know you are right, but i dont want to hurt nor get hurted by this beast hehe :),
there is only 2 cm space between the tanks and hes hiding under web most of the time between those tanks, so cup method may be quite hard, since there is no enogh space to put it in there :/, i will get rid of the web now and take care of rest tomorrow :),

well im not sure if i the "cup/bottle" method right, you want me to put it into tank on top of spider right? if so as i told there is no enough space to do that, and letting him go out of it (tank) and then trying to capture it with cup would be damn hard as hes sooooooooo fast,

thanks again


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
well i know you are right, but i dont want to hurt nor get hurted by this beast hehe :),
there is only 2 cm space between the tanks and hes hiding under web most of the time between those tanks, so cup method may be quite hard, since there is no enogh space to put it in there :/, i will get rid of the web now and take care of rest tomorrow :),

well im not sure if i the "cup/bottle" method right, you want me to put it into tank on top of spider right? if so as i told there is no enough space to do that, and letting him go out of it (tank) and then trying to capture it with cup would be damn hard as hes sooooooooo fast,

thanks again
Then if you have a bathtop, put it in there and you should be able to catch it.


May 23, 2007
good idea, i will consider this when "fridge" wont be enough :)



May 23, 2007
Since you seem a bit nervous about all this I think its fair to warn you that even with the fridge method they are prone to snapping out of it at a moments notice and running like lightning again. I have had that happen a few times too. Good luck take pics and let us know how it goes.
i will for sure :), but thats tomorrow hehe.



Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
don't be affraid. just be very cautious and understand that the T is not trying to hurt you, it's TERRIFIED of you more than you are of it. i'd start by trying to remove/detatch the webbing so that you can have the advantage by knowing where it is. but keep the lid close to the top so you can close it at a moments notice. then carefully do what ryan[talkenlate04] suggested with the deli cup or 2 liter pop bottle with the bottom cut out. just be very cautious. good luck.
that's a good advice, and if the 2 liter pop bottle doesn't work, try with a paper bag, like mcdonalds' bag, put it open into the terrarium, try to force the T run to the bag and ready, T is caught.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
that's a good advice, and if the 2 liter pop bottle doesn't work, try with a paper bag, like mcdonalds' bag, put it open into the terrarium, try to force the T run to the bag and ready, T is caught.
I would not do the bag........ they can bite through the bag with ease.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
I have used both a tupperware cup and a 1-liter soda bottle cut in half; they both worked really well. I don't chill the spiders, I just put the tank in the bathtub when I'm working.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I would not do the bag........ they can bite through the bag with ease.
i use the bag method to ship or catch all my nasty tarantulas. granted, i use transparent plastic and don't really see how it would work as easily with a paper bag... but, basically what it lets you do is full restrain the tarantula once it gets in the bag... but you have to kind of make sure to squeeze it down to a corner without directly holding the tarantula until it runs out of maneuvering room. it's a really sweet method, especially for shipping, once you get the hang of it

I have used both a tupperware cup and a 1-liter soda bottle cut in half; they both worked really well. I don't chill the spiders, I just put the tank in the bathtub when I'm working.
i use the soda bottle bell method (i have 1L, 2L, and 3L sizes) a lot when i am going to be shipping something. one thing to watch out for is leaving rough edges when you cut the bottom of the soda bottle. i always try and flame the edges to smooth them out if they need it


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
Picture this:

- Shipping tube 2.5" in diameter. but only 10" long. caps both ends.
- two extra bushy bamboo & camel hair art-type brushes held like chopsticks

1. I remove one cap from the tube
2. I scoot the T into the tube, it's dark so they usually go in with minimal convincing
3. cap it, PLACE in a secure area where it can't roll off :( ( R.I.P. Zhaan )
4. do what you need to the enclosure or get the new one ready
5. remove on cap carefully to determine the T's orientation
6. remove both ends and shoo the T out the appropriate end into the enclosure.

I just removed a mamma OBT from her babies laast night using this method.



Old Timer
Oct 2, 2004
Picture this:

- Shipping tube 2.5" in diameter. but only 10" long. caps both ends.
- two extra bushy bamboo & camel hair art-type brushes held like chopsticks

1. I remove one cap from the tube
2. I scoot the T into the tube, it's dark so they usually go in with minimal convincing
3. cap it, PLACE in a secure area where it can't roll off :( ( R.I.P. Zhaan )
4. do what you need to the enclosure or get the new one ready
5. remove on cap carefully to determine the T's orientation
6. remove both ends and shoo the T out the appropriate end into the enclosure.

I just removed a mamma OBT from her babies laast night using this method.


i've done that before to ship. it works. the spiders i was using this method on had no problem going into a dark, soft, moist tube. plus when shipping i usually line the tube with moist paper towels using room temp/chilled water so when the T's goes in, the coolness calms it down.


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Whatever method you use place the tanks in your bathtub, the sides are to smooth for it to run up, and be sure to place the stopper over the drain
I've done this with mine in the past, it gives you more peice of mind.


Old Timer
Nov 16, 2006
Whatever method you use place the tanks in your bathtub, the sides are to smooth for it to run up, and be sure to place the stopper over the drain
I've done this with mine in the past, it gives you more peice of mind.
i agree with the bathtub method. I also like to use the tubing method, I made my own tho out of a clear plastic tube that I cut down in length. the was about 48" long and was made to protect 48" long fluorescent light bulb, I bought it from a hardware store and it came with two end caps that had a rather large hole in them ment foe the light connectors to come through. I just pached those up with some clear plastic from a deli cup lid and silicone to make it adhere.

Picture this:

- Shipping tube 2.5" in diameter. but only 10" long. caps both ends.
- two extra bushy bamboo & camel hair art-type brushes held like chopsticks

1. I remove one cap from the tube
2. I scoot the T into the tube, it's dark so they usually go in with minimal convincing
3. cap it, PLACE in a secure area where it can't roll off :( ( R.I.P. Zhaan )
4. do what you need to the enclosure or get the new one ready
5. remove on cap carefully to determine the T's orientation
6. remove both ends and shoo the T out the appropriate end into the enclosure.

I just removed a mamma OBT from her babies laast night using this method.

My tube:

I also like to use a Clear plastic cup and cardboard for some of my medium sized Ts and a large deli cup and lid for my larger Ts. Good Luck


Old Timer
Nov 16, 2006
in regards to using a bag, I only use bags not to catch and transport my Ts. I use bags taped to my container and to the container lid with the lid, with the lid off the container to cover the opening and prevent an escape. I cut a hole in the bag large enough for my tube and or deli cup to pass through leaving enough of the tube or deli container exposed on the outside of the tank to maneuver the tube or deli cup to help in coaxing the T in. I also tape the plastic bag to the tube or deli cup aiding in preventing an escape.