Picky Dubias won’t eat?


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I got them to eat oats , what percentage of their diet should be pet food ? You said it can hurt inverts if fed too much ??
My roaches mostly eat stale cereal, fruit and veggie trimmings, and just at tad of pet food once in a while for protein. Too much pet food would be if that was all they were eating. I offer just a small shake of kibble once a week, but how much you feed will depend on the size of your colony. I make sure it's not more than about 10-20% of their diet, but just as a personal preference since my roaches get a little stinky when they get too much protein. It will take my gang about the whole week to graze through what I put.

Is Dog or cat 🐱 better ?
I prefer dog food since dogs are omnivores, meaning that their foods will have grains or grain alternatives (like lentils or peas), veggies, fruits, and protein all in one. Cats are carnivores and their food will be mostly protein-based, offering a less rounded diet. Cat foods are also notoriously salty for some mysterious reason; salt doesn't sound like it's too good for dubias or any invert at all.
thanks again ! I thinks it’s around 10-20% of their diet . Everything else I feed is similar to yours . Except I don’t get beans often .
Here’s current bin pics , I think I may clean it tonight to remove all that nasty frass. One bin was the removed egg crates I filled a whole bag with them I had severely too many hides . IMG_3358.jpeg IMG_3359.jpeg IMG_3361.jpeg


Nov 27, 2022
Your over feeding wet food, and need more ventilation, I would use rabbit food, feed them a baby carrot every week until your colony gets more established , that should keep mites and gnats away.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Your over feeding wet food, and need more ventilation, I would use rabbit food, feed them a baby carrot every week until your colony gets more established , that should keep mites and gnats away.
there picky .
I see they really don’t care for roach chow or eat it quickly . That’s why I give them so many veggies.
What temperature do you keep them am I close to optimal ? I removed all the frass just cleaned 🧼 the colony .
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Your over feeding wet food, and need more ventilation, I would use rabbit food, feed them a baby carrot every week until your colony gets more established , that should keep mites and gnats away.
You wana see a feast, Dubai eat like so much it’s not molding it’s gone in a day. I will try and feeed the next time a lesser amount .


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Does my colony look better in this bin ?
Im still waiting on nymphs but I think I got a few babies . Temp set to 88 but it fluctuates between 85-90
IMG_3690.jpeg IMG_3689.jpeg


Jul 12, 2022
It looks like a fun place to live.
The climbing room is great, but just ensure there is plenty of side ventilation so your habitat doesn't get stagnant air!


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
It looks like a fun place to live.
The climbing room is great, but just ensure there is plenty of side ventilation so your habitat doesn't get stagnant air!
What’s this stuff is it safe around inverts ? I may move my roaches somewhere else .. my mom keeps running it in the hall way and I have one in my room I don’t use often. Along with the melting wax stuff .
thanks I know roaches are tough but I want to be sure.


Jul 12, 2022
I did a few posts not too long ago about wax warmers and candles. The scented wax in both work about the same way. You can read both my posts from this board. I think I have another one too around here. I'll just need to find it. But in the meantime, if you do have questions, try doing a search first before you ask the community. Whatever you're thinking, odds are, some other T keeper has thought it once before!



Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I did a few posts not too long ago about wax warmers and candles. The scented wax in both work about the same way. You can read both my posts from this board. I think I have another one too around here. I'll just need to find it. But in the meantime, if you do have questions, try doing a search first before you ask the community. Whatever you're thinking, odds are, some other T keeper has thought it once before!

I’ll search 🔍 first next time , I remember that post I just forgot or didn’t know natural oil blend was same as candles etc my bad? I think my roaches will Be fine this stuff is mostly used downstairs in the middle floor . I can avoid using it around the dubia .
thanks again!


Jul 12, 2022
Burning candles releases oils into the air, whether they are synthetic or natural. Oils in the air can settle onto things and creatures and build up in breathing systems as well. If the stuff is downstairs, your roaches will be fine. They'll only be disturbed if the stuff is within vicinity of them.
As a tip: if you can smell it, the oils are in the air right there!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
As a tip: if you can smell it, the oils are in the air right there!
Dark memories of helping a friend renovate a house he rented out. The last tenants took eucalyptus seed pods in a pan and put them on the stove to fume and smoke apparently almost every day for over a year. Cleaning with solvents was useless. Tore out and replaced all the sheetrock walls and ceiling. Then tore out the wood floor and replaced it. Then a second layer of sheetrock. Scent was still detectable, but somewhat tolerable.
As with structure fires, smoke damage is a bigger headache than fire damage - NFPA


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
It looks like a fun place to live.
The climbing room is great, but just ensure there is plenty of side ventilation so your habitat doesn't get stagnant air!
The ants invaded but I’m afraid ant spray isn’t safe I removed it them and placed my Dubai in the basement far from any ant trails . Any suggestions? Maybe ant traps or something for the remnants but I don’t think they can find my t room . I sprayed a whole side of the house to kill ants to no avail .. :(

update ; I killed most the ants after tossing them on the concrete floor / but my bedroom is still being invaded despite me removing all roaches . IMG_4116.jpeg IMG_4115.jpeg IMG_4114.jpeg IMG_4112.jpeg
they invaded my bedroom I had to remove both roach colony’s and a dubia died not sure if it was random or the ants killed it. Thanks hope I’m not asking repetitive or basic questions.. I know you’re really busy I don’t want to waste your time . I’m afraid I gotta move my mealworms downstairs next .
I’m re reading this thread for ideas but so far none have got rid of my ants ::
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Jul 12, 2022
Oh my! Not ants! I'm sorry to hear about your problem, bud! You're doing a good job by moving your critters an treating the ant trouble. Have you found what the ants are coming in for? If they're still marching in, try to trace their trails to where they are going before you spray some more--you might find some dropped food or a dead roach or ever something more mysterious that they are herding around. If you do find a physical item, remove it so you can stop further invasion. If not, and you see them heading into another gap in the wall or something of that sort, plug up their destination with tape, hot glue, or any barrier of your choice.
Track their entry too and take your time to find it! Sometimes it's hard! If you get luck and find their port of entry, try to plug that too to stop further ingress.
As for your pals, you did the best you could by removing them. Ant spray is indeed very bad for them, so after your final spraying and confirmation that all the ants are gone in the future, give your whole place a wipedown if you can. The toxins work by contact, so as long as your pals don't physically touch any place you have sprayed, they should be good, but still try to wait a few weeks to a month before you place your critters back. After you do, keep an eye on them for any odd behaviors to ensure that they are not being bothered by anything residual that might be around. If ants are still coming, a few squirts of soap in a spray bottle of water is just as effective a killer as ant spray.
Best of luck!!!


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Oh my! Not ants! I'm sorry to hear about your problem, bud! You're doing a good job by moving your critters an treating the ant trouble. Have you found what the ants are coming in for? If they're still marching in, try to trace their trails to where they are going before you spray some more--you might find some dropped food or a dead roach or ever something more mysterious that they are herding around. If you do find a physical item, remove it so you can stop further invasion. If not, and you see them heading into another gap in the wall or something of that sort, plug up their destination with tape, hot glue, or any barrier of your choice.
Track their entry too and take your time to find it! Sometimes it's hard! If you get luck and find their port of entry, try to plug that too to stop further ingress.
As for your pals, you did the best you could by removing them. Ant spray is indeed very bad for them, so after your final spraying and confirmation that all the ants are gone in the future, give your whole place a wipedown if you can. The toxins work by contact, so as long as your pals don't physically touch any place you have sprayed, they should be good, but still try to wait a few weeks to a month before you place your critters back. After you do, keep an eye on them for any odd behaviors to ensure that they are not being bothered by anything residual that might be around. If ants are still coming, a few squirts of soap in a spray bottle of water is just as effective a killer as ant spray.
Best of luck!!!
ants are coming for my roaches wet food like apples .
Thanks I was drowning the ants in water alone or attempting to do so with mixed results , I’ll try soap water now .
I can’t figure out we’re the ants are coming from so I completely removed both roach colonies from my bedroom. The orange colony is failing but I-raised humidity to see if that helps. If they won’t breed or anything then they will die or get fed off . Dubia are doing great beside the ants I had to kill.
orange colony is basically pets now because there not producing enough nymphs to feed off just 20-40 babies so far .
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Oh my! Not ants! I'm sorry to hear about your problem, bud! You're doing a good job by moving your critters an treating the ant trouble. Have you found what the ants are coming in for? If they're still marching in, try to trace their trails to where they are going before you spray some more--you might find some dropped food or a dead roach or ever something more mysterious that they are herding around. If you do find a physical item, remove it so you can stop further invasion. If not, and you see them heading into another gap in the wall or something of that sort, plug up their destination with tape, hot glue, or any barrier of your choice.
Track their entry too and take your time to find it! Sometimes it's hard! If you get luck and find their port of entry, try to plug that too to stop further ingress.
As for your pals, you did the best you could by removing them. Ant spray is indeed very bad for them, so after your final spraying and confirmation that all the ants are gone in the future, give your whole place a wipedown if you can. The toxins work by contact, so as long as your pals don't physically touch any place you have sprayed, they should be good, but still try to wait a few weeks to a month before you place your critters back. After you do, keep an eye on them for any odd behaviors to ensure that they are not being bothered by anything residual that might be around. If ants are still coming, a few squirts of soap in a spray bottle of water is just as effective a killer as ant spray.
Best of luck!!!
I drown the ants then cleaned my dubia colony out as the bedding was ruined . I Separated the nymphs from
Frass and I’m not using dog food again unless it’s ground with oats because they do not touch it . I gave them a few cucumber slices for the next few days food .they really don’t eat that much. IMG_4132.jpeg IMG_4131.jpeg
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Oh my! Not ants! I'm sorry to hear about your problem, bud! You're doing a good job by moving your critters an treating the ant trouble. Have you found what the ants are coming in for? If they're still marching in, try to trace their trails to where they are going before you spray some more--you might find some dropped food or a dead roach or ever something more mysterious that they are herding around. If you do find a physical item, remove it so you can stop further invasion. If not, and you see them heading into another gap in the wall or something of that sort, plug up their destination with tape, hot glue, or any barrier of your choice.
Track their entry too and take your time to find it! Sometimes it's hard! If you get luck and find their port of entry, try to plug that too to stop further ingress.
As for your pals, you did the best you could by removing them. Ant spray is indeed very bad for them, so after your final spraying and confirmation that all the ants are gone in the future, give your whole place a wipedown if you can. The toxins work by contact, so as long as your pals don't physically touch any place you have sprayed, they should be good, but still try to wait a few weeks to a month before you place your critters back. After you do, keep an eye on them for any odd behaviors to ensure that they are not being bothered by anything residual that might be around. If ants are still coming, a few squirts of soap in a spray bottle of water is just as effective a killer as ant spray.
Best of luck!!!
I killed off the ants 🐜 no scouts can find my t room anyways.
roaches are back too Thriving a few roaches died of old age but they were males. They are loving diy roach chow mostly oats with a small amount of cat /dog food. I avoided chicken feed as your suggestions headed it was too high in calcium. Plus that’s an added expense.
IMG_4229.jpeg IMG_4228.jpeg IMG_4231.jpeg


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Dubia Swarming the heatmats !! Ants are gone. ⚡⚡👍
This is the small heat Matt the other one is way larger. IMG_4261.jpeg IMG_4236.jpeg
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Video, I’m dealing with fruit flies now but I set a few traps. I got plenty of Dubias to feed my Ts. Way more than I thought I had.