Cicadas make good food for big scorps and Ts! One of my smaller fat-tail scorps ate a whole one! I think that cicada was just bouncing off you because it was going toward the light and kind of blind at the moment. Not enough to see when it's flying around that fast to navigate so they bump into everything around lights at night. Most amphibians, but not all start out in the water but the most visually obvious difference is that reptiles have scales and amphs don't. I'm going to guess the green snake you see might be a Rough Green, see them climbing? and the skink may be a Broadhead. The cicada nymphs feed by sucking sap from tree roots. The nymphs are pretty good at pinching you with those front legs.
Oh I would imagine that they'd be good food for scorps and T's because they're huge! And I don't think that the cicada nymphs can pinch you with they're front legs cause I've held them before and they didn't pinch me.
And if you're talking about a specific species then forget what I said above.
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