Official Rose Hair (G. Rosea) Tarantula Fan Forum


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
All of this politically correct garbage has gone out of hand. People can't say something without someone else taking it out of context and turning it into a personal attack.

Like I said earlier, grow up, act like adults, and don't take everything so seriously.
:clap: :clap: :clap: This is true of so many things. Our words and phrases have to be constantly sterilized with formal language and euphemisms to avoid completely unfounded offense. It takes the whole life out of the conversation and make people even MORE prone to aggression when they don't hear what they like. I blame rap and hip-hop ;)

I was hesitant to contribute to the thread jack but I really feel strongly about this. I wish I had a rosie pic to post so I can tack my opinion on the end of it and sneak it in to be voted through, but ironically I don't own a rosie :8o My name is Rosie though, so it should count. :}
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Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Sathane said:
Quite different in meaning although all words are the same and in the same order. Of course, someone who is arguing in defense of bad grammar and punctuation won't care about all of this. Just expect to have it brought up on occasion by people who believe adults should be able to communicate more effectively than 8 year olds.
:worship: :worship: :clap: :clap: :worship: :worship: Thank you, really thank you, that illustrates the point wonderfully.:D

Mr. Gone tried to say something about grammar quite awhile back and was actually warned by a moderator!:eek:


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
Agreed infinity%. I also blame rap and hip-hop. Seriously, listen to those lyrics and tell me they aren't to blame. I've noticed that about the time that standards in school were laxed and mediocrity became socially acceptable was when I started to see teenagers wearing their pants around their ankles and talking like they were hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Maybe they were, but that's beside the point.
Don't get me wrong. I like some rap but, when it comes to the English language, rap dragged it into a dark alley, pumped it full of drugs and alcohol then stomped it's head into retardation.

:clap: :clap: :clap: This is true of so many things. Our words and phrases have to be constantly sterilized with formal language and euphemisms to avoid completely unfounded offense. It takes the whole life out of the conversation and make people even MORE prone to aggression when they don't hear what they like. I blame rap and hip-hop ;)
hehe. Yah, I can pretty much tell when someone values proper grammar, spelling, etc., by how they compose their posts in general. I bet you can too. ;)

I was hesitant to contribute to the thread jack but I really feel strongly about this.
Sounds good to me. Just to be sure, you should post a picture of you with a cricket in your mouth. {D

I wish I had a rosie pic to post so I can tack my opinion on the end of it and sneak it in to be voted through, but ironically I don't own a rosie :8o My name is Rosie though, so it should count. :}


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
I can't take the credit. I did a search for "importance of grammar and punctuation" in Google and that came up on the site I was looking at. I remembered, from a while back, a screenshot from someone's facebook account where someone's mother was congratulation her son's friend on something but, her misplaced grammar made the comment seem sexually suggestive. I was looking for that, because it's hilarious, but was unable to find it (images don't do well in text searches).

It's unfortunate that there is an ongoing war against proper language skills in North America, however, I do realize that this conversation is off-topic and that is generally frowned upon when it carries on.

In the end, it's up to the mods discretion to enforce specific rules or not. I can only assume that the mods agree, to some extent at least, with the importance of proper grammar and spelling as I haven't been warned (yet). Not to mention the fact that I am yet to see a mod out here who doesn't use very good written language skills. People who make an effort in their written communications, in general, care about the topic whether they choose to say so or not.

:worship: :worship: :clap: :clap: :worship: :worship: Thank you, really thank you, that illustrates the point wonderfully.:D

Mr. Gone tried to say something about grammar quite awhile back and was actually warned by a moderator!:eek:


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
A while back there was talk of possible restriction to the export of Grammostola rosea due to the insane rate of raping wild populations that is taking place. Has anyone heard anything new about this?

I don't think it will have a huge impact on the hobby immediately as they are so common that breedings would easily keep up with demand, but am interested to hear if there are any new developments in this.

There may be a slight impact on pet shops if wild collecting is no longer possible, though, as it takes a while to get them to "marketable" size but I seriously doubt that it will hit their bottom line very hard.


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
So i've got a couple of G rosea and general tarantula questions but i don't want to start a thread on them since i imagine all the rosea questions must get really annoying.

I purchased my first tarantula about a month ago, shes a G rosea and she seems to be doing very well. I've handled her several times and it's alot of fun. I think i'm gonna hold off on naming her until she molts so i can be sure of the gender. I have two questions about keeping her that i havnt been able to get definitive answers about.

1. How often should i feed her? The owner of the exotic pet store i bought her at says he feeds his spiders half a dozen crickets every two weeks. I later asked a different employee at the same store and he said he feeds his spiders every week. So far i've been going for the middle ground and feeding her every week and a half.

2. I'm keeping her in a ten gallon tank thats approximately 10 or 12 inches from substrate to tank cover. I've been told by one person this is bad because as a heavy terrestrial T if she climbs to the top and falls she can rupture her abdomen and die, but i've been told by others that shes pritty sure footed and is unlikely to fall. Also she doesnt do much climbing. I've seen plenty of pictures on these forums of people keeping Roseas in similar tanks and it would be inconvenient for me to rehouse her right away. Should i rehouse her in something safer as soon as possible or is the risk of injury exagerated?

I can definitely see how keeping tarantulas can be addictive, I think i want an arboreal next i'd love to own an A versicolor! Would the zoo med 12x12x18 enclosure be good for one? I'd also like to own an emperor scorpion. I don't live far from white plains new york and the New York reptile show will be there in a month. I've never been to a reptile show before so i don't know what they usually have in terms of inverts, would i be likely to find Avicularia versicolor or Pandinus imperator at this show and what is the likely price range for them?


Old Timer
May 18, 2009
I have a G. rosea. This thread seemed like it would have been a good one to discus some of our beloved roseys, but sadly it turned into a derailed argument.

People complaining about grammar need to remember some people are kids, someone people don't have time for checking everything, and some like me have dyslexia. I have been "prosecuted on many forums for my typos, and most of the time I just stop posting on that forum.

Also if you want to ruin a good thread with your petty argument, why don't you stop double and triple posting before you judge everyone's ability to type.

The fact of the matter is if you really are an adult you would not feel the need to correct and shun people who are most likely kids.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
Actually, if you had been reading the debate, the people in question are certainly not children. The youngest member I know of out here is 12 and even he has decent spelling and grammar skills.

It's not the occasional typo or grammar error that got this going either. It was consistent lazy errors and then the attempt at arguing for bad grammar that got it to where it was.

Also, do you know what keeps this argument going? People who had absolutely nothing to do with the original debate coming in weeks later and throwing in their own two cents.

If you were an adult you'd realize that by adding this comment, you're just digging up an issue that was put to bed well over a month ago.

Oh, and I have a G. rosea too. :p

I have a G. rosea. This thread seemed like it would have been a good one to discus some of our beloved roseys, but sadly it turned into a derailed argument.

People complaining about grammar need to remember some people are kids, someone people don't have time for checking everything, and some like me have dyslexia. I have been "prosecuted on many forums for my typos, and most of the time I just stop posting on that forum.

Also if you want to ruin a good thread with your petty argument, why don't you stop double and triple posting before you judge everyone's ability to type.

The fact of the matter is if you really are an adult you would not feel the need to correct and shun people who are most likely kids.
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