I really didn't need more of these but these are massive compared to what I usually see. There were two so I grabbed them both at a low price. Granulation is pretty heavy on their bodies .
Yeah, here's a shot. I bought them hoping that they were something other than P. imperators because they looked a little different. I think they are Imps but, of course, I'd be happy to hear other news. Pretty sure I have two males here.
very nice! that's a biggie,my male is huge aswell,he came in a shippment of abunch of emps,the others were tiny compared to him,i always look for the monsters good luck with yours!:clap:
OK thanks. Kind of hard to keep them going? They don't look very young. I'm not expecting them to hang around very long. Would've been nice to find a male and female tho just to try it.
I'm thinking along the same lines as Crono (good thing he had the link ). It's too bad you think both are males. It would be SWEET introducing CB forest-morph emps to the hobby. :drool:
I remember in the days of my youth, 20 or so years ago, you would see P imps that were gigantic in pet stores. i even remember on being labeled as Emperor Forest Scorpion(Africa)...
nice find you got there.... very impressive Scorp, for being an emp....
Thanks for the info! It is looking more and more like they are F emps. I sure would like to have a female. I feel a lot better when I have a mating pair of animals. Both of these shudder and spread their chela out to each other so, pretty sure they are males. I glanced underneath but not in detail because of that.
I just measured them. They really aren't that long, just short of 6 inches. I just don't know what to think now. They sure stuck out of the crowd though.
i have 3 emps the same size. I named them "the lost boyz" because they always seem lost. I got all three at the same time from the same container. I know they are adult males, i just hope they last for atleast a couple more yrs these guys are fun to watch..
dang!!!!!!hey if you ever want to get rid of them call me lol dead or alive. the scops that is. id like one of them freeze dried for takign to the schools when they die. id like some that size alive even more lol where on earth did ya find those?
it's not looking like, it IS a huge female emp. The chela fingers are rather short for a male. Some emps are huge, others aren't. The ones from the forests seem larger then the ones from the savannahs. That's the difference, so I have been told. In the museum where I work, we have several giants, one even exeeding 25 cm. But it was collected quite some time ago and must be considered as exceptionally large.
It is kind a neat, such a large scorp. I would love a B.jacksoni of that size
The "F" was supposed to stand for "Forest". Sorry for being lazy. I assumed they were male because they vibrate and compare chela distance, then walk away from each other. I haven't taken a good look at the pectines. So do females exhibit this behavior too? I just got into town and forgot about them, I haven't even looked to see if they're ok.
HEllo ALl,
Michiel, a 6 inche B jacksonii, would be so cool. let me know when they are available I want so me too. =}
I have also seen large specimens in the museum, not too long a go I some of the other large pandinus species dead specimens , they were also around 6-7 inches in size.
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