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Psalmopoeus irminia

Oasis Inverts

Old Timer
Sep 11, 2004
P. irminia

Paired on - 1/15/08

Time. 11:40 pm


The mating took place in my Tarantula room, This is how it went down...

The male was placed Into female's enclosure were he walked the enclosure for about 3 min, always staying in the top of her enclosure (which is an exo-terra 12x12x18 all glass terrarium) The Female was in her hide. She reluctentaly came out after the male's insistant tapping. She tapped back but was reluctant to let him approach. He maintained the elevated position and actually pulled her up on to her hide where he lifted her. Three successfull inserts were observed.

The Male was then removed from the her enclosure and she returned to her burrow....

I will post pics when I can....
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Old Timer
Sep 28, 2007
got it done

for the las 3 years i worked with these girls due to my life style i was un able to witness mos of the activity. all i know is the male went in and the male came out. 2 males 3 females each time and produced 9 sacks 8 w/viable slings.
1. 75
2. 32
3. 85
4. 00
5. 80
6. 96
7. 83
8. 90
9. 101
these are the # of viable slings in order from 1st to last.
all i did was introduce the male and keep it moist.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
Update to Post #18 on this Thread.

Breeding was successful. On Dec 1st I noticed the female had constructed a sac, I believed it to have been made the evening prior. I left it in there for approximately 1 month and on January 2nd I decided to pull the sac. I found the sac to be filled with nymphs. I manually incubated it in a hammock style container and approximately 2 months after laying, the nymphs have molted into spiderlings.



Hulk Smash
Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
They have now molted into second instars-December 28, 2007.
The final count is around 150-175 with no deaths.


A second sac was made from the first pairing in late Feb. Yesterday, 2nd instars were observed in the females retreat. I will be leaving them in there for a few weeks until the numbers become more manageable.


Old Timer
Sep 28, 2007
sucessful again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as it goes i recived a mm P. Irminia on breeder loan from jojobear i had 3 females that produced for the last 3 years and now 4 years.
female #1 came out with the intent of a meal i think but with tongs in hand soon breeding took place. being locked up for 20-30 min.
female #2 meet the male verry calm breeding was over in seconds?
female #3 rejected the male for weeks then finally breeding took place.
after 2 months i had sacks and 2 months later lots of slings.
female #1 had 194, way more than her last sack???????????
female #2 had 145, way more as well??????????
female #3 (sad but true) died before she made a sack definately full of eggs.
special thanks to jojobear for his verry potent male.:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Spyder 1.0

Old Timer
Jan 7, 2007
(Feb 23, 2009)This morning i successfully paired my MM P. Irminia with the Mature Female i got at the Mississauga show from The Reptile Store, in Hamilton.

The pairing went off perfectly, the male had a hard time positioning the female and failed at hooking her fangs 3 times before he finally get her in a corner. He was Very forceful. He got both palps deep inside her folio and held that position for around 6 seconds before the female shook loose.

The male then promptly bolted the scene. Grooming behavior was seen my both the male and the female, and the females folio is protruding slightly. (all good signs)

The male was especially cleaning the end of his palps, my guess is to reload them clean for the next round. Once he makes another sperm web i will be pairing them up again.

The only thing is that the female is showing signs of being in pre-molt. She was refusing food before, and even after pairing. (She is very large anyways)

Hopefully she wont molt out. I hope it takes.

Ill post pictures of the male and female tonight when i get back home, and ill be sure to take pictures during the next pairing.


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2005
Becauce I was mowin i kinda forgot that this girl was mated, so i thougt dud, when she made this one

Luckyly my friend apparently keeps track of what im doing, and he said i had told him that i matet the irminia, good thing i didnt throw the cocoon away:

136 Ewl

{D {D {D

Spyder 1.0

Old Timer
Jan 7, 2007
Psalmopoeus Irminia Breeding log- FINAL

24.02.09 - First mating

01.03.09 - Second introduction (nothing)

09.04.09 - Bred for the second time
- Female locked up in apparent brood chamber riped the chamber open for male which was vigorously shaking for her.
-Male inserted both emboli 3 times, right.left.right.left etc.
-Female was very receptive and let the male go, returning to her chamber.

17.04.09 - Bred again

03.05.09 - Bred again

10.05.09 - bred again ( very quickly)
-very odd behaviour, female grabbed female dubia food item and threw it away like a piece of dirt, mortally wounded prey item with fangs before thrown.

12.05.09 - Heavy webbing laid ( didnt think all that much of it)
- Heavy misting

14.05.09 - Eggsack found (pictures taken)




Old Timer
Oct 9, 2005
success 182 eggs with legs. must me a record?


I had 136, who in the end became 60 :(
But at least the 60 are still going strong ;)


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009

# Successful? - No. She ate the sack maybe two days before the original planned sack pull.

# Any special care or preliminary notes for the lovers - The female molted 45 days before pairing her with the male. The male was 2 months through his ultimate molt.

# How they were paired - The male was intoduced the female's enclosure, opposite to where the female was staying.

# Any observations on the hookup - The male locked once with the female. After the the lock, the male began his retreat

# Any special post mating care - No. The female was kept at around 80F the entire time. The humidity was increased 20 days after the last mating to induce laying.

# Time to sac - The first mating took place on 11-22-2009. The sack was laid on 1/18/10. Eaten on 02-07-2010.

# Care of the sac - I had planned on pulling the sack at exactly 20 days. The female ate it at 18 days.

Here is a video of the first pairing.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/l3K--jAMIBQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/l3K--jAMIBQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
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whites inverts

Dec 23, 2008
Breeding Attempt 1(unsuccessful) :( 9/25/09: Male placed in female's enclosure. The male began drumming and about 5 minutes later the female emerged from her hide and the two paired up. This lasted about 10 minutes, but no insertions were witnessed. Waited about 2 months, but nothing happened. The female's abdomen was still very small.

Breeding Attempt 2(Unsuccessful) :( 11/9/09: Male placed in female's enclosure. Drumming began immediately and the female emerged from her hide. A few minutes after emerging, she approached the male and he attempted to pair up with her. She responded by biting his left front leg. Male died shortly after.

Breeding Attempt 3(Successful) :) 11/30/09 Male #2 placed in female's enclosure. He began drumming almost immediately and the female emerged from her hide. She slowly approached him and they paired up. THis lasted 10-12 minutes from start to finish. The male was then removed and they were paired again a few weeks later. I am not sure of the exact date.

3/13/10 Female is in her hide and has webbed up a small corner of the container. One particular part was very thick and looked like a lop-sided bowl. She is kind of "hovering" over the spot with her abdomen so I think she is laying her eggs. The side of the container is a bit cloudy so I can't really tell.

3/14/10 Last night I was almost sure that the female Irminia was laying a sac so I checked on her this morning and there it was! She has laid a good sized, plump sac. Considering this is the first sac I've gotten from a pairing I am quite happy. :) Not sure whether I should leave the sac with her or not. She is a first time mom so I am debating whether or not that is a good idea. Will post pics of everything when I can :D



Sep 2, 2009
Psalmopoeus irminia breeding

Mating: 02th Nov 2009.
Kokon laiedc: 07th Jan 2010.
Kokon opened: 08th Febr 2010.
Number of slings: 104
There were no bad eggs or died larvels




Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Female: Ps_ir_5

Female's most recent molt: 28/Dec/09

Male: Ps_ir_11

Male's ultimate molt date: 17/Nov/09

First Pairing Date: 31/Jan/10

Total number of pairings: 1

Eggsac Found: 29 April 2010

Eggsac taken from female: 19 May 2010- Upon opening saw eggs with legs though most the eggsac was infertile.

1st instars: 25 May 10

2nd Instars 12 June 2010

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Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
And another Successful eggsac.


Female: Ps_ir_6

Female's most recent molt: 16 Nov 09

Male: Ps_ir_11

Male's ultimate molt:17 Nov 09

Date of Pairing: 21 Feb 10

Total Number of pairings: 1

Eggsac found: 17 June 10

Eggsac Pulled: 10 July 10 (I looked in the cage and saw 1st instars running about).

Molt to 2nd instars: 23 July 10



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Female number: Ps_ir_10 -This is her second clutch from these pairings.

Female's most recent molt: 6-Jun-10????

Total Molts Since Previous Eggsac: NA

Male number: Ps_ir_11; Ps_ir_21

Male's ultimate molt: 17-Nov-09;Dec 2010

First pairing: 16-Jul-10??

Final pairing: 8-Jan-11

Total number of pairings: 2

Eggsac found: 23-May-11

Eggsac pulled: 13-Jun-11

Stage of slings when pulled: 1st Instars

1st instar molt date: When Pulled

2nd instar molt date: 2-Jul-11

With Eggsac

1st Instars

2nd Instars


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007

Female: Ps_ir_14

Female's most recent molt: 8 Aug 2011

Male: Ps_ir_20

Male's ultimate molt: 7 Jun 2011

Date of first pairing: 21 Sep 2011

Number of pairings: 1

Eggsac found: 21 Nov 2011

Eggssac pulled: 13 Dec 2011

Stage when pulled: 1st instals

2nd instar molt date: 31 Dec 2011


Mom with eggs

1st instar

2nd instar



Old Timer
Nov 13, 2010
P. irminia - unsuccessful

Paired my female with loaner male on Nov. 18th 2011.

Female was very receptive and first pairing took about ten minutes total. Saw some good insertions.

Tried a second and third pairing while I still had male, but no action. Shipped male onto next adventure.

Kept female well fed and enclosure misted pretty heavy. Abdomen showing signs of growth.

Female dropped eggs on Jan. 9th.

Unfortunately female did not lay enough webbing beneath eggs so eggs were laying directly on sub. She worked to web the top, but to no avail. The following morning she was eating eggs for breakfast:(

I'm assuming female did not know since this was the first time she has been bred. Hoping to try again with her soon and hope she learned from her own mistakes.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Female: Ps_ir_28
Most Recent Molt: 2-Sep-11
Molts since last eggsac: 1
First Pairing Date: 18-Oct-11
Final Pairing Date: 12-Nov-11
Total Pairings: 2
Male: Ps_ir_20
Male's Ultimate Molt Date: 07-Jun-11
Eggsac Found: 9-Jan-12
Eggsac Pulled: 2-Feb-12
Stage When Pulled: Post Embryo
First Instar Molt: 4-Feb-12
Second Instar Molt: 24-Feb-12


With Eggsac:



First Instars:

Second Instars:


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Psalmopoeus irminia

Female number: Ps_ir_5

Female's most recent molt: Fall 2011

Molts since last eggsac: 1

Date of the first pairing: 14-Dec-11

Date of the final pairing: 11-Feb-12

Total pairings: 2

Males: Ps_ir_29; Ps_ir_20

Males' ultimate molt dates: 29: 2-Oct-11; 20: 7-Jun-11

Eggsac found: 28-Feb-12

Eggsac pulled: 22-Mar-12

Condition when pulled: post embryos:

First instar molt date: 22-Mar-12

Second instar molt date: 14-Apr-12

---------- Post added 06-06-2012 at 12:31 AM ----------

Psalmopoeus irminia

Female number: Ps_ir_6

Female's most recent molt date: 5-Nov-11

Molts since last eggsac: 1

Date of first pairing: 25-Nov-11

Date of final pairing: 14-Dec-11

Total pairings: 2

Male number: Ps_ir_20

Male's ultimate molt date: 07-Jun-11

Eggsac found: 28-Feb-12

Eggsac pulled: 22-Mar-12

Condition of eggs when pulled: Post embryos

Fist instar molt: 22-Mar-12

Second instar molt: 15-Apr-12


martin lees

Nov 20, 2011
Psalmopoeus Irminia 1.


Female was fed two large brown crickets a week prior to pairing.male was borrowed on 50/50 loan from Michael Rawding from ( MISC) temps were at around 76'F.


After I witnessed the male doing a sperm web I placed him in the females tank,on 29 th may,2012.After a bit of tapping from the male the female came out of her hide and he managed an insert straight away.

Post mating care

Her enclosure was kept on the middle shelf for the next two months at around 76'f.Around the end of July her tank was put on the top shelf and covered with a pillow case,and the substrata was wetted.temperature at approx 83'F.
On August 14th 2012 she layed an eggsack.

Pulled eggsack on 4 th September 2012.At 27 days.
Noticed around 80+ N2's
Lost around 10 N2's in the incubator
Started molting to spiderlings on September 20 th 2012.
TOTAL = 76.
