New to this forum, but I need help please


Apr 20, 2011
So we are getting ready to go on vacation for a 6 days. Should I do anything special for OPie or do you think he will be alright on his own?

Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
My rose tarantula (Opie) ...
I've had him since last October and he molted last December, ...

Your tarantula is a rather recent import and hasn't made the "Hemisphere Conversion." And, it's late May and it's merely trying to hunker down for a long winter's nap.

It would appear that you haven't very much experience with tarantulas. If this is true (or even if you have lots of experience but haven't read this before) you might read You also almost surely need to read all four of the recommended books as soon as you can find copies of them. (Note that I didn't insist that you BUY them. You merely need to get to know your friendly, neighborhood, public library.)

Then, be sure to read

Lastly, you need to understand that every species of tarantula in the world is a little different from every other species. (After all, if they weren't, we'd only have one species, no?) And, Chilean roses are among those with the larger repertoire of weird behaviors. You should be amused, not necessarily terribly concerned.

Hope this helps set your mind at ease.


Apr 20, 2011
I have those books already, but not too user friendly. I looked for hours, trying to find out why Opie was hybernating


Apr 20, 2011
Well, I noticed today that Opie burrowed himself a tunnel out of his coconut.Haven't see im use it yet, but it is obvious he does come out at night. Its a good size opening to his tunnel. Curious when I will see him.


Apr 20, 2011
So, I know for a fact that it has been about 7 weeks since Opie has eaten anything so now that he has tunneled himself out of the coconut does anyone think I should throw a cricket or two in for a nice meal?. I still have not seen him, so I'm not sure what condition he is in.

Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
I have those books already, but not too user friendly. I looked for hours, trying to find out why Opie was hybernating
Good point! In response, I have edited the Addenda and Errata sheet for TKG3 ( to include such a discussion. Look for an entry for page 339 near the bottom of the document.

For those of you who may not be aware, we have published this Addenda and Errata sheet on the Internet in an attempt to correct any errors that are pointed out to us, to still publish any material that was dropped from the paper version of the book for reasons of lack of space, and to update the book as important, new information becomes available. In effect, TKG3 ( and combined with this Addenda and Errata sheet will form the nucleus of TKG4 (

Xtravertmom, if you would prefer that we use your real name please get back to me by personal E-mail at

Enjoy your sleepy little 8-legged buddy!


Jul 18, 2010
So, I know for a fact that it has been about 7 weeks since Opie has eaten anything so now that he has tunneled himself out of the coconut does anyone think I should throw a cricket or two in for a nice meal?. I still have not seen him, so I'm not sure what condition he is in.

My Grammostola rosea has not eaten anything in about 8 months and she is fine. She had not eaten in nearly 10 months before that. I think the undue stress of always wanting to see if she/he is ok is more bothersome to the T then its worth. I know what its like to be frustrated not seeing your T's on the regular, but they do what they do and sometimes for no reason at all. I have 4 Heteroscodra maculata, 2 Ephebopus cyanognathus, 2 Avicularia avicularia, 2 Pelinobius muticus, and 2 Pterinochilus murinus I have not seen in nearly a year. They build huge tunnels out of webs or dig huge holes and just disappear. Even my Poecilotheria hid for months. Given the right conditions they will do what they would do in the wild. Hiding is absolutely one of those natural instincts. Also, being out and about does not make them feel secure and building holes is their way of protecting themselves. Its just normal behavior your just going to have to get used to. As everyone else said, make sure their is fresh water for it and offer it food every once in a while. If it smells funky then check. Otherwise, leave it be. :D


Apr 20, 2011
Good point! In response, I have edited the Addenda and Errata sheet for TKG3 ( to include such a discussion. Look for an entry for page 339 near the bottom of the document.

For those of you who may not be aware, we have published this Addenda and Errata sheet on the Internet in an attempt to correct any errors that are pointed out to us, to still publish any material that was dropped from the paper version of the book for reasons of lack of space, and to update the book as important, new information becomes available. In effect, TKG3 ( and combined with this Addenda and Errata sheet will form the nucleus of TKG4 (

Xtravertmom, if you would prefer that we use your real name please get back to me by personal E-mail at

Enjoy your sleepy little 8-legged buddy!
Thanks for the update, I do have tis book and have looked it over to find out what I can so for Opie. I got up this morning and he had 2 (rather large) legs sticking out...I can only imagine that is his legs are that large what the rest of him looks like. The color looks good so I wasn't worried. I removed the lid to add some fresh water and he immediately reacted to the noise nad drew his legs back in. Oh well, at least I know he is alive and well!


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
You can feed him, usually when they have their legs waiting outside the burrow they are waiting for prey to wander by so that they can grab it.. :)

In my lids I like to make a cricket sized hole so I can push crickets through it. This is good for flighty t's or t's that like to hair, because it gives you protection from hairs, and less disturbance of the enclosure.

Although, this only works for bigger spiders, smaller spiders will fit through the cricket hole lol...

And with this reminder.. I need to go buy some crickets..


Apr 20, 2011
ok, its been 10 days and i now have 4 large legs sticking out from under the dirt, im letting him go and see what happens. I am hoping he will come out all the way within the next few days. Once he totally digs out I will offer him a few crickets. Wait and see game...Im believing thats the type of game these Rose's like to play


Apr 20, 2011
Opie has completely dug the opening free from his coconut, but he is still inside with the front 4 legs sticking out. My question is, is it possible that he has grown too large and is stuck inside the coconut and does he need my assistance getting out or is he strong enough to wiggle out on his own? Anyone????

Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
Opie has completely dug the opening free from his coconut, but he is still inside with the front 4 legs sticking out. My question is, is it possible that he has grown too large and is stuck inside the coconut and does he need my assistance getting out or is he strong enough to wiggle out on his own? Anyone????
Absolutely not. You're obsessing way to much. Relax. Slip your favorite CD/DVD into the player. Pour yourself a large cup/glass/stein of your favorite beverage (stirred, not shaken), curl up on your favorite item of furniture and enjoy the show your tarantula is giving you! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn from and about your wondrous little pet. Watch carefully. There is great wisdom there, but it's often hard to recognize. Stop worrying. Everything's going to be all right!

You might also practice Yoga or some other form of meditation right along with your tarantula. Tarantulas spend most of their time mediating. Their version of the Lotus Position is simply awe inspiring! {D

Enjoy your little buddy!


Apr 20, 2011
HE"S OUT!!!!!!! I got up for work this morning and he was sitting there on top of his mound of dirt. I didn't dare reach in and try to pet him (like I used to do first thing in the morning) not knowing what kind of mood he may be in post hybernating.:?
Anywho....When I got home from work this afternoon, I approached him and he was very receptive.{D. I went out to buy him some crickets, thinking he may need to eat after fasting for so long. I tossed a cricket in with him and he was hysterical...immediately got into his attack stance and waited for the silly lil critter to come around, then almost on cue......he pounced!!:clap:
While I was at the pet store getting the crickets, I was talking with the sales girl, who knows I have Opie, and asked me if I might be interested in another spider. A female Blue Cobalt. She is shy but soo pretty. Does anyone have any knowledge of Blue Cobalts? I've seen pics of them and they look like they can get quite large. How receptive they are to handeling and what kind of companion they make.:?


Jun 14, 2010
Um...cobalt blues (Haplopelma lividium) are an OW species, and as a member of the Haplopelma genus are obligate burrowers-aka "pet holes". They need alot of substrate. More than that, they have a defensive temperment (OW species) and should not be handled unless you're willing to accept that you may recieve a very nasty bite (again, OW species). If you want a spider you could take out of the cage to handle, or a spider you can count on seeing most of the time, this is not a spider for you.


Apr 20, 2011
Nevermind...I did some research on the Cobalt Blue's and they tend to be more agressive and fast!:eek:
It took me quite awhile before I (wasn't) afraid to handle Opie, and I don't want to be afraid again, it might turn me against owning a spider.


Apr 20, 2011
Opie is active today, I fed him a another cricket, which he kinda hum-hawed around it. Not as agressive as yesterday. I noticed a bald patch on his butt so I look for him to start molting within the next week or two. This will be his second molt. I looked under the coconiut shell that he has been living in for the last 8 weeks and nothing is there. My baby is growing......:D

Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
... I noticed a bald patch on his butt so I look for him to start molting within the next week or two. ...
Not necessarily. I haven't gone back through all your postings to find out how big the tarantula is (molting rate - defined as the time between successive molts - is age or size related), but the presence of a bald/bare patch on the top of its abdomen merely means that some of the urticating bristles have fallen off or been rubbed off. Period.

Be careful not to make any further inferences about the missing bristles. The fact that they are gone does not mean the tarantula is old, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't handle it, it doesn't mean that something is bothering the tarantula and it's going to die of nervous exhaustion or hysteria, or any of the other 500 myths about missing bristles. At best, the fact that the bristles are missing merely means that everything is normal.

Regarding molting rate or frequency, little, tiny, baby tarantulas molt very often, sometimes as often as once a month or slightly more often. As they grow and age the molting cycle slows down so that by the time they're perhaps 2/3 to 3/4 grown they're only molting once a year.

If it's a male tarantula he will continue this annual molting cycle until he experiences his final ("ultimate" is the formal term) molt and becomes sexually mature. For some species this may be as young as 2 or 3 years old. The males of other species may take 15 years or longer to mature. After he experiences his ultimate molt he probably won't live longer than 18 months or so, dying of old age.

By contrast, females continue molting annually for almost the remainder of their long lives. While the females of a few species may only live 5 years or so, those of other species may live 20, 30, or even more years. There are a few species that we suspect may live even longer than that! Because the tarantula keeping hobby is so new (we mark the publication of Dr. William Baerg's little book, The Tarantula in 1958 as the beginning of the hobby), and because enthusiasts have only been breeding tarantulas in captivity with any frequency for 20 or 30 years, the cage raised members of some of these very long lived species may only now be nearing the ends of their lives. Or not!

When these very long lived females get really old they often begin missing every second molt, and their cycle shifts to a biennial mode for some number of years before they finally die. The females of one species, Brachypelma emilia - the Mexican redleg tarantula - often starts this biennial molting mode very soon after reaching sexual maturity. We had one that we're fairly sure was something like 38 years old or more when it finally died for us of old age.

While the mere presence of a bald patch doesn't mean a lot, it's color is significant. For most of the year its a tan to brown color because you can see the color of the flesh through it. (The overlying skin is so thin it's nearly transparent and colorless.) However, as a molt approaches and the tarantula finally begins to grow a new exoskeleton under/inside the old one, and the new bristles develop their final pigmentation, the bald patch turns black. This color change is very swift, usually almost overnight! Then, the tarantula will usually molt within a week or 10 days. (Older individuals may go 2 weeks or slightly more, and the goliath birdeater tarantula - Theraphosa blondi - one of the world's largest spiders, has been known to take 2 or 3 months before finally molting.)

In an earlier posting I urged you to read 4 books about tarantulas because these creatures were so fascinating and complex. This bristles/molting thing is just the tip of the iceberg! Trust me.

Lastly, has anyone told you of the tarantula enthusiast's lament?


Enjoy your mysterious little buddy!