new T, what should i get!?


Old Timer
May 6, 2003
okay, i'm in the position to purchase a new T, and i want to make sure i get a great T that i'll be thrilled with owning. :) i might get two, but that's all, i swear!

anyway, my top motivations are calmness, docileness (i will handle them regularly), and coloring.

these are my top choices: (not in any real order)

A. versicolor
A. metallica
G. pulchra
C. cyaneopubescens
A. moderatum
A. purpurea
H. gigas (ha ha, just kidding)

my plan is to get one at LEAST 1" in size b/c the baby slings just make my heart pound and i'm not comfortable holding them overmuch b/c they are SO teeny.

so, your thoughts? i really, really need some help you guys. :/ also, a lot of the 'standard' T dealers don't have some of these in those sizes...anyone deal with anyone smaller they might recommend? feel free to PM me with dealer suggestions.

oh, and what's swifty giving away now as a freebie? :)


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2002
My thoughts on the spiders you listed that I have are :

My Versi's are very big webbers . I dont see them that often so I wouldnt be able to handle them, although when you do they are gorgeous.

The C. cyaneopubescens I have got is to skittish for me to handle I would imagine it bolting straight of my hand/table.

My G.pulchra is brilliant calm as anything and nearly always on display. Plus they look good to.

I dont own the other Avics so dont know if they would be like the versi's.

I would go with the Pulchra:)



Old Timer
May 6, 2003
thanks, i appreciate the feedback. :) i also like G. pulchra a lot. my main decision i think will be guided partially by who has 1" slings of those types and prices.

(sigh) if only it were easy. :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
i would also go with the G. pulchra. i'm actually thinking about getting one myself.

Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
Originally posted by skadiwolf

anyway, my top motivations are calmness, docileness (i will handle them regularly), and coloring.

oh, and what's swifty giving away now as a freebie? :)
Avicularia: A beautiful genus of species. They like to web, so be prepared for longs stints where they are enclosed in thier web. Also, I don't know if you have ever handled one or not, be they are rather flighty and very jumpy. I don't know how well you would handle a 5" spider jumping toward your face off of your hand. It freaked me out the first time it happened. Still, this is a very rewarding genus to take interest in.

A. versicolor - beautiful, nice colorchange over maturation of the spider

A. metallica - beautiful, not as beautiful as A. versicolor

A. purpurea - ditto

A. moderatum - where did you ever come under the idea that these make good handling spiders? I've read that they are way more likely to bite that most of the other species of Aphonopelma. I don't recommend this as a handling pet.

G. pulchra - I've never owned one. But you know the saying: once you go black, you never go back. A big, strikingly black, docile spider -- pretty good idea. Might I also suggest G. aureostriata 1 . Same attributes but gold and brown.

C. cyaneopubescens - refer to A. versicolor description, webs a ton, as they get older, from what I understand, they spend more and more time in their web. Mine is still yound. I see it quite a bit. The webbing is incredible.

I don't know, but the last freebie I got was a G. aureostriata. Swifty is great. I highly recommend him.

Those are my opinions. Hope they helped.



Old Timer
May 6, 2003
i have an A. avic and have never had a jumping on my face problem. however, she can be a little nervous, but overall she's very docile and i move very slowly with her.

i already have a G. aureostriata.

i have never read anything personally about A. moderatum being unhandleable. also, i have a friend whose had one for years and hers is like a puppy. i'll do some more research on those. not one of my top choices anyway.

yes, G. pulchra...(sigh) this is actually the one i was most highly considering interestingly enough.

guess we'll see. i also got a G. aureostriata from swift's and would rather not have another. (shrug) that's my little one (of two) that molted recently. i have pics in another thread. :)

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
My last freebie was an H.maculata (Togo Starburst) a venomous specie from what i have heard, mine when startled will go and run as crazy. Out of all of the choices there its really hard to say so, I would go with the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, since it has beautiful colors and make awsome webs, it is awsome how they always change colors after every molt, i have 2 of them right now, 1 sling at 1" and a 2" one. They are just awsome, they dont have many problems molting as versicolors and they are much better to take care of and are pretty fast growers. good luck with your choice!

James :)


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I think you would be happiest with one of these

G. pulchra
C. cyaneopubescens
A. moderatum

My A.versicolor started out timy and electric blue, and then with each molt it looked even cooler, They do grow pretty fast and likely with in 6-7 months it will be the size you wanting

G.pulchra is a hoppy classic, and if you've got the money there are a few places selling 4" specimums for $90, there are also slings for sell of varies sizes

C. cyaneopubescens I've seen them advertised at 1-2" and they are another must have species

A.moderatum You can often find a full sized in this species for a great price, but they are likely WC
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Old Timer
Mar 22, 2003
Well, out of your list, and according to your criteria, I'd say definitely go with the G. pulchra. Invertepet has 3/4-1" for $18. You can ask for one of the larger slings, or wait until he gets more 2" in like I did, that cost me $40. I've only heard from 3 people that A. moderatum isn't a good choice: the author of Tarantula Keeper's Guide, a guy at a show, and Big Dragonfly on this thread. Everyone else says they're very handleable. If you only cared about looks, and not handleability, I would definitely go w/ C. cyaneopubescens. I love their adult coloration.



Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
G. pulchra... definitely. Docile, will get heaviy-bodied and large, plus there's nothing like the look of black velvet! I purchased mine as an adult and she was quite skittish at first, but with time, she has calmed down and become a little lover! And when handling, you'll be AMAZED at the weight!

My GBB is skittish, but my most beautiful baby. When she matures, I'm going to buy another sling just to watch it grow.

So, the "maybe 2" should be "definitely 2!":D


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2003

Hey, I recomend an avic specially versicolor because oh man they're the best! I got too not so long ago and they grow fast and you wont get dissapointed with these. I handled mine by accident and it was so cool ( my first T handling) they're fast but they stop alot to be recaptured again I think the only reson they run is because you make a hard vibration or something that would scare them but other than that they're calm little blue beauties. Mine after 1-2 months already has the red/purple on abdomen and they are good eaters. I'm sure you'll love versicolor or metallica or purpea(Purpea looks gorgeous but it dosn't get too big) If you are concerned with webbing I can't help you there.
This genus is nice to watch it grow and attack food and the things they do like..... run around in circles just because they feel like it. well any ways this is my top choice I always wanted a versi and I am happy now that I chose that over anything else.


Old Timer
Apr 10, 2003
A. purpurea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously! I can't wait to get one of those myself, and considering that there aren't a whole lot of them out there, I encourage more people to pursue these guys so that we can increase our communal knowledge of them. Sure, they're Avics, but that alone is not worthy of judging them.

I think they are the single most beautiful T out there (followed closely by about a dozen others, mind you ;) ) has some slings available right now! I'm gonna contact them shortly to see about reserving one until I can cough up the extra dough to cover the shipping (or I may just take a road trip to Chicago and fetch them myself).



Old Timer
Apr 26, 2003
Originally posted by skadiwolf
okay, i'm in the position to purchase a new T, and i want to make sure i get a great T that i'll be thrilled with owning. :) i might get two, but that's all, i swear!

I'd get the A. Metallica, they're my favorite right now. I've never seen a Tarantula do a flying backflip to get at a cricket, until the Metallica.


Old Timer
Feb 14, 2003
well if you wanna T that'll be around for your kids and possibly your grandkids, get A. moderatum.=D

If you ask me they have to be the slowest growing ever.


Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
Originally posted by Bry
I've only heard from 3 people that A. moderatum isn't a good choice: the author of Tarantula Keeper's Guide, a guy at a show, and Big Dragonfly on this thread
I based my opinion of this species due to what I read i The Tarantula Keeper's Guide. So it's not first hand opinion, but never the less, I think that it should carry some weight.



Old Timer
May 6, 2003
jon, i do appreciate your comments about the one T, the moderatum. i always post that i'm looking for docile Ts so i do appreciate any extra 'warnings' as it were, i'd just never heard it. :) thanks.

as for iam, don't worry, i know my Ts well enough AND do lots of research before getting any of them.

i NEVER listen to smartasses...well, unless it's me talking. :D

thanks for your concern.


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2002
My Versi has built this massive tube web. So I see her some . What freaks me out is all I hear about the stale air and what not that affects them. I make sure the ventilation is way up there. My Green Bottle I usually see when I tear open her web. I wouldnt handle either T because of the speed they have. I almost lost the Versi when I opened her from shipping. I would lean more towards a Red Knee ... colors galore and calm . Mine flicks hairs from time to time but thats about it .