My pet skunk is a supa-star!


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2008
absolutely the dumbest answer in the world. most, if not all, of the world's leather supply comes from slaughterhouse cattle who are treated inhumanely by agro-business corpoprations. how is slitting an animal's throat while they are fully concious anything un-cruel? plus, don't try the "well they bolt the cow in the head to knock it out before they cut the throat." that rarely happens and our spotty USDA will constantly overlook that factor.
I have worked for a slaughterhouse, and if you think they cut cows throats you are a damn fool.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Well, I was bored and so I started looking up the ingredients of the dyes that the place sells. Are we sure that just because they are safe for human skin that they are really ok for animal skin? AFAIK animals have much more sensitive skin when it comes to chemicals than humans do.

I saw that hairmetalspider says they have natural/organic dyes but I couldnt find anything else saying or claiming this.

*Edit: I would like to note that my first post in this thread was meant to be a bit of a joke, and then I thought about the possible issues pertaining to the dye itself.
1.Well then perhaps you need to do a bit more research.
2. If you want to get nit picky about the detail, it never even touched his skin, which you can see in the photos. Animals get dirty all the time.So do humans. You get over it. Youre not in physical danger or pain.

Builds up the immune system.

I joke, but for real, my skunk probably lives better than most humans. I dyed the tips of his tail pink.

I should probably run and hide from PETA now, as theyll be at my front door with torches.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
There was actually an article on a dyed poodle (organic beet juice was used) in the paper today.
The owner was fined $1,000.00 initiated by the local Humane Society.
It is illegal here (Colorado*) to dye animals.


*Boulder County
Good thing Im not in Colorado then, ey?

You know in some States, its also illegal to use a shotgun on the 14th day of October. They actually have sites with insane laws like this...doesnt mean they mean anything. *See Watering Hole Gay Rights thread*


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
I don't really think it matters whether it is organic or not. Pure extracted poison ivy oil from organically grown poison ivy plants is organic. What you really want to know is if it is good for your pet's skin. Seperate issue entirely.

Correct. What if it doesnt even touch the skin though?

I cant control what other people do with their animals, but for arguement sake you need to look at the specific situation.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
i'm vegan, but what the hell does that have to do with hair dye on an animal? there's a lot of people (vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores) that would agree that dying a skunk, dog, or whatever, a certain color, is completely ridiculous in the first place. why do humans feel the need to do this?

i'm not saying that dying the animal is animal cruelty, but it sure is a huge waste of time and makes the animal look absolutely retarded.
And while I respect your opinion, looking retarded has absolutely NOTHING to do with cruelty, or half our population would be on death row.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007
some of the dye jobs are cute on some and plane horrid on others. In many states it is agenst the law to dye an animal. but around hear the rainbow chicks and bunnys are at the petstores already.

on another note. your skunk is beautiful. I miss my moms skunk baby she was like a cat or ferret. but a sweetheart slept with me all the time. any who


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Dyeing and animal's fur is not cruel as long as the product is safe for them. I've used Koolaid to give my dog a blue mohawk every now and then. This is not supposed to be a cruelty debate. They were just happy to have used safe product to "beautify" their animal for the website. Get over it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's cruel.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
For all of you who think this is cruel, Would you please post links or produce documentation to the submission of turning in parents for dyeing their childs hair some outlandish color scheme for child abuse. Surely if you feel that strongly about this subject, you can back up your issues with this by provideing proof that you've tackled other, similar issues you have with cruelty. Thanks in advance. If you can't, then why are you REALLY in here causeing problems and starting crap that has no merit?


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2007
Organic or not... I'm not cool with the whole "dying" of a poor puppy or any other animal for that matter just so it looks cool...

Just my 2 cents :cool:


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Unofortunetly, the debate at hand has nothing to do with personal opinions of the matter,rather its an issue of cruelty.

You dont like it. Thats fine.Then dont waste your time and comment-simple as. Im sure theres a ton of things in this world that people dont like about you, or me, or that random guy over there.

Honestly, Ive seen the way some of you treat your 'pets', and I guarantee, Axl lives a far superior life. The tips of his hair were dyed with non toxic,organic hair dye.Big deal. I think a lot of people on these boards are out to prove themselves as something of a spokesperson for the animals, or just to make some sort of biased liberal point in some attempt to be taken seriously. I.e-theyll make an arguement out of anything JUST to make an arguement.

You have a right to your opinions, but dont state your opinions as a fact, as they most certainly are not.

This boy here, will never want for anything.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
Unofortunetly, the debate at hand has nothing to do with personal opinions of the matter,rather its an issue of cruelty.

You dont like it. Thats fine.Then dont waste your time and comment-simple as. Im sure theres a ton of things in this world that people dont like about you, or me, or that random guy over there.

Honestly, Ive seen the way some of you treat your 'pets', and I guarantee, Axl lives a far superior life. The tips of his hair were dyed with non toxic,organic hair dye.Big deal. I think a lot of people on these boards are out to prove themselves as something of a spokesperson for the animals, or just to make some sort of biased liberal point in some attempt to be taken seriously. I.e-theyll make an arguement out of anything JUST to make an arguement.

You have a right to your opinions, but dont state your opinions as a fact, as they most certainly are not.

This boy here, will never want for anything.
Does your skunk hide everything it's able to get hold of? I had a rescue skunk once, and it was a sweetheart, but it was truly a hellspawn as well...It was cruel to ME! Haha. Little guy hid my keys so many times it's embarassing. I actually hid them from him and he managed to move them on me...He was a wicked cool critter though. Maybe he was angry because I didn't tend to the Skunk's cosmetic needs? Haha. Cute skunk though! The only issue I have with the dye...It looks like some kind of pom pom...Poor little guy, you're going to have him sexually confused! ;P


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
We been using leather for many many many many years, at least the leather keeps me warm. The colors would just make the aniamls and the owners look stupid, no big harms.

So I'm assuming you own no pets and or/own nothing of the suede,leather, or fur material?

Because basically anyone can argue animal cruelty into the smallest detail. Or basically, you can argue anything if you so choose to.

I dyed my skunk's tail with natural hair dye. On the tips of his tail.
Get it over it.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
I think Axl is one of the coolest animals I have ever seen, especially after having his tail dyed. IMO it's not cruel/retarded/absurd/inhumane...
HMS, I know you know what you're doing. As pampered as that little dude is, I'm sure you wouldn't do anything to him without researching it thoroughly. I just wish I could get a wicked dye job like that! :D


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
We been using leather for many many many many years, at least the leather keeps me warm. The colors would just make the aniamls and the owners look stupid, no big harms.
Ok well if you want to get technical, we've been using dye for many many years now as well. It is actual a huge part of various cultures. And as far as making a statement as such, you have the right to have an opinion, great cool awesome, but state it as such, because your opinion is just that, not a fact.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
I think Axl is one of the coolest animals I have ever seen, especially after having his tail dyed. IMO it's not cruel/retarded/absurd/inhumane...
HMS, I know you know what you're doing. As pampered as that little dude is, I'm sure you wouldn't do anything to him without researching it thoroughly. I just wish I could get a wicked dye job like that! :D

I think peoplejust like to argue :rolleyes: