People that handle their hot T's


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
LOL - TomM, I notice you've been doing a lot of "editing" today (I laugh because now you're reminding me of ME). I also saw the "disclaimer" directed at me which, when I went back to quote it for a reply, appears to have, well, disappeared!

Okay, let me clear the air about the "on-topic off-topic" topic, as well as other sub-topics. I have not handled the "hot" species. But the day that I was allowed to handle a tarantula for the first time (an adult male G. pulchripes) I said to myself, to quote Will Smith, "I GOTTA GET ME ONE O' THESE!" (Independence Day). What I had previously perceived as a vicious, deadly, dangerous monster actually turned out to be a sweet-dispositioned, handleable creature, and I was captivated. It was like an epiphany.

My subsequent research, prior to getting "one o' those," (2 actually - the pulchripes and a smithi) led me to believe that New World tarantulas were handleable, Old Worlds were not. Since it was the handleability of tarantulas that interested me, I decided to stick to New Worlds - I mean, a tarantula bite is one thing, but just how bad could urticating hairs be anyway? (I found out with my A. geniculata ...) Then about a year ago I saw a video of somebody handling an Old World, and it was a revelation to me. I have NOT graduated to OWs yet, but in my mind, the "myth" about OWs was shattered. Since then, other posts, photos, and videos (yes, including the pinch/grab method) solidified my feeling that OWs, under the proper circumstances, certainly COULD be handled. I regard the daring folk that handle OWs with the same sort of awe I reserve for people who do things like climb the face of El Capitan bare-handed, or wrestle alligators (or fly space shuttles).

That's why I reacted the way I did at your statement about ... well, you know. I just sort of bristle whenever the subject comes up, and my knee-jerk reaction was in defense of "hot T" handlers, even though I'm not one myself. I should know better than to get involved in a subject that is so polarizing. It's one of the things I still have to learn about this hobby ...

I have a friend who runs her own (successful) business - the motto on her business card reads "Never fear going out on a limb - that's where the fruit is" ... that's kind of the way I feel about handling tarantulas. I don't know if I can put into words what I "get" out of it, but I can say going out on that limb produces some pretty tasty fruit! Maybe I speak for those daring enough to brave the "hot" species, I don't know. That's all I was trying to say - as usual, I should have approached it more delicately, and a little more clearly (I really was "on-topic," it just didn't come across that way).

I release you all with love and blessings - gotta go -I don't want to be late for my "hot" "hands-on" date with my Chaco! ;)
it's a G.pulchripes ;P


Nov 21, 2010
after back reading.. can somebody point me to the right direction on how to go back to the "People that handle their hot T's" thread? :D

Haters gonna hate


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Hot T's should be handled with care so you don't burn your mouth:


Hudson Ensz

Feb 12, 2011
Just to throw my two cents in, If i didnt handle tarantulas it would be worthless to even look for them. Tarantulas love to live in spiny pineapple plants, try using a net in there! I have had tarantulas (mostly avics) for about 3-4 years and have never been bitten by one. I handle ALL of the tarantulas I have ever caught.


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
I use to handle all my T's like crazy including my poki's,obts and even lividum. But I stopped simply because every time I wanted to handle the T, I had to create a safe environment, get a stick and either poke the spider until it came out or destroy the enclosure to get to the tarantula.

In the end its not worth it. I'm not against handling, but if your going to do it be smart about it.

When that T ran on my head, it really sucked. i was safe and so was the T but I wont repeat that experience.


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2009
What??? Who??? Where????:rolleyes: Really? ;P

I won't advice anyone to follow suit!!! Handling is not for everyone!!! You need to understand what your getting into when handling anything period! T's temperaments are readable most of the time, or predictable!!! But not all the time!!! So before you even think about handling! You should know how your T's react!!! Some hots would tolerate interaction to a certain degree!!! but not always!!!!! So to each their own!!!!

But for me i enjoy handling my T's!!! As often as I dont handle them!!!!



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I sincerely hope the bold statement is not the death of this thread, however I think it may be:rolleyes:.

If tarantulas save their venom for prey, why is it that the majority of bite reports include "I saw clear liquid come out of one (or both) of the holes," (or some other variation including the sight of clear liquid) and the victim experiences symptoms of a "wet" bite? These same bite reports also clearly state that the tarantula was acting defensively.

that fluid isn't nec. venom. getting holes torn in you can liberate some juice.

I hate to inform you, but there are things that you do that are more likely to land you in the ER than handling a tarantula. First off you are a weight lifter and I know plenty of people that have hurt themselves lifting and some of the injuries are severe. And if I remember correctly, you also like to play sports. Which again has landed plenty of people in the ER. Yet, unless someone is a child, elderly or a total wimp a tarantula bite should not incur a visit to the ER. There have been plenty of people that have been tagged my copperheads here in the US, but I would say that most of those did not even incur a trip to the ER.


---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 AM ----------

I'm sorry, but my bullcrap detector is going off from that story. My wife did not visit a doctor much less the ER, nor did she miss any work during the following weeks of severe cramp when she was tagged by a Poecilotheria ornata. Sounds to me like the guy was just wanting attention from the situation, which he did get even if it was not the results he was looking for.


fully. i do think defective ppl could get sidelined from a bad poeci bite but that story, as told, smells like cowhole to me

i free handle all my tarantulas because i like to play with them and be comfortable around them. tarantulas aren't domesticated or whatever, but if you got half a brain they are not too hard to work with. i don't plan on going to the hospital unless i need to for any bites. but then i am big and tough and likely can tell any really nasty symptoms before they kill me =P

i think i have an advantage when it comes to pairing and any escape attempts cuz i mean, it's all just playing with bugs to me. plus, i am less likely to get adrenalin feedback loops or something like that while i am doing demonstrations at educational events





Old Timer
Nov 7, 2009
3 things

1. If fran is indeed taking steroids by your recognition, does it matter, and if so what does it have to do with T's ? (No disrespect fran, its clear he is just nit picking at you fella)

2. I was under the impression that a "Hot" species is not a poeci, or such, but a red back as such and any other with the potential to kill. To me a red back IS a HOT species, along with the funnel webs and so forth

3. If you seriously are going to sit there and say no never, you lie {D

What about bleeds and so on, do we not pick up our ill/bleeding T's ?

What about when they freak and run directly at you, and yep they land straight on your lap, what then ?

iv handled the so called "Hot" species, with out any issues, yet one day i put water in the water bowl of my P.formosa, and she bites me, hung on for what seemed forever, didnt fling her, she is doing amazing infact a happy mother of 2 egg sacks (in total) yes it hurt, but what would be (in that instant) more the likely problem, me disturbing her on her patch, her turf, or her on my arm after running at me trying to escape, in a weird place and not knowing were she is. Hmmm id rather the 2nd option. The bite hurt alot ;P

all in all, if your T is bleeding from a leg, and you cant see without picking him/her up, then your going to pick him/her up, simple as that. I mean how many here have perfected the art of "pinch grabbing/restraint grab" and holding a poeci like this has its problems, such as squirming and fighting you of...

in many situations, this thread can be put to shame, all because somtimes youll simply have the spider on you "Accidently" and youll take a picture. Simple as that, but im not saying others will not do it to show off, because it will happen, but all in all, a bite for those who show off is exactly what they need.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
What about when they freak and run directly at you, and yep they land straight on your lap, what then ?
i was doing a handling demo at an educational event and had a ~7-8"DLS MM T. blondi run up my chest and onto my face/head. i have a VERY vivid memory of seeing it running full speed right towards my face. my lips and eyelids got haired. luckily i am not too reactive to Theraphosa hair yet... =P

oh. nothing happened to the spider. i basically stayed calm and someone helped me put it back in the container. the ppl watching thought it was funny as heck, cuz i explained right before that it probably wasn't a great time to hold it but i would try anyways for the people.


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2009
i was doing a handling demo at an educational event and had a ~7-8"DLS MM T. blondi run up my chest and onto my face/head. i have a VERY vivid memory of seeing it running full speed right towards my face. my lips and eyelids got haired. luckily i am not too reactive to Theraphosa hair yet... =P

oh. nothing happened to the spider. i basically stayed calm and someone helped me put it back in the container. the ppl watching thought it was funny as heck, cuz i explained right before that it probably wasn't a great time to hold it but i would try anyways for the people.

{D{D gota love the T.blondi's, you need to be careful mate, you got away with a lucky escape there fella, any of those bad boy hairs got in the eyes, i think id have cried for you ;P haha the word there being "yet" {D give him a few more flicks, im sure youll have some sleepless nights like me, scratching your bloody arm off {D

that there i respect you 110% for that, i could name a few that would have threw the spider accross the room in fear of being bit. Good on you fella :clap:


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
thanks :)

i have well developed eye protection reflexes =P i shut my eyes as soon as i could... but bugs operate on a different quickness level than humans

you can anticipate and therefore mitigate a strike, but i think no stock human is quick enough to react to them and avoid them

also, one time i rubbed local Aphonopelma urts into my eye to see what would happen. it felt like that eye was sleepy, that was all =P i was about 95% sure nothing would happen

george carlin said something great. it was to the effect of only losers die with their bodies intact =P


Old Timer
Apr 3, 2011
My OBT ran up onto my hand when I was transfering her to a new home. She was really calm, so I took advantage of a situation and took some pics =) But I would never set out to try to handle her....There are much more docile Ts in my collection for that =)

Tym Hollerup

Mar 13, 2011
Personally I don't recommend handling WHATSOEVER! I have never once handled a T. Nor do I plan too either.
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