Pigeon rescue/rehab...


Old Timer
Dec 7, 2006
Comparing passenger pigeons to the invasive pigeons that plague us today is like comparing black and white. Passenger pigeons were huunted to extinction because people ate them. No one wants to eat any of the nasty diseased pigeons that we are talking about in this thread.
hey, now thats just ignorence right there. pigeons have just as many diseases as any other animal that has colonized in north america. they just get that reputation because they tend to turn up in cities, where there in more contact with humans. which results in a greater risk of getting a disease from them. now, if there were a study on the amount of pigeons with diseases, then i'll lay you dime to dollar that pigeons have the same amount of diseases as the common woodland animals found outside of cities. and they probably also have the same "ratios" as to how many animals are diseased per amout of animals.
saying there all diseased like you are implying is like saying all reptiles carry salmonilla (no clue on spelling). any reptile owner and herpetologist will tell you differently.


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
accessible ramp that he can maneuver into and out of as he wishes.
I can sort of imagine a pigeon in a small wheelchair rolling up and down the accessible ramp:}

rolling away from that bbq sauce that is!


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Umm all reptiles, amphibians and birds do carry salmonella. I think I am missing the point. More people get sick from pigeon poop than any other woodland animal that you could be referring to, because like you say, pigeons plague our cities where masses of people are, and it's just impossible to control them. Pigeons will never go extinct. They will be here long after humans are gone.


Jun 19, 2007
Make sure you feed a good diet, either (I think its Exact band??)Dove and pigeon seed or a good quality wild bird seed supplemented with vitamins (I think the Pennington has "wild-kote" vitamins.)

Also, if you have any other birds in the house, try to keep this guy away from them - pigeons (and dove species) do tend to carry a bit more chlamydia, trichomonas, and candidia than other species (if we didn't already not do the dove family - we would probably have a separate building for them because of this). Don't share any food utensils, cages, etc - make you you practice good hygiene between if you have other birds. Might want to take care of the other birds (unless you know they have any kind of infection) first, then Hohi. (I like his name - is it because it's kinda reminiscent of the sounds he makes?) ****Forgot to add - because of the risk of the three afore mentioned diseases, make sure you and your family practices good hygiene as all are communicable to people as well.

Because he's not gonna be able to get off his feet even in his outside aviary (which is a cage BTW) make sure everything is kept as clean as possible. If he gets an infection is his feet (bumblefoot id the general term for a foot infection), bumblefoot is a b*T&h to get rid of. For the same reason, try to not let him get to be too plump of a bird.

The only other comment I have to make, is that it was said who are we to play god and decide which ones live or die (that's roughly paraphrased I'm sure),

then who are we to decide which wild birds should live in cages.

(And FWIW - I have only captive bred herps and all - and I have no problems with people who own the pet trade birds that are captive bred)


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
As I have mentioned before, this thread was not written for approval from anyone here or elsewhere. It seems that a few of you just lurk to find something to argue about or state negative and false claims... basically, to see yourself type (hear yourself talk)... whatever!

I am well aware of what I am getting into here. It's my business to know.

Thank you all for the positive input... the truthful input... I appreciate it.

As for WoHi*, he had his surgery today or he will have it tomorrow. And I still think he would much rather be alive with one wing in someone's house than DEAD, any day of the week!

Besides this... those of you who have decided to make this personal, it was never my intention to be individually responding to any of your negative comments... I made generalizations all around. Get over yourself!

*the meaning of his name is "pigeon" actually.. how original? :rolleyes:


Jun 19, 2007
AneesasMuse -

I posted care info to help out in my second post, I'm sorry I added the other stuff there ....

What language does WoHi come from?


Old Timer
May 12, 2006
Beautiful one. I keep a small coop of pigeons myself, I've loved them ever since I was a kid. No fancy breeds really just ones captured from local grain elevators and such. Although I did splurge on a pair of purebred Damascene's. :drool:

I would recommend staying away from seeds with hulls, as they're particularly hard to digest, like the sunflower seeds I see. They can cause impactions. I feed mine a game bird crumble and scratch grains (whole wheat, whole milo, and cracked corn).

As for the ignorant folks and their superiority complex ways of thinking, just ignore them. Just because its "just a pigeon" doesn't mean its any less of a creature, now if we were talking about starlings, I might change my tune. ;)


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
If he fully recovers and you are going to release him, it would be cool if he could get a leg band so you can recognize him if you see him again, and have his name printed on it and your address in case he gets into trouble.

Update. Nevermind I just read where he will loose his wing. He can still have a cool band though. :) Mabye you can get him a mate too.


Old Timer
May 12, 2006
Based on the pictures, Mohi looks female. The head and neck shape/size look pretty feminine to me.

Too bad we're not closer geographically, I might make a bid for ownership. I love the coloration.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Taceas, thanks for the food info... what you see in his temp cage is what I could find the day I picked him up from the Petco :rolleyes: They even suggested it... no surprise there, right?

I have a whole list of good stuff to pick up for my new buddy before he's released back to me... Foods, Grit, Vitamins, a slew of meds to keep on hand (besides the Baytril) and a few other things. There's a person nearby with a feral rescue and they will be helping me with a 'care package' of sorts.. a complete list of supplies and samples, avian medicine cd's and so forth. I'm well prepared, I think. I'm also fortunate to live in an area that has pigeon supplies in a couple of the local stores... so between online sites like Jedd's and Foy's, I have a few places I can drive to, also.

I'm looking forward to making WoHi very comfy... read *very spoiled* :D and may have to look into a "bracelet" to seal the deal (j/k)

Thanks, Everyone! :)
Last edited:


Jun 19, 2007
AneesasMuse -
Can we agree to disagree on a few point and call a truce (If there was a white flag emoticon I'd use it). (I'm posting some of the PM I sent to you, in case you just deleted and didn't read it, because I honestly do want to apologize).

I want to apologize for how I came across in my posts in your thread. I just have had to deal with many people who did not know how to care for many of these animals and did not want to learn (and I have learned some from Taceas about food and been reminded of stuff I knew but forgot). You obviously sound like someone who cares and will take very good care of Wohi. I hope he blossoms in your care. I hope that any infection is healed and that he lives a happy healthy life. If you can find a way to disguise the taste of the Baytril if giving orally - many animals find the taste horrid.

I like the idea of a ramp so he can come and go into his nest box btw. I would also love to see pics of his outside aviary when it's done. I'm amazed at what other people can build (I have zero carpentry skills).

Do I remember that he's not banded? We get a few racing pigeons here this time of year - needing to stop and refuel and all.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
WoHi is coming home tomorrow... WITH his wing!!

The Vet has decided that since the bandage he's had on there all week is helping WoHi's wing heal up after all... that he may (emphasis strong on the may ) be able to save that wing. He's holding it on his own about 65% when the bandage comes off, so that is awesome! And.. his "wrist" is healing up nicely, as well.

I'm so excited!! WoHi will be home tomorrow and I will continue his care here, with weekly Doc visits until he's out of danger. He still won't be able to fly cuz his damage was extensive, but his balance will not be as impaired with both wings.

I can't wait to see my buddy!! Boy, do I ever have a surprise for that guy!! :D

Thanks again, Everyone!


Jun 19, 2007
Glad Wohi might get to keep the wing...I don't think I posted in my last post, but you did a great job in the tape splint job you did before he went to the vet's :) (Better than I've seen some vets do {D )


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
My little friend has settled in nicely.. he's "night night" just behind me while I type, but he spent some time just chillin' on the sofa today..

"It's MY sofa!!"

....he does know what "take it easy" means {D

After I refilled his seed dish the second time, I figured out that he also knows what "eat and be merry" or "eat for your strength" or something to that effect means... he ain't shy, let me say that! :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Does he know you saved his life, and does he let you near him? You should name him. See if Pigeons are smarter then most people expected. Let me know when he learns to speak :rolleyes:

Good Luck


*Edit* is that dirt on his face, or his natural Pattern?


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
LOL... I'm calling him WoHi.. it means "pigeon" in Cherokee. He actually looks at me with a quizzical expression when I say his name and greet him. He's a funny bird. I've read that pigeons can be wonderful pets, so I shall see. He's certainly in the right home for getting spoiled and lots of attention.

His face isn't dirty there... nope. He's speckled around his face and neck... it's pretty interesting. Oh.. and I'm not certain he's a HE, actually. We shall see that too, with time.

I don't know if he knows I saved him... perhaps? He does let me near him, but it's all in the approach and where I approach him, definitely. If I reach into his nesty box, he sees "the spider" (my hand) and goes for it with all his might... and I wear gloves for this very purpose... I'm a 'weenie' when it comes to things biting me {D When he's out on the sofa or walking around on the floor, etc. ..I have no problems approaching him. He just stands still and looks at me :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2007
cool bird

I love pigeons, and had a decent flock when I was growing up. Technically, what you have is a feral pigeon- domestic bird gone wild; the domestic pigeon was developed from the Rock Dove. That's part of the reason they settle in so quickly with humans, the other reason is that they are pretty smart. Pigeons can learn quite a few tricks, learn mazes, and can even learn to distinguish between different artistic styles (think "Peck the Picasso for water, peck the Monet for food"). Oh, and one of the best sources for food is your local farm store, there are specific pigeon mixes that work great. The difference is that most of the pigeon mixes have a higher concentration of peas (like cow peas). And it's wayyy cheap. Also, can get oyster shell for calcium for cheap as well. Good luck.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thanks, IdahoBiteyThing :)

Actually, I have the food that has all the peas and so on in it and WoHi loves it! Before I was able to find it here (we don't have that many feed stores in the city area), he was getting that basic wild bird mix and only picking out the big seeds. He's a smarty pants!

I have the red grit now, too. It has all kinds of good calcium and stuff in it. The only thing I still have to get is his vitamins. I just can't decide if Windsmor or RedCell are the best quality. There's a specialty bird store nearby that I really need to get back to for his supplements. Any suggestions?

I have another pigeon here with a sore foot.. not a string injury... and some pretty worn and torn feathers. She's rehabbing and being treated for various worms, etc. I hope to release her very soon, but she's such a beautiful and personable little hen.... unlike the growling, "spider" attacking WoHi {D