My fiance is OK with tarantulas, but none of the following:


Feb 27, 2010
I'm a bit puzzled at the fact of not keeping certain things because you'll become attached to them? I'm attached to any animal I keep. That's sort of why I have them...


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
I'm a bit puzzled at the fact of not keeping certain things because you'll become attached to them? I'm attached to any animal I keep. That's sort of why I have them...
I got too attached to my leopard geckos, and was absolutely devastated when they died. They were also way expensive, because of repated vet visits, and it got to the point where I couldn't really afford to keep taking them to the vet because of infections that just wouldn't stop. I started feeling pretty guilty about my lack of finances.

My cat is way healthier than the lizards ever were, and the tarantula hobby is more DIY than reptiles.


Feb 27, 2010
I got too attached to my leopard geckos, and was absolutely devastated when they died. They were also way expensive, because of repated vet visits, and it got to the point where I couldn't really afford to keep taking them to the vet because of infections that just wouldn't stop. I started feeling pretty guilty about my lack of finances.

My cat is way healthier than the lizards ever were, and the tarantula hobby is more DIY than reptiles.
I see. Makes much more sense. It's more about the sustainability than just not wanting to have a pet you won't be attached to. I really don't see much of a problem with the agreement you guys have reached. You both seem find with it and that's what counts.


May 12, 2010
I disagree with those reasons as well, but there are some other factors as well, that I didn't state in the OP.
The apartment we are moving into wouldn't really be big enough for her to avoid them, ayt least not meaningfully--but she's ok with us having them once we have a house. There's also a space issue--I can only keep so many inverts in an apartment, especially given my preference for keeping them for display moreso than for a collection.

The squish policy--might be enough for me to not keep these things honestly.
The only things I've ever had escape were leopard geckos (which I figured out and rectified) and feeders.

T's are safe from squishing though--just to make that clear. :D
I have that problem...I'm already running out of space but mine is more collection and future breeding. I've only been in my new house a month and i'm already thinking of the fact my next house will have to have a spare room for my T's!{D


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
I see. Makes much more sense. It's more about the sustainability than just not wanting to have a pet you won't be attached to. I really don't see much of a problem with the agreement you guys have reached. You both seem find with it and that's what counts.

Yeah, more or less.
I don't have a problem with the arrangement either. I think some of her reasons are a little silly, but there are other perfectly valid reasons for not having them for the time being. It's not as if she's saying I can't have them, just that there are terms to it. And, aside from the squish rule, I'm fine with. The squish rule...I dunno. Proper caging can prevent them from escaping, but still worrisome.



Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
OP,,got a website for you, EHARMONY.COM
Not really able, or willing to start fresh (signing a lease together in a few weeks, and marriage is in August), and is geared towards religious folks. No thanks.;)

Evil Seedlet

Apr 26, 2010
Religious straight white folks at that ;) Fetlife or collarme are MUCH more interesting XD

I think if my BF didn't want me to have T's any more I'd be disappointed but understanding, I only have 2 little ones and it wouldn't be a tragedy to get rid of them. Now if he wanted the CATS gone, he could KMA XD But he loves T's AND kitties so it's all good :3
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Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Wait for a moment of weakness and get her one of her own. That will quickly multiply. My wife had the same feelings not long ago and now she has a shelf full of mantids and few Ts. We even have bug hunting vacations now, too.


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
-Scorpions (because they look scary)
-Centipedes (because they are disgusting)
-Hissing cockroaches (because they are big, gross, and I already have feeder roaches)
-Whipscorpions (look scary, and ugly)
-Whipsiders (look scary, and ugly)
-Millipedes (are gross)
-Any sort of amphibian, or reptile (because I get too attached, and then get sad when they die. (I'm OK with this one, as I agree with her. I can keep my emotional distance a bit better with bugs))

She's OK with me having any and all of these (except herps) once we have a house, they are in their own room, and as long as I understand that if they escape they *will* be squished. The tarantulas will be in a seperate, more public room, and will not be squished, because they are fuzzy, and therefore adorable.

Incidentally, my description of millipedes as "adorable bug-trains, that will eat leftover salad" did not sway her on the millipedes. So, there goes *that* plan for how to use up my 20 gallon tank while at the apartment. I might just have to have a huge tank for H.incei, or for once my L.parahybana grows up. Probably way more room than even a huge LP needs though. Oh wells. :D
Hilariously, I know have a snake, a centipede, and a colony hissing cockroaches.


Apr 17, 2011
my girls friend is okay with my ts, she actually learned to like them, but at first when i took her to a reptile she show she would freak to the sight of a t out of its enclosure, and now she even helps me feeding them and has her favorites, (A. versicolor, P. murinus) and her not so favorties, (P. ornata) because he looks scary and ive told her stories about theyre bites, so she says if it ever gets out she squish him, which hurt me a little,
at least i got the okay to get a P. metallica she likes them because theyr "so colorfull" girls they fall for it every time.


Jul 11, 2011
Yeah I totally lucked out with the fact that my fiancee loves Inverts and all the exotics as much as me. She actually got me over my fear of spiders with a G. rosea. I have no limit to what i get to own. I guess im just a lucky duck :p


Sep 26, 2010
My wife is cool with my Ts, but she is afraid of my centipede. Funny thing is she hopes it doesn't die cause she knows I'm gonna have to get another one.


May 29, 2011
See, my fiance isn't as in to the hobby as me but his reasons for not allowing me as many as I want (because believe me, that number is high) are reasonable. Currently we are in a one bedroom TINY rented flat, which we'll be moving out of within the next 18 months so I can do my veterinary nursing degree. So we don't know what our housing situation will be, it might be even smaller than the one we're currently in! We make a deal that I am allowed 5 tanks and 1 feeder tank, which I think is more than reasonable. If an animal dies, fair enough, I can get another. So at the moment I've got:
3 African Land Snails
1 Blue Tailed Skink
1 G.Rosea
1 B.Smithi
1 L.Parahybana

We have agreed once we're in a house that we own, I can have my own little "beasty room" where I can keep all the beasties I want. He never calls my babies ugly, he understands my feelings towards them and I respect his wishes towards the space issues etc.


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
My old lady has this wierd thing with T's. Ive had them since we started dating and actually got rid of half my collection about a year ago and am now getting back into it. She saw a versi at the zoo and she wanted one. So, I ordered one... ended up with 3 new slings. Im thinkin "THIS IS MY TICKET TO 50+ T'S, SHES GONNA BE HOOKED!!" nope.... She doesnt like any pokie because "They just look like b&$*#s... ok... "The fireleg is fine though".... ok... I think maybe if I paint a smiley face on my pokies... i could sneak a few more in the collection lol