User NorthEdge's picture thread.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Edit: Ok, these pics are massive on the forum. Is there a way I can set the thumbnails to be smaller?
Upload them to our site and use the thumbnail view.

How to upload to a public gallery:
  1. In the top menu bar, click "Gallery."
  2. Select the relevant image category from the menu on the left.
  3. Click "Add Media" (near the upper-right corner).
  4. Select "Upload an image from your files" (should be selected by default).
  5. Click "Upload Image."
  6. Select the image file on your computer or phone.
  7. Add a title (preferably including the scientific species name) and description.
  8. Click "Save Media."

How to create a personal album:
  1. Go to Gallery -> Your Albums.
  2. Click "Add Media" near the top-right corner.
  3. Where it says, "Add media to," select "An album."
  4. To create a new album, select "Create an album" from the drop-down menu. (If you are not seeing this option on the mobile version, try the desktop version.)
  5. Where it says "People Who May Add media to," please choose "Owner Only." Otherwise, less attentive members will often upload their images to other people's albums.)
  6. To add photos to one of your existing albums, select the relevant album under "Your Albums."

How to embed images in forum posts, gallery comments, or conversations:
  1. Open the image (in Arachnoboards) that you want to embed.
  2. Copy the code in "Share BB (With Thumbnail) Code" or "Share BB GALLERY Code." (Both of these options allow the user to click the image for a link to the source.)
  3. Paste the code where you want the image to be in your forum post, gallery comments, or conversations.

"Share BB IMG (With Thumbnail) Code" results in a small preview with a link to the original:

"Share BB GALLERY Code" results in a large preview with a link to the original: