My injured Avic is my new favorite

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
DSC_0031.JPG Hey all
A few weeks ago my Avicularia metallica sling fell from it's tube web mid moult some of you may remember the thread, well my little Avic is doing great even though it lost 2 legs in the moult because of the fall.
That's not the reason it's my new favourite that is simply because of what's just happened,
This little Avic as always been really chilled I can even leave the enclosure lid open while I water feed etc without an issue (i may live to regret those words) today before work I fed some of my collection with the intention of feeding the rest tonight well I noticed my G actaeon hadn't eaten it's waxworm so I removed it and saw my Avic was out and about so I figured I'd try that with the waxworm because it loves them anyway I got my tiny tongs and took the waxworm towards the Avic, my little guy/girl calmly walked over placed 1 leg and both palps on the waxworm before gently taking it from the tongs. For 1 split second it felt like it knew I was there to help (i know it doesn't think like that) this is the only time ever that I've had any tarantula take food from tongs ( I've only tried with sick or injured)
Now this may seem trivial to some people but it's a first for me and it really made me smile and just reinforced my love for this hobby. Just look at the little guy/girl DSC_0031.JPG


Jun 20, 2014
I just got this A. seemanni from a friend. Apparently she was a pet store rescue labeled as a G. rosea.

She lost a leg somehow somewhere. But she's becoming a new favorite of mine really quick. She's super chill and you would never know she had a leg missing with how quick she can scoot! 0125172321a.jpg


Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
Hey, you and I are in the same boat with injured A.metallicas!
Mine is becoming a fast favourite too. If I can pull this little tyke through his challenges - he is going to become my soul spider.
You'll do great! Both of our injured ones will make it through this!


Apr 29, 2015
I just got this A. seemanni from a friend. Apparently she was a pet store rescue labeled as a G. rosea.

She lost a leg somehow somewhere. But she's becoming a new favorite of mine really quick. She's super chill and you would never know she had a leg missing with how quick she can scoot! View attachment 230143
Nice A. seemanni bcf, they are very beautiful T's
I bought a little juvenile A. versicolor with seven legs. She is now a 5" adult waiting on a gentleman to come calling (ate the last one)

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Hey, you and I are in the same boat with injured A.metallicas!
Mine is becoming a fast favourite too. If I can pull this little tyke through his challenges - he is going to become my soul spider.
You'll do great! Both of our injured ones will make it through this!
How the little one doing? Has it eaten?

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
Hey, you and I are in the same boat with injured A.metallicas!
Mine is becoming a fast favourite too. If I can pull this little tyke through his challenges - he is going to become my soul spider.
You'll do great! Both of our injured ones will make it through this!
I'm sure we will manage to pull our little guys or girls through after all with interference from a couple of caring humans they have slightly better odds than in the wild.
Fingers crossed for your little one


Jan 23, 2017
I don't mean to hijack this thread at all, but since I am still new to all of this I hoped someone could tell me if this type of injury (lost leg/s) is common?

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
I don't mean to hijack this thread at all, but since I am still new to all of this I hoped someone could tell me if this type of injury (lost leg/s) is common?
It's not that a tarantula will lose a leg or 2 but 8 times out of 10 its more likely gonna be a leg that's damaged. It's not really a major problem for them as long as it isn't constantly leaking and beside losing a palp or both is a lot more serious.
As your collection grows so will the likelihood of this happening along with a few deaths, it's a sad fact that not all tarantulas even in captivity will make it


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
I don't mean to hijack this thread at all, but since I am still new to all of this I hoped someone could tell me if this type of injury (lost leg/s) is common?
Tarantulas, like other spiders, are capable of leg autotomy (self-amputation). In the wild, this may be a last-ditch effort to escape from prey. It can also be a response to a traumatic injury to the leg or to escape from a bad molt (where the leg gets stuck in the old exoskeleton).

Molting is a dangerous time for tarantulas, and complications are not terribly uncommon.

Fortunately, tarantulas can get along just fine with a missing leg or two, and the leg will even regrow as the tarantula continues to molt.


Jan 23, 2017
So, and once again sorry if I am hijacking, it is similar to a gecko losing its tail? Minimal to no long term effects if kept as sanitary as possible?
Thank you both for such quick replies also!


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
So, and once again sorry if I am hijacking, it is similar to a gecko losing its tail? Minimal to no long term effects if kept as sanitary as possible?
Thank you both for such quick replies also!
The anatomy is different, but the concept is the same. A missing leg isn't really a hindrance, and the tarantula will, in fact, regrow the leg. After a few molts, the you won't even be able to tell it was ever missing a leg.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
So, and once again sorry if I am hijacking, it is similar to a gecko losing its tail? Minimal to no long term effects if kept as sanitary as possible?
Thank you both for such quick replies also!
Missing legs to a t are like hang nails to us (hang nails probably irritate us more than a missing leg does a t)...they aren't a worry and new growth will replace the problem.

This avic sling lost almost everything, but still made a full recovery in one molt.


Jan 23, 2017
Thank you everyone for the replies to my question! I will definitely be looking more into this, especially that thread @VanessaS
I'm all done with taking over this thread now lol
Lastly, I am very glad to hear that all the Ts are doing well!


Jan 14, 2017
I have an avic as well and I will take the lid off, walk to the kitchen, grab a worm, and walk it back. She's never made a run on me before.