Actually one of the better pix i've seen of this species, you can really see the purple, which give them their common name Columbian purplebloom tarantula. I've got a couple of 4" females, still brown, waiting for them to obtain adult coloration.
Does ornatus get the xmas tree pattern like most other t's when there at that lings/juvi phase?I have a supposed ornatus, thats been pretty much the same color even since inch & a 1/2.
I believe that the Pamphos that do have the Christmas tree start out with it, and lose it over time. Some Pamphos don't have it at all. Not sure about P ornatus but if you don't see it at 1 1/2", you probably won't.
My ornatus was probably a little larger 1.5" when I got it and did not have the christmas tree pattern.I don't know whether they ever have them or not.I agree with Atrax in that pamphobeteus seem to grow out of that pattern and some species don't have it at all.
This isn't exactly conclusive evidence, but I suspect tha P. ornatus does not have the juvenile xmas tree pattern. First, I've got a nigricolor that I've raised from a small sling that just moulted yesterday - it was about 1.75" before the moult and had the tree pattern. Post moult it looks to be about 2.5", finally, no tree pattern. Second, here's a pretty bad shot I found of an ornatus sling at 4cm (right about 1.5-1.75" as well) and no xmas tree pattern is visible.
Yea, I raised up P.fortis and Pamp ssp"platyomma", and they both had xmas tree's which they lost around the 2-3'' mark.
Iv got some P.vespertinus lings now, and they dont get the xmas markings,I guess same goes for ornatus then.
When they were smaller sized spiderlings(anyone's experience), did anyone get a little
white/yellow ring around the carapace of the spiderlings(of the genus Pamphobeteus), around the 1'' size?
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