I back you 100% I have 30 APBTBluesling said:first id like to start by saying,i love the breed,its pretty much all i have ever owned,second I never taught my dogs to fight, never "trained them"never baited anything and never encouraged aggresiveness toward anything.That being said,this is were my opinion comes in,my dogs would fight just about anything that wanted a fight, except humans.I dont believe a dog is trained to be animale aggresive or game as its called.However they deffinatly have to be trained to hate humans.Years ago when the breed started being popular for blood sports, dogs that bite a human were shot plain and simple its was dangerous to have a dog in a fight ring all worked up that will bite the ref.human aggresion and a bite to a human was considered geneticly weak and was dealt with accordingly,these doge have such a need to please a human companion they will do what ever you want them to do.There is so much irrational fear and thinking that its embarrassing to think a human could use such a huge asset (there brain) to destruct a poor animal.Lets look at statistics which is not always 100% correct but close enough to be counted,here in illinois cocker spaniels have almost 3 times the number of bites compared to "pitbulls",labs in close second,pretty sad considering there is something like 3 pitbulls to every cocker spaniel,wow astonishing.Sound like pitbulls give many problems?3 times as many bite from a coker spaniel and 1/3 the population.if statistics dont tickle your fancy then lets look at logic,these dogs were breed to be non human aggresive,and simple facts of life is you cant make idiots,accidents,and degenerats illegal,so there logic is why not ban the things they use,i meen lets outlaw like spoons since people die of obesity everyyear,or lets ban stairs since thousands are killed by stairs everyyear,i meen the logic behind everything is ridiculous, hope all this made sense i am interested in seeing what responses this thread and my reply get.