poki questions


Dec 21, 2010
Are the p. subfusca and p. bara 2 seperate species, or are they just p. subfusca hig/lowland forms. I also heared that they are kept at different temps. Is it correct that the lowlands/baras are kept like normal pokis, and the highlands/subfuscas like the low 70's? Thanks!


Nov 19, 2010
P.bara is another namfor the lowland form in my eyes they are the same species people just like to play god of spiders and say they are separate now I keep my subfuscas at the same temp as my other t's except I crush ice into the subfusca highland water dish for a good balance of heat and they do fine as for breeding them I would suggest sticking to no higher then 70 just encase so if you're planning to breed is keep them at about 68 degrees but as for your initial question no they don't really need to have a separate temp but I just give them a little cool off of crushed ice in the water dish every two days and they are fine =) but no p.bara and p.Subfusca lowland are the same and in my eyes lowland nd highland are just color morph from one or the either like rcf


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
P.bara is another namfor the lowland form in my eyes they are the same species people just like to play god of spiders and say they are separate now I keep my subfuscas at the same temp as my other t's except I crush ice into the subfusca highland water dish for a good balance of heat and they do fine as for breeding them I would suggest sticking to no higher then 70 just encase so if you're planning to breed is keep them at about 68 degrees but as for your initial question no they don't really need to have a separate temp but I just give them a little cool off of crushed ice in the water dish every two days and they are fine =) but no p.bara and p.Subfusca lowland are the same and in my eyes lowland nd highland are just color morph from one or the either like rcf
Good thing you're not an arachnologist, hmm?


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
P.bara is another namfor the lowland form in my eyes they are the same species people just like to play god of spiders and say they are separate now I keep my subfuscas at the same temp as my other t's except I crush ice into the subfusca highland water dish for a good balance of heat and they do fine as for breeding them I would suggest sticking to no higher then 70 just encase so if you're planning to breed is keep them at about 68 degrees but as for your initial question no they don't really need to have a separate temp but I just give them a little cool off of crushed ice in the water dish every two days and they are fine =) but no p.bara and p.Subfusca lowland are the same and in my eyes lowland nd highland are just color morph from one or the either like rcf
All I have to say is, WOW. lol


Nov 19, 2010

It's a good thing I only design video games >.< but I'm sure my information is is correct if you'd like to correct any wrongs go for it =) id love to see where

---------- Post added at 05:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 AM ----------

And if you're all replying to my statement about thinking they are the same tarantula just minor differences then please read the part that says in my opinion read it three or four times so it sticks in there good =) we are all going to disagree on things that's the.beauty of life accept it and move on from it =) we all share the same hobby and until any of us becomes the almighty omnipotent being of all spiders none of us will ever know whats right and wrong so before criticizing what's right and wrong on my post please think before hand because you'll only be going off an educated guess as anyone does in the world everything is just one educated guess in this hobby and ill stand by my own opinions until proven other wise thank you for taking the time to read this I'm off continue to pre my pants on dead space 2


Nov 19, 2010
I've been racking my mind since I last posted and this is the best way I can word my thoughts in example... I live in the northern u.s. here the deer can reach well over 6 foot, have several antler points, and long tall legs. Just twelve hours south, the deer are much short, have smaller antlers, and shorter legs. The coloring is even slightly different. These variations are all due to very different terrain. One low and flat. The other high and rocky. The deer have adapted genetically to there terrain. But they are STILL DEER, not subspecies. Small variations just are not enough in my opinion to create a different species.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
I've been racking my mind since I last posted and this is the best way I can word my thoughts in example... I live in the northern u.s. here the deer can reach well over 6 foot, have several antler points, and long tall legs. Just twelve hours south, the deer are much short, have smaller antlers, and shorter legs. The coloring is even slightly different. These variations are all due to very different terrain. One low and flat. The other high and rocky. The deer have adapted genetically to there terrain. But they are STILL DEER, not subspecies. Small variations just are not enough in my opinion to create a different species.
^Whoohoo punctuation!

Sorry, I got excited. I like reading people's posts but the lack of punctuation of your previous ones requires too much thinking on my part to make it worth my time. As such, I have no idea why you're talking about deer in a tarantula forum. There's another forum here for that :D


Nov 4, 2010
Why don't you guys actually answer the OP's question instead of hijacking his thread with your :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed: Crap slinging?


Nov 19, 2010
Dude xhexdx you're a <edit> and its perfectly valid... do you work at a gas station? Or maybe grocery store? You seem like that type of person that takes crap from everyone in the store to keep your job and then when you come on here and down cast everyone thar lives thousands of miles away because you have more "knowledge" in spiders then others.... maybe instead of being a complete <edit> you should have helped the kid above that asked the question out instead of commenting about me ROFL you're a nobody dude you're another hobbyists just like the rest of us so get over yourself <edit> and walk away from this period <edit>

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------

I completely agree and that's what I.did until said xhexdx above decided to try down casting me for my opinion cause he is god I forgot he runs this and knows all
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Nov 4, 2010
Safe to say that's the end of this thread...

Spider, you may not agree with Joe, but try to keep in mind there are younger hobbyists on here that shouldn't be subjected to your language.

Sometimes I agree with him and sometimes I don't, but man, you have to remain civil.


Nov 19, 2010
I'm sorry man I really tried I posted on this to help the op and share my opinion exactly what the section of the board is for and then little smart pants didn't even try to correct it and help either of us just had to say I was wrong then gave no insight which is wrong you know? It's ok to say I'm wrong but please correct my wrong just not say its wrong and leave it and then to down cast my opinion is just ignorant


Old Timer
Nov 23, 2010
To the OP. Some believe that they are in fact the same species. If you search around on this and other forums, some state the color form came from the same sacks.

Then some claim that there never was a subfusca, and that it is the long lost P. uniformis.

Then on some discussion boards, they are different species all together, although their are no distinguishing factors that separate the two, except for color and size.

The UK has been calling the lowland form P.bara for some time now. Of course, they seem to call a lot of species different things.

I would actually like to know if there is a difference other than, color and size. I only have one specimen, P.subfusca highland, well at least that's what it is for now.


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
What matters is that P. bara was synonymised with P. subfusca in 1996. Until someone comes along and restores P. bara as a distinct species, P. subfusca is the valid name. People are entitled to their opinion, and can claim they are two different species, but unless they have examined the type specimens and can provide us with a diagnosis of the supposed two species, their opinion holds zero scientific value. :cool:

Then some claim that there never was a subfusca, and that it is the long lost P. uniformis.
That viewpoint is just funny, and also wrong. The name subfusca will not take precedence over uniformis, since P. subfusca was described in 1895 and P. uniformis was described in 1913.


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
The "arachnological" part of his post is quite correct and is in line with the current consensus.
My post was directed at his actual post. One very long run-on sentence. Secondly, what is ice in a water dish every few days going to do for the tarantula? And please don't tell me it's going to cool the T down.