My GBB just molted for the first time in my care. I wish I could've of saw it, but I knew my torch was bothering it so I left it alone. It looks over 3 inches now !
So here's my question. I have noticed that the joints in his legs are white now since the new exoskeleton has not hardened up. If he doesn't come out of his hide, can I assume that his fangs have hardened up once the legs joints are black, so I can feed it ? From what I've read this should take 7-14 days. But can I use his leg joints as a " rule of thumb " ?
So here's my question. I have noticed that the joints in his legs are white now since the new exoskeleton has not hardened up. If he doesn't come out of his hide, can I assume that his fangs have hardened up once the legs joints are black, so I can feed it ? From what I've read this should take 7-14 days. But can I use his leg joints as a " rule of thumb " ?