My pet skunk is a supa-star!


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
Ah that brings back memories, my mom had a skunk named Tutu LOL Like you said they are needy and require a certain mind set and definetly need a lot of attention, we even had our litterbox trained LOL. She also had a few raccooons too.


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2007
There was actually an article on a dyed poodle (organic beet juice was used) in the paper today.
The owner was fined $1,000.00 initiated by the local Humane Society.
It is illegal here (Colorado*) to dye animals.


*Boulder County
yeah, and you can't own a pittbull dog there either. there in denver a few years ago a cop stopped a family PASSING THROUGH, on the interstate. they confiscated the dog, fined the owners and put the dog to sleep. colorado doesn't have the brightest legal system.
i own a pittbull dog and i've dyed her blue. it looks awesome! but i'd never bring her where you're located. too much rascism. to kill an animal for what it is, not what it does. pathetic...
This thread is proof that humans will argue over absolutely anything.
yes it is
No we won't.
yes you will.

by the way, i love the skunk. awesome. and for the record, i'm sure it didn't mind. oh, and one more thing. here's the ingredient list on a bottle of manic panic "flavine" yellow, glows under blacklight. all ingredients of anything intended for human consumption have to be completely labeled. as per FDA.
here goes:
deionized water
bees wax
ceterayl alcohol and ceteareth 20
mistletoe extract
hops extract
yarrow extract
chaomile extract
acetic acid
may contain one or more of the following: cl acid blue 9, cl acid green 25, cl acid orange 7 cl acid red 35, cl acid yellow 3

the last few ingredients are colors. now go read the labels of pet shampoo or your own shampoo and you'll find a lot of common ingredients. i think i'm going to get the stuff to dye munchie (my pittbull) CAMO!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
I tried to copy the idea, i went to hot topic and bought me some manic panic and then proceeded to walk around at night looking for a skunk... i havent found one yet but when i do thats gonna be one very purple skunk! i mean... whats the worst that can happen...........


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Update: My skunk is the 'spokesperson' for a boutique now.
He got a ton of free stuff from it. So I don't want to hear it. :p


Old Timer
Mar 24, 2007
PETA is a joke, a lot of (pet owning) members even don't seem to realize/admit their founder is against all ownership of pets. Extremists' like Ingrid should be shot and dyed purple.;)
:clap: :worship: :clap: :worship: :clap: :worship: :clap: i don't see a hug smiley but I'd give you one of htose as well if there was!

Anyway, aside from my crusade against Peta... Axl's dye-job looks fine to me. I don't see anyway in which he could be harmed by the dye. There were one or two pics on the manic panic site that bothered me though... one of the kittens had a blue nose, and a few other animals had dye awefully close to their eyes. Don't know if that's really "cruel" but it seems a bit irresponsible; I wouldn't dye my face, so I wouldn't do that to my pet. The animals still seem happy though and that's typically what counts. I have family with a dog that's 20 years old, is missing one eye and is blind in the other, has terrible arthritis, etc etc, and some people say it's cruel not to have the dog euthanized. The dog is clearly still happy to be alive though, still loves people, still wags it's boney little tail all day, and shows no real signs of being in any sort of pain, certainly it doesn't seem to suffer at all, so I don't how keepng it alive is cruel :?


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Unofortunetly, the debate at hand has nothing to do with personal opinions of the matter,rather its an issue of cruelty.

You dont like it. Thats fine.Then dont waste your time and comment-simple as. Im sure theres a ton of things in this world that people dont like about you, or me, or that random guy over there.

Honestly, Ive seen the way some of you treat your 'pets', and I guarantee, Axl lives a far superior life. The tips of his hair were dyed with non toxic,organic hair dye.Big deal. I think a lot of people on these boards are out to prove themselves as something of a spokesperson for the animals, or just to make some sort of biased liberal point in some attempt to be taken seriously. I.e-theyll make an arguement out of anything JUST to make an arguement.

You have a right to your opinions, but dont state your opinions as a fact, as they most certainly are not.

This boy here, will never want for anything.
That is a truley cute skunk! Never though of a skunk other than when I smell one.......serioulsy. But that dude is a How's his personality?