Name your T's!


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
What a great thread, I still name a majority of my tarantulas, so here it goes
A. geniculata female - Heran
A. geniculata male - Gaiden
A. moderatum unsexed - Blondie
A. seemani female- Boo
A. avicularia female 1 - Piglet
A. avicularia female 2 - Peanut
A. avicularia male - Aurora
A. avicularia unsexed - Goldie
A. versicolor male 1 - Violet
A. versicolor male 2 - Hansel
A. versicolor female - Gretel
B. albopilosum female - Fuzzy
B. albopilosum male - Fuzz
B. emilia male - Hush
B. smithi male - Emilio
B. smithi female - Belle
C. brachycephalus female - Isabel
C. crawshayi male - CeCe
C. cyanpubescens female - Aqua
C. fasciatum unsexed - Tigger
E. campestriatus male - Pickles
E. uatuman unsexed - Oz
E. pachypus female - Boots
E. murinus female - Bones
G. aureostriata female - Kumari
G. aureostriata male - Sunshine
G. pulchra female - BeBe
G. pulchra male 1 - Velvet
G. pulchra male 2 - Inkie
G. rosea female 1 - Rose
G. rosea female 2 - Midge
G. rosea female 3 - Coffee
G. rosea red phase female - Cherry
H. lividum female - Midnight
H. gigas female - trouble
L. parahybana female - Goblin
N. carapoensis female - Frick
N. carapoensis male - Frack
P. nigricolor unsexed - Starr
P. chordatus female 1 - Cocoa
P. chordatus female 2 - Hershey
P. murinus female 1 - Oscar
P. murinus female 2 - Sparky
P. regalis male - Maximus
P. irminia unsexed - Pumpkin

I've also several unnamed tarantulas including:
C. marshalli unsexed
E. pachypus unsexed
L. cristatus female
N. coloratovillosus unsexed - 3
N. carapoensis unsexed- 2
P. regalis unsexed- 2
P. miranda unsexed
P. pulcher female
P. murinus female - 2

In addition, I've got vials of unnamed P. murinus (71) and G. rosea (29) spiderlings that I eventually hope to sell.
OMG I can't believe how many you have!! My husband would sh*t!!:eek: :clap:


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Ok, here's the names of the 14 Ts I have so far, and explanations of them...

-Grammostola Rosea (RCF), female - "Flower" after Flower of the KMP and Meerkat Manor. Figured she was a rosie from the desert, and Flower was referred to as the Desert Rose, so it fit. Plus Flower seemed to be a spunky, smart, charismatic Meerkat, and I find that my Rosie seems to have quite a bit of personality as well.

-Avicularia Versicolor sling 1, unsexed - "Clotho" the first aspect of Fate in Greek Mythology. Spins the threads of life.

-Avicularia Versicolor sling 2, unsexed - "Lachesis" the second aspect of Fate in Greek Mythology. Weaves the threads of life.

-Avicularia Versicolor sling 3, unsexed - "Atropos" the third aspect of Fate in Greek Mythology. Cuts the threads of life. Fate was often portrayed as a spider, and spins the 'web of life', so with as much web as these 3 spin it seemed like an appropriate set of names! :)

-Lasiodora Parahybana sling, unsexed - "Nyx" the primordial goddess of Night in Greek mythology, who stood at the beginning of creation, and was a being of exceptional power and extreme beauty. Being a T that will get large, be a dark color, and who I have to sneak in at night to stand a chance at seeing, the name seemed to fit. I also end up feeling like I'm leaving 'offerings' to it at the burrow entrance in hopes of a sighting later on when I put the prekilled crickets in! {D

-Brachypelma Vagans sling 1, unsexed -"Dozer" short for bulldozer.

-Brachypelma Vagans sling 2, unsexed - "Digger"

-Brachypelma Vagans sling 3, unsexed - "Mole" - These guys have been digging and tunneling like mad! :D

-Brachypelma Bohemi sling, unsexed - "Aidan" This is an unisex Irish Gaelic name meaning "Little Firey One"

-Brachypelma Smithi sling, unsexed - "Bob" {D I figured this was the 'classic' T of the hobby, a 'traditional' one to have, and the name is traditional in my family (2 grandpas and a few cousins with the name), as well as being a long standing (classic) joke among my friends I grew up with (male and female - I had a friend of each gender who argued over which one was allowed the name of Bob, and who tried to get teachers to refer to them by the name...even though it was in no way, shape or form related to their names!) The name just felt right for this little guy. {D {D {D

-Grammostola Aureostriata sling, unsexed - "Orla" This is a Scottish Gaelic name meaning "Golden"

-Poecilotheria Rufilata sling, unsexed - "Faran" This name is from a favorite series of mine - its the name of a roan warhorse, who is unusually smart, fairly aggressive, very powerful, fast, and full of personality. Seemed like a great name to give to my pokie. {D

-Cyriocosmus Elegans sling 1, unsexed - "Aphrodite" the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

-Cyriocosmus Elegans sling 2, unsexed - "Freyja" the Norse goddess of love and beauty. They will be quite beautiful when they get their colors, and the little heart shaped markings they get called out for a name related to love. :D


Old Timer
May 20, 2008
A.seemanni - big momma
P.murinus - ms.prissy
A.geniculata - eragon
B.boehmei - saphira
S.rubronitens - redz
H.lividum - saphire


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2007
OK, here we go;

1.2.2 Grammostola rosea (Penny, Violet, Rosie, Max, Pearl)
1.1.0 Brachypelma smithi (Flighti, Lucinda)
0.1.1 Paraphysa scrofa (Sonoi, Percy)
0.0.4 Cyclosternum fasciatum (Suma, Fang, Bengal, Benji)
0.1.0 Psalmopeus irminia (Teera)
0.1.0 Acanthoscurria chocoana (Dart)
0.1.0 Grammostola aureostriata (Ramoth)
0.0.7 Lasiodora parahybana (Vivace, Rhondo, Allergro, Staccato, Uno, Dos, & Quatro)
1.0.0 Aphonopelma hentzi (Freebie)
0.0.2 P murinus (Obi, Garfield)
0.0.3 Brachypelma vagans (Serrano, Spaz & un-named)
1.1.1 Brachypelma albopilosum (Ringlet, Spiral, Frizz)
0.0.2 Avicularia versicolor (both un-named)
0.0.1 Avicularia avicularia (Dingbat)
0.1.0 Aphonopelma sp "New River" (DeeDee)
0.0.1 P regalis (Oatmeal)
0.0.1 P pedersoni (un-named)
0.0.1 Brachypelma bohemei (un-named)
1.0.1 Brachypelma emilia (Emeret, Izzy)
0.0.1 Nhandu vulpinus (Timothy)
0.0.1 E pulchermaklaasi (Alejandro)
0.0.1 T purpureus (un-named)
0.0.1 T elenae (un-named)
0.0.1 Psalmopeus cambridgei (Bridgette)
0.0.1 GBB (un-named)

47 total right now.
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Old Timer
Mar 2, 2007

I'm currently on a kick of naming them after famous people that they remind me of. Talk about anthropomorphizing! Here's a few:

F Paraphysa scrofa, Whitney Houston
Juvie A. versicolor, Carmen Electra
Crazy G. rosea, Courtney Love (she's a pet Hole).
G. iheringi, Scarlet. Rhett (my M iheringi) died in a terrible molt recently. I just think he didn't give a damn.
F. E. murinus (skeleton tarantula) Nichole Ritchey
F H. longipes Naomi Campbell
Panama blond, Pamela Anderson
M G. aureostriata, Bow Wow (ok, it's because he's the size of a small dog).


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
My Ts have a name for me ... it's "Ohnoitshimagain" - ;P


Jun 28, 2009
Tarantula Names

Here they are.

Iridopelma Sp. Recife = Ovid

Poecilotheria Regalis (Indian Ornamental) = Elphaba

Avicularia metallica = Crete

Nhandu Chromatus = Cyclops

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Adding two more to mine:
Avic avic: "Eva" (Eva the Avic!!! LOL)
Stromatopelma calceatum: "Lilith" For obvious reasons, though she's really not that bad (at least not yet, anyway :p ).


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
I feel so puny on these boards ;)
G. Rosea 4-5' Female - Lucille
G. Rosea 2' Unsexed - Moose
G. Pulchra 2-3' Unsexed - Teddy
B. Vagans 1-2' Unsexed - Fonzie
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Old Timer
May 26, 2009
0.0.1 Chromatopelma Cyanopubesence(sp?) - Socrates
0.0.2 Avicularia Versicolor - Aristotle and Eon
0.0.1 Lasiodora Parahybana - Kitana
0.1.0 Avicularia Avicularia - Stella
0.1.0 Aphonopelma Seemani - Dozer(and is a girl)
0.0.1Brachypelma Smithi - Scarlett
0.2.0 Grammastola Rosea - Lika and Roza(Roza is russian for rose)
0.0.1 Haplopelma Lividum - Daichi(means earth in japanese)
0.1.0 Heteroscodra Maculata - Solace
0.1.0 Lasiodora Klugi - Kodachi
0.1.0 Poecilotheria Regalis - Teigan
0.0.1 Brachypelma Boehmei - Raja
0.0.1 Nhandu Chromatus - Leaf(cause he/she is super tiny)
0.0.1 Brachypelma Vagans - Kippa
0.1.0 Theraphosa Apophysis - Fallon (is irish means "in charge")
1.0.0 Ceratogyrus Brachycephalus - Godric(from the TV show TrueBlood)
0.0.1 Pternochilus Murinus - Sprite
0.0.4 Psalmopoeus Irminia - Feather and Root, other 2 are unnamed
0.2.0 Aphonopelma sp. New River - Corneila and Euphymia(you-fee-me-uh)


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
These are ours, we find it helps us keep track of everybody and to keep organized, especially when referring to one of our bajillion roseas.

Acanthoscurria brocklehursti - Hamburglar
A. geniculata - Grimace
Avicularia amazonica - Iago
A. versicolor - Zazu
Brachypelma albiceps - Yahtzee
B. albopilosum (2) - Charades, Scrabble
Catumiri sp. "Argentinensis" (2) - Thor, Bruce Willis
Ceratogyrus darlingi - Gargamel
Chilobrachys fimbriatus - Killingsworth
Citharischius crawshayi - Megatron
Ephebopus cyanognathus - Wolfgang
E. murinus - Amadeus
Grammostola pulchra - Aldonza
G. pulchripes - Syracuse
G. rosea (7...I know...) - Nubby, Dr. Tran, Elmo, Oscar, Snuffleupagus, Big Bird, Grover
Haplopelma lividum - Ursula
Harpactirella lightfooti - General Grievous
Heteroscodra maculata - Skeletor
Heterothele gabonensis - Cobra Commander
Nhandu coloratovillosus (2) - Paddington Bear, Yogi Bear
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis - Svetlana
Pamphobeteus sp. "Platyomma" - Octavia
Phormictopus cancerides - Ambrosian
Poecilotheria metallica - Colenzo the Annihilator
P. miranda - Shenk the Overseer
P. pederseni - Lister the Tormenter
Psalmopoeus irminia - Aphrodite
Pterinochilus murinus - Colonel Mustard


Aug 20, 2009
Cyriocosumus Elegans - Peanut
Psalmopoeus Cambridgei - Hishutsiskorz (say it quickly...;))

You'll only get that one if you watch hockey a lot actually.. Yeah, I'm definitely Canadian.


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
H. lividum- Lizzy (named after Lizzy Borden):evil:
P. regalis- Tanvi ( Indian female name that means beautiful):D
B. smithi- Fluffy (girlfriends idea that just stuck)
C. fasciatum- Tigger
B. vagans- Spanky
N. chromatus- Pele
H. sp.? Vonwirthi- Elvira
OBT- Satanslilhelper;P
L. parahybana- Little monster
A. metallica- Fuzzy
B. emilia- Emily ( if it turns out to be a girl)

The other 19 and 5 on the way have yet to be named.