Official Rose Hair (G. Rosea) Tarantula Fan Forum


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
You really are the 'total package' aren't you? Nonsensical and ignorant.
I guess, being a spider forum, long posts which make little sense due to the fact that the person just randomly throws letters together hoping they are correct and neglects to use any punctuation whatsoever are perfect. It's not like this is a knitting forum, where things like spelling and grammar actually count for something. :rolleyes:

I've gone ahead and corrected your post in the comment below in order to show you the difference between proper grammar and improper grammar. Go read your original comment, using proper reading skills like upward inflection for questions, etc. You know? Like you were taught in Grade 2. Then come and read the corrected quote below and tell me there is no difference. By the way, red text are my corrections and orange are my comments - in case you didn't notice.

I think I've proven my case, or rather you've proven my case, quite nicely.

Thanks. ;)

Give it a rest, will you? This is a spider forum, by the way.
What are you doing here anyway? Do you <Forgot an entire word there.> have any spiders, or know anything about spiders, or are you just trying to look smart? If you <Removed the extra "are".> are, you are failing by the way. <That's odd. You added a question mark here, where it's not supposed to be, but didn't put them where they belong. :? I've removed it for you. :) >
Go back to checking spelling mistakes or whatever it is you do. <An entire sentence in perfect form. Now I can die a happy man. :D>

Oh, and just to qualify my ignorant comment. If you took a second to read the person you are referring to's profile you'd notice this:

My Inverts & Other Pets:
Like I said - ignorant nonsense.
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paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
You really are the 'total package' aren't you? Nonsensical and ignorant.
I guess, being a spider forum, long posts which make little sense due to the fact that the person just randomly throws letters together hoping they are correct and neglects to use any punctuation whatsoever are perfect. It's not like this is a knitting forum, where things like spelling and grammar actually count for something. :rolleyes:

I've gone ahead and corrected your post in the comment below in order to show you the difference between proper grammar and improper grammar. Go read your original comment, using proper reading skills like upward inflection for questions, etc. You know? Like you were taught in Grade 2. Then come and read the corrected quote below and tell me there is no difference. By the way, red text are my corrections and orange are my comments - in case you didn't notice.

I think I've proven my case, or rather you've proven my case, quite nicely.

Thanks. ;)

Oh, and just to qualify my ignorant comment. If you took a second to read the person you are referring to's profile you'd notice this:

Like I said - ignorant nonsense.
Here we you know the difference between a regalis and a fasciata without looking on the web or using spell check ? Do you even know what species they are.
Again,what are you doing here.....this is a spider forum not an English class.
I also own 2 large bci's,a macklots and a 15 foot burm.......spiders are just a hobby,snakes are my life.
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Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
hey guys...calm the heck down.
your freaking out the G. roseas
group hug then go back to the sane side of things

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
hey guys...calm the heck down.
your freaking out the G. roseas
group hug then go back to the sane side of things
As long as we are talking about spiders and spider problems and not wasting time about who said what and where.
Agreed buddy,group hug :D


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
LMAO. You really didn't have to prove my ignorance point, yet again. You did a good enough job the first time.

1) Yes I do. I own several of the first (and have a 2 sacs due to hatch soon) and have owned the second but not now. I don't use spell check. I guess I just don't need to for words like those since I cared enough to look up the spellings initially and committed them to memory.

Since that's the only real question you asked, I'll just say this; PM me if you'd like a detailed explanation of how a question mark works. ;)

Yes, very observant, this is a spider forum. Which is why I'm kind of puzzled as to why you listed off a bunch of snakes for some unknown reason. I guess it's just your way of telling me a bit about yourself - in a friendly gesture.

I like green olives and I sometimes wear my socks to bed but I can't remember a time when I've eaten green olives in bed while wearing my socks.

Now that we know each other a bit better I think I might be ready for a group hug. ;)

To put this to bed once and for all, just know that I wouldn't be busting your ball pythons if you weren't defending ridiculousness.

Back to the Rosies. :D

Here we you know the difference between a regalis and a fasciata without looking on the web or using spell check ? Do you even know what species they are.
Again,what are you doing here.....this is a spider forum not an English class.
I also own 2 large bci's,a macklots and a 15 foot burm.......spiders are just a hobby,snakes are my life.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2006
Here is the last previously unsexed G. rosea. The molt got pretty hacked up, but it looks like I'm 6 for 6 with females :rolleyes:

PS- Save the smart comments ;) Her dish was dry when I discovered her getting ready to molt, and was refilled right after I took the picture. I dont mist or add water when dry loving species are molting...



Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
Nice T's everyone,but to me this thread has been ruined by childlike behaviour.Now I see why I hardly post on this site.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
hehe. You've been here about a month and have posted over 50 times. I think you're doing just fine. :p

The thread is okay, it'll get over it. Can you?

It always amazes me when people come out here and say how they stay away from the boards because of how other people are around here. Guess what? The world isn't full of people who have personalities just like yours. You might as well barricade yourself in your home if you're that offended by how other people act because there will always be someone (or many 'someones') every day who do something that doesn't exactly sit right with you. Online or otherwise.

Are you going to run away in every instance or are you going to act like an adult and accept that not everyone is made in your image? I find it funny how you call other people childish and then mention that you stay away from the boards because you don't like some of the stuff that happens. Taking off and pouting about it seems like childish behaviour to me.

Anyway, I do agree, there are some downright sexy rosies out here. :D

Nice T's everyone,but to me this thread has been ruined by childlike behaviour.Now I see why I hardly post on this site.
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Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
It always amazes me when people come out here and say how they stay away from the boards because of how other people are around here. Guess what? The world isn't full of people who have personalities just like yours. You might as well barricade yourself in your home if you're that offended by how other people act because there will always be someone (or many 'someones') every day who do something that doesn't exactly sit right with you. Online or otherwise.
It amazes me when you try and be straightforward and to the point, only to get told you are being rude. Some people need to learn that the internet is not like real life, it requires thicker skin and the ability to realize that sometimes people are going to have very different personalities and posting styles than you do. So, well said Sathane, rats off to ya!(no, that is not a typo, it is a reference):D


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
hehe. You've been here about a month and have posted over 50 times. I think you're doing just fine. :p

The thread is okay, it'll get over it. Can you?

It always amazes me when people come out here and say how they stay away from the boards because of how other people are around here. Guess what? The world isn't full of people who have personalities just like yours. You might as well barricade yourself in your home if you're that offended by how other people act because there will always be someone (or many 'someones') every day who do something that doesn't exactly sit right with you. Online or otherwise.

Are you going to run away in every instance or are you going to act like an adult and accept that not everyone is made in your image? I find it funny how you call other people childish and then mention that you stay away from the boards because you don't like some of the stuff that happens. Taking off and pouting about it seems like childish behaviour to me.

Anyway, I do agree, there are some downright sexy rosies out here. :D
Funny that you say that.Because there is more drama here on a forum about spiders of all things than I encounter at work or at home.Or the car forums that I frequent( and those get bad)I come here to relax,and gather info,not listen to petty arguements like what this thread has mostly turned into.A Grammar-a-Thon.I am here to learn more about my T's,and do not have the time to waste reading a pissing match over grammar. Thanks.and as far as the fifty posts,I could have asked many more questions,but opted to just figure it out my darn self. Much easier.Flame away.

Roland Slinger

Old Timer
Aug 17, 2009
hehe. You've been here about a month and have posted over 50 times. I think you're doing just fine. :p

The thread is okay, it'll get over it. Can you?

It always amazes me when people come out here and say how they stay away from the boards because of how other people are around here. Guess what? The world isn't full of people who have personalities just like yours. You might as well barricade yourself in your home if you're that offended by how other people act because there will always be someone (or many 'someones') every day who do something that doesn't exactly sit right with you. Online or otherwise.

Are you going to run away in every instance or are you going to act like an adult and accept that not everyone is made in your image? I find it funny how you call other people childish and then mention that you stay away from the boards because you don't like some of the stuff that happens. Taking off and pouting about it seems like childish behaviour to me.

Anyway, I do agree, there are some downright sexy rosies out here. :D
I'm with you all the way. It also ticks me when people can't spell but I just ignore their posts and move along, because if they can't spell, it's likely that whatever they're trying to say is useless anyway.

BrettG, you're supposed to leave a space after a period. Like that.Not like this.


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2008
Just to get back on topic, here's a pic of a rosea I got from an advert in the local paper over a year ago. The guy said he'd had her awhile, but had simply lost interest. Well he must have lost interest in watering her, because while I was sorting out a new enclosure for her, I gave her a drink and she spent a long time guzzling away. She had completely emptied that waterdish by the time her new home was ready. This pic always makes me smile.



Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Just to get back on topic, here's a pic of a rosea I got from an advert in the local paper over a year ago. The guy said he'd had her awhile, but had simply lost interest. Well he must have lost interest in watering her, because while I was sorting out a new enclosure for her, I gave her a drink and she spent a long time guzzling away. She had completely emptied that waterdish by the time her new home was ready. This pic always makes me smile.
Very cool picture! Do you think you could post it here as well? i was trying to gather pictures of Ts drinking and that is a wonderful picture.:D


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
.I am here to learn more about my T's,and do not have the time to waste reading a pissing match over grammar. Thanks.and as far as the fifty posts,I could have asked many more questions,but opted to just figure it out my darn self. Much easier.Flame away.
Then evidently the discussion on grammar went above your head, because the purpose of it was to get people to communicate clearer, so we can ALL enjoy and read on the site.

Bad grammar, and incorrect/ lack of punctuation make posts difficult and frustrating to read for some of us. For example, your lack of spaces after your periods and commas.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
Exactly! Personally, I don't have the time to proof-read my posts 100 times, looking at them from every possible perspective, because someone might take it the wrong way.

All of this politically correct garbage has gone out of hand. People can't say something without someone else taking it out of context and turning it into a personal attack.

Like I said earlier, grow up, act like adults, and don't take everything so seriously.

I have this problem constantly because I shoot from the hip and tell it like it is. The huge majority of people these days just can't handle bluntness.

It amazes me when you try and be straightforward and to the point, only to get told you are being rude. Some people need to learn that the internet is not like real life, it requires thicker skin and the ability to realize that sometimes people are going to have very different personalities and posting styles than you do. So, well said Sathane, rats off to ya!(no, that is not a typo, it is a reference):D


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
I didn't say you'd find more drama in real life. I said there will always be someone somewhere who does something that doesn't sit well with you. It makes no sense, and is childish, to go pout in a corner about it.
The above is nearly exactly what I said in the post you quoted so, please, read my posts as they are written and don't assume or interpret anything different from what is actually said. I write my comments as well as I can (with proper grammar and spelling as much as my skills allow) in an attempt to get across exactly what I mean to say.

In regards to grammar; As mentioned above, grammar is a great tool to get across exactly what you are trying to say properly. Believe it or not (judging by the composition of your post, I'm thinking not), grammar can make a huge difference in the meaning of a section of text.

For example, this illustrates my point perfectly:

Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy -- will you let me be yours?
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?
Yours, Gloria
Quite different in meaning although all words are the same and in the same order. Of course, someone who is arguing in defense of bad grammar and punctuation won't care about all of this. Just expect to have it brought up on occasion by people who believe adults should be able to communicate more effectively than 8 year olds.

I do applaud your ability to use the tools available to you to research the solutions to your own questions though. That's another skill that is lost on most people. I'm not a member of the Search Police (I got kicked off the force for actually answering some of the questions ;) ) but I am more inclined to help someone who looks like they made an effort to help themselves first. At the very least, they will earn more of my respect.

Funny that you say that.Because there is more drama here on a forum about spiders of all things than I encounter at work or at home.Or the car forums that I frequent( and those get bad)I come here to relax,and gather info,not listen to petty arguements like what this thread has mostly turned into.A Grammar-a-Thon.I am here to learn more about my T's,and do not have the time to waste reading a pissing match over grammar. Thanks.and as far as the fifty posts,I could have asked many more questions,but opted to just figure it out my darn self. Much easier.Flame away.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
Great pic! :D I love when I fill a water bowl and the T buries it's fangs in it and take a long drink. Equally as entertaining is when I pour/squirt water into a bowl and they attack the stream. I wish I could get pics of that but it's difficult while also trying to pour in water, hold open the lid, etc. I've tried.

Just to get back on topic, here's a pic of a rosea I got from an advert in the local paper over a year ago. The guy said he'd had her awhile, but had simply lost interest. Well he must have lost interest in watering her, because while I was sorting out a new enclosure for her, I gave her a drink and she spent a long time guzzling away. She had completely emptied that waterdish by the time her new home was ready. This pic always makes me smile.
