Name your T's!


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
0-0-1 B. smithi (Ash)
0-0-1 H. villosella (Webbie)
0-0-1 A. avicularia (Jumpy)
0-1-0 G. rosea (Rosie)


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Oooh, my kind of thread!

0.1 G. rosea - Ituri (like the rhino viper)
1.0 H. longipes - Esod (stands for - Evil Spider of Doom)
0.1 P. lugardi - Cookie Monster
0.1.0 Theraphosa sp. - Haughchoklat
0.1.0 P. chordatus - Rise
0.3.0 P. murinus - Aidan, Kubota, (third unnamed)
0.1.0 A. avic - Red (as in Red Dragon, as in Hannibal, as in he's a proven cannibal!)
0.1.0 A. versi - Loh
0.3.0 H. incei - Between two of us, there *were* 7 and we were going to name them after the Seven Dwarves lol

Still to be named... H. mac, P. regalis, P. pederseni, H. gigas, cambridgeis.. I think that's it haha


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
0.1.0 B. smithi "Marik"
1.0.0 A. avicularia "Bullet"
0.1.0 C. schioedtei "Echo"
0.0.1 A. sp "Flagstaff Orange" "Spazz"
0.0.1 B. vagans Will be "Domino" or "Lola" depending on gender.


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2009
Acanthoscurria geniculata "Caprica"
Avicularia minatrix "Poodle"
Avicularia versicolor "Willow"
Brachypelma smithi "Gothic"
Brachypelma smithi "Gala"
Brachypelma smithi "Zarathustra"
Brachypelma vagans "Frito"
Hysterocrates gigas "Petra"
Pterinochilus murinus "Siren"
Psalmopoeus irminia "Ikabod/Isabella" (depends on gender, still a baby)

I also have 3 unnamed P. regalis slings, and 1 unnamed B. emilia sling.

Plus 2 black widows: Zero, and Zeugma.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Well we've got some more to add to our list.

Avicularia avicularia - Woodstock
Brachypelma vagans (6) - Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pikachu, Meowth, Magikarp, Charmander
Cyriocosmus elegans (2) - Curious George, Man in the Yellow Hat
C. perezmilesi (2) - Firechief Mittens, Mortos der Soul Stealer
Eucratoscelus pachypus - She-Ra
Holothele sp. Norte de Santander (3) - Alvin, Simon, Theodore
Poecilotheria formosa - Mephisto the Lord of Hatred
P. ornata - Baal the Lord of Destruction
P. rufilata - Andarial the Maiden of Anguish
Selenobrachys philippinus - Starscream
Tapinauchenius gigas - The Flash
Theraphosidae sp. Peru - Princess Peach


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
The only one named I have is my first one,
2" unsexed G. pulchripes named Paco Chaco.

Everyone else will probably eventually earn names as they grow and age.


Sep 1, 2009
A. metalliaca- Boots
B. smithi- Smithi
B. pulchripes- Nova
A. hentzi- Pip
B. albopilosum- Napoleon
C. fasciatum- Rodya

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
How about... name someone else's T's? ;)

Zane ~ Avicularia avicularia, Guyana Pinktoe
Isa ~ Avicularia versicolor, Antilles Pinktoe
Jiiga ~ Brachypelma albopilosum, Honduran Curlyhair
Lamatra ~ Brachypelma emilia, Mexican Redleg
Vilmaris Varian ~ Chromatopelma cyanopubescens, Venezuelan Greenbottle Blue
Aiken ~ Grammostola auerostriata, Chaco Golden Knee
True ~ Grammostola pulchra, Brazilian Black
Samara ~ Grammostola rosea, Chilean Rose
Alice ~ Grammostola rosea, Chilean Rose

Yet to be named:
3 Brachypelma albopilosum, Honduran Curlyhair
Finally thought of names for these three while studying for my Calculus final:

Sine, Cosine, and Tangent. :D
These are the only two T's left from that collection I had years ago. That is a little difficult to look back on what 'used to be.' I hope the T's I had to give up for free in the sale/trade forum found their way to good homes...

The ladies:
Grammostola aureostriata (Aiken)
Grammostola pulchra (True)

Aiken means something like "oak" or "little oak" if my memory serves me correctly.

True is named after a piece of music from Sient Hill 2, which was playing in-game when she arrived in the mail (at only 1" in LS):


Here are the other T's in my current collection that I have already named:

0.0.3 Aphonopelma hentzi (Newt, T.R.W., Link)
0.0.1 Brachypelma smithi (C.J.)
0.0.4 Brachypelma vagans (Uno, River, J.J.Rousseau, RED13)
0.0.4 Grammostola rosea (Barbara Ann, Doc, Zuul, "Indy"/'Indefatigable')
0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus (Skittles)

notes on the names:
Barbara Ann & Doc: came to me pre-named, and I am more than happy to keep those names. It is such a neat thing, IMO, to receive T's who are already named.
Indy (Indefatigable): is named for a ship (a frigate, to be precise) in a fictional series based on C. S. Forester's books. This T is NOT named for Indiana Jones.
RED13: a character from the game Final Fantasy VII.
J.J.Rousseau: is named for Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C.J.: is named for the mall security guard character in the Dawn of the Dead remake.
Newt: is named for the little girl in Aliens.
Link: is named for the character you play as in Nintendo's Zelda games.
T.R.W.: is named for T.R.W. Consultants, an oil drilling & completions consulting company for which I was employed to draw up the company logo while said consulting company was working for Vintage Petroleum.
Uno: was the first T I unpacked from that shipment of B. vagans slings.
River: I named while sleep-deprived because I had found it in a death curl after returning home from being away for 2 days during a heat wave. On the thought that it might be dehydrated, I stayed up all night, nudging it gently around its container to force it to keep moving so that it might drink some of the misted water on the side of its container. It took all night, but it lived. My sleep deprived mind associated "keeping it moving" + "water" = "River." And that is how the name came to be.
Zuul: is named for that... thing... in Ghostbusters... and is also a likely candidate for a future psychopathic rosea, hence the name. To modify a quote from the film: "There is no G. rosea, only Zuul."
Skittles: is just... well... Skittles - yes, named after the candy. Because of the brightness of color it will be in the future (still a sling now) I figured it seemed an appropriate enough name.

Here are the T's I would welcome name "donations" from AB members for:

0.0.2 Brachypelma emilia
0.0.11 Grammostola rosea

Go ahead! Name a T!


PM me with the species you thought of the name for, and the name, and depending on how many suggestions I get, I will name the T that - or put a bunch of suggested names in a hat and pick one out for each T that needs a name.


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009

These are the only two T's left from that collection I had years ago. That is a little difficult to look back on what 'used to be.' I hope the T's I had to give up for free in the sale/trade forum found their way to good homes...

The ladies:
Grammostola aureostriata (Aiken)
Grammostola pulchra (True)

Aiken means something like "oak" or "little oak" if my memory serves me correctly.

True is named after a piece of music from Sient Hill 2, which was playing in-game when she arrived in the mail (at only 1" in LS):


Here are the other T's in my current collection that I have already named:

0.0.3 Aphonopelma hentzi (Newt, T.R.W., Link)
0.0.1 Brachypelma smithi (C.J.)
0.0.4 Brachypelma vagans (Uno, River, J.J.Rousseau, RED13)
0.0.4 Grammostola rosea (Barbara Ann, Doc, Zuul, "Indy"/'Indefatigable')
0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus (Skittles)

notes on the names:
Barbara Ann & Doc: came to me pre-named, and I am more than happy to keep those names. It is such a neat thing, IMO, to receive T's who are already named.
Indy (Indefatigable): is named for a ship (a frigate, to be precise) in a fictional series based on C. S. Forester's books. This T is NOT named for Indiana Jones.
RED13: a character from the game Final Fantasy VII.
J.J.Rousseau: is named for Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C.J.: is named for the mall security guard character in the Dawn of the Dead remake.
Newt: is named for the little girl in Aliens.
Link: is named for the character you play as in Nintendo's Zelda games.
T.R.W.: is named for T.R.W. Consultants, an oil drilling & completions consulting company for which I was employed to draw up the company logo while said consulting company was working for Vintage Petroleum.
Uno: was the first T I unpacked from that shipment of B. vagans slings.
River: I named while sleep-deprived because I had found it in a death curl after returning home from being away for 2 days during a heat wave. On the thought that it might be dehydrated, I stayed up all night, nudging it gently around its container to force it to keep moving so that it might drink some of the misted water on the side of its container. It took all night, but it lived. My sleep deprived mind associated "keeping it moving" + "water" = "River." And that is how the name came to be.
Zuul: is named for that... thing... in Ghostbusters... and is also a likely candidate for a future psychopathic rosea, hence the name. To modify a quote from the film: "There is no G. rosea, only Zuul."
Skittles: is just... well... Skittles - yes, named after the candy. Because of the brightness of color it will be in the future (still a sling now) I figured it seemed an appropriate enough name.

Here are the T's I would welcome name "donations" from AB members for:

0.0.2 Brachypelma emilia
0.0.11 Grammostola rosea

Go ahead! Name a T!


PM me with the species you thought of the name for, and the name, and depending on how many suggestions I get, I will name the T that - or put a bunch of suggested names in a hat and pick one out for each T that needs a name.
I have a haplopelma lividum that has been referred to as 'happy' but tensd to just call her


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
0.1.0 B. smithi "Marik"
1.0.0 A. avicularia "Bullet"
0.1.0 C. schioedtei "Echo"
0.0.1 A. sp "Flagstaff Orange" "Spazz"
0.0.1 B. vagans Will be "Domino" or "Lola" depending on gender.
gotta add a name :D

0.1.0 P. murinus "Zeni"

Yet to be named:

0.0.1 P. cambridgei
0.0.1 T. gigas
0.0.1 P. regalis

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
New name addition:

Brachypelma emilia - "Mocha"


These ones are still open for name suggestions:

0.0.1 Brachypelma emilia
0.0.11 Grammostola rosea


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
LP ~ Tranzilla
G. pulchripes ~ Kronk
2 A. hentzis ~ Thing 1 and Thing 2
OBT ~ Mr. Fluffy
A. avic ~ Gambit

I'm not going to name the others until I know the sex!!

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
Cyriocosmus elegans - Valentina (To commemorate with Valentine's Day since she was born in February and has the heart shape on her abdomen.)

Cyriocosmus perezmilesi - Juliet (I got her in July and it's a romantic sounding name from Romeo and Juliet which matches the heart shape on her abdomen.)

Nhandu coloratovillosus - Cleopatra (It's the name of a queen and sounds big and grand, which is how she looks, and I wanted to keep with the Shakespearean sounding names.)

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
More names to the list:

I know it was a joke, but... it was a good idea!


Behold! Roski the beautiful G. rosea!


Dionysus the G. rosea - "God of wine, parties/festivals, madness and merriment."

... yeah, he is eating.

So that leaves these T's left for AB members to name, if they would like to do so:

0.0.9 Grammostola rosea


Aug 30, 2009
G. Rosea-Faith
G. Rosea-Emma
A.sp Peru Purple-Bailey

Rick & Brandy

Jun 9, 2009
Aphonopelma chalcodes Tucson Blonde Coeda
Aphonopelma hentzi Oklahoma brown Henazy
Aphonopelma moderatum Rio Grande gold Tarma
Aphonopelma seemanni Zebra Zazoo
Avicularia avicularia Pink Toe Pinky
Avicularia avicularia Pink Toe Koein
Avicularia minatrix Red-Slate Pink Toe Harrow
Avicularia purpurea Purple Pink Toe Reaper
Avicularia versicolor Versicolor Riser
Brachypelma albopilosum Curly Hair Curly
Brachypelma albopilosum Curly Hair Leery
Brachypelma emilia Mex. Painted Leg Dyennah
Brachypelma emilia Mex. Painted Leg Taytin
Brachypelma emilia Mex. Painted Leg
Brachypelma emilia Mex. Painted Leg
Brachypelma emilia Mex. Painted Leg
Brachypelma emilia Mex. Painted Leg
Brachypelma smithi Mex. Red Knee Reed
Brachypelma smithi Mex. Red Knee Shultz
Brachypelma vagans Red Rump Gatton
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Greenbottle Blue Wallowitz
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Greenbottle Blue Heethrowpolly
Citharischius crawshayi King Baboon Kain
Cyclosternum facsiatum Tiger-Rump Caitum
Cyclosternum fasciatum Tiger-Rump Rossha
Grammostola aureostriata Chaco White Knee Stairia
Grammostola rosea Rose Hair-Red Phase Twinkle
Grammostola rosea Rose Hair- Red Phase Grim
Grammostola rosea Rose Hair Rosie
Grammostola rosea Rose Hair Tryton
Hetrothele villosella Dwarf Chestnut Hogan
Hetrothele villosella Dwarf Chestnut Savage
Lasiodora parahybana Salmon Pink Miss. Chaney
Lasiodora parahybana Salmon Pink Killazar
Lasiodora parahybana Salmon Birdeater Cooper
Nhandu chromatus White Stripe Birdeater Torch
Paraphysa scrofa Chillean Copper Tinsley
Paraphysa scrofa Chillean copper Emory
Psalmopoeus cambridgei Chevron Cruiser
Psalmopoeus reduncas Orangemouth Roegan
Pterinochilus chordatus Killamanjaro Baboon Ballajio
Pterinochilus murinus Usumbara (OBT) Hyde
Tapinauchenius plumipes Mahogany Mahoney
Tapinauchenius violaceus Purple Tree Spider Violet
Vagans / Albopilosum Hybrid Xcalibirr
Vagans / Albopilosum Hybrid Xzander
Vitalius roseus Pink Starburst Soarus
Vitalius vellutinus Amazon Stripe Knee Venus


Old Timer
May 18, 2009
My hubby hepled me name ours :) He isn't that into T's but just thought that it was somehow wrong to have pets without naming them LOL.

1.0.0 Psalmopoeus irminia - Einstein
0.1.0 Psalmopoeus irminia - Skitz
0.0.1 Avicularia sp. Peru Purple - Jose/Josefine
0.0.1 Avicularia sp. Peru Purple - Squirt (this one lost 3 legs and had trapped chelicerae after the 2nd moult and has just re-grown them. It's tiny compared to its sibling so I suspect what little food it ate went towards regrowing the lost legs)
1.0.0 Avicularia sp. avicularia - George
0.0.1 Haplopelma lividum - Pixie
0.0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatum - Casper (for his ability to disappear!)
0.0.2 Pterinochilus murinus (OBT) - Meeny and Mo :D

And, though not strictly a T :)
1.0.0 Heterometrus petersii - Sebastian


Old Timer
Jul 25, 2009
0.1.0 G. rosea = Charlotte
1.0.0 G. rosea = Harold (recieved already named)
0.0.1 A. versi = Pixie (my wife's T)
0.0.1 B. smithi = Gizmo