Methods of Euthanasia


Old Timer
Jun 13, 2011
Thermite works wonders if you need to vaporize something with minimal organic waste!


Oct 13, 2011
I'm surprised no one has mention the Boiling pot of water. From my experiences heating up a large pot to a rolling boil kills things within seconds. For crab and lobster with hard thick shells it takes a few seconds, i've never seen anything more than 5 seconds, usually between 2-3.

I've dispatched fish this way, I had an Oscar that was hell bent on killing my other fish. I tried selling it to many stores, even tried craigslist. One morning i came out and my other Oscar had his left fin completely bit off and skin hanging from his belly. I snatched that bully fish and threw him in boiling water and he was dead with in 2 seconds. I have also killed many pests and bugs under running hot water from the faucet, in my parents house where the water is near boiling. They usually die in less than a second. I've done this A LOT! Its easy, fast, and clean.

---------- Post added 09-16-2012 at 12:03 PM ----------

For gun owners who have an easy place to visit, pull out the 12-guage shotgun! even if you don't hit the T the pressure wave is enough to vaporize it, so long as you are point blank. Or for those who live in firework states. Grab a cherry bomb or M-1000. explosions would kill even faster than a gun. In any case, this would be best for the T, and fun for you... not fun your killing things, but if it must be done that it is what it is. let the poor T go out with a bang...


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2009
Sorry guys, this isn't as much fun as blowing up things with firecrackers. ;)

As they begin to freeze, the ice crystals forming in their blood will stimulate a large portion of these receptors, presumably causing intense pain.
Assuming that tarantulas can feel pain, how do you know that the spider isn't already in a dormant, not just motionless, state due to the low temperature's effects on it's cold blooded physiology when these ice crystals begin to form? The tarantula isn't going to instantly begin to freeze when you place it in the freezer. It's going to have to cool down from room temperature first, just like it would in a refrigerator, just at a higher rate. Since the location of the tarantula's "brain" is relatively near the surface of the animal (the anterior ventral floor of the cephalothorax vs for example, the center of a fat filled abdomen), it is likely to cool off quickly. This could cause it to slip into dormancy quickly and even allow the brain to be one of the first organs to freeze leading to a more rapid death.

[/COLOR]For gun owners who have an easy place to visit, pull out the 12-guage shotgun! even if you don't hit the T the pressure wave is enough to vaporize it, so long as you are point blank. Or for those who live in firework states. Grab a cherry bomb or M-1000. explosions would kill even faster than a gun. In any case, this would be best for the T, and fun for you... not fun your killing things, but if it must be done that it is what it is. let the poor T go out with a bang...
Now, twentyeggs, we gotta do this right....put the T in the refrigerator for 20 minutes first so it can't possibly get away, then blow it up! Otherwise, someone might think it was sporting and start some kind of craze...people rushing out to pet stores and the western states to blast live tarantulas. LOL. Joking aside, I'm sure such things happen more than I want to think about.
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Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
There's only ONE way to euthanize ANYTHING: Throw into real ALIEN (tm) blood! *sizzle* :D


Sep 3, 2010
I'm surprised no one has mention the Boiling pot of water. From my experiences heating up a large pot to a rolling boil kills things within seconds. For crab and lobster with hard thick shells it takes a few seconds, i've never seen anything more than 5 seconds, usually between 2-3.

I've dispatched fish this way, I had an Oscar that was hell bent on killing my other fish. I tried selling it to many stores, even tried craigslist. One morning i came out and my other Oscar had his left fin completely bit off and skin hanging from his belly. I snatched that bully fish and threw him in boiling water and he was dead with in 2 seconds. I have also killed many pests and bugs under running hot water from the faucet, in my parents house where the water is near boiling. They usually die in less than a second. I've done this A LOT! Its easy, fast, and clean.

---------- Post added 09-16-2012 at 12:03 PM ----------

For gun owners who have an easy place to visit, pull out the 12-guage shotgun! even if you don't hit the T the pressure wave is enough to vaporize it, so long as you are point blank. Or for those who live in firework states. Grab a cherry bomb or M-1000. explosions would kill even faster than a gun. In any case, this would be best for the T, and fun for you... not fun your killing things, but if it must be done that it is what it is. let the poor T go out with a bang...

Just, no.

Fish feel pain in every single way we do, that's a fact. Boiling is never ever ever an option for killing any vertebrate. Fish can be killed humanely by a severe overdose of an anesthetic, like clove oil. It kills instantly when done correctly.

I don't want to bash on you or anything, but I am completely horrified by all aspects of your Oscar story.

As far as Ts go, I would only ever opt for something instant like squashing with a cinder block or, if I was confident it killed instantly, some kind of chemical.


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
The three fastest methods of dispatching a T would be, in order of priority:

1. Smashing
2. Lethal Injection (Ethyl acetate, cyanotic compounds, ammonia, water, anything in high enough volume)
3. Freezing, rapidly is preferred (larger the T the longer it will take and also will vary by species- not as fast as you might think it is)

I don't really consider the other methods humane personally, they are simply not fast enough. I would personally only freeze really small specimens and generally prefer injection. Smashing is very fast but then you don't have a specimen left over- selfish reason to not use the fastest method, but what can I say?
From personal experience, I agree with these and esp. #2. I feel the need, the need for speed;)


May 28, 2012
Nobody has mentioned feeding them to another animal. If you have carnivorous/insectivorous animals, they could eat most species of tarantulas. Monitors, tegus, geckos, dragons, and some kinds of turtles and snakes, would kill any spider within a few seconds.
It would be similar to the crushing method, except you would actually get a use out of the dying tarantula. This method would have a few potential defects. It would be best for only tarantulas that were free of any contagious problems, and only ones that were incapable of injecting venom, no matter how powerful. If could have worse effect on a smaller species, even though it might not be very harmful to people.
The urticating hairs could also have a negative effect on the animal that the tarantula is being fed to.
Tarantulas could even be fed to other tarantulas, if the problem is not contagious. People sometimes let the male be eaten by the female, during a breeding attempt, hoping to get a higher amount of eggs, and healthier offspring.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
People sometimes let the male be eaten by the female, during a breeding attempt, hoping to get a higher amount of eggs, and healthier offspring.
What does the male getting eaten by the female have to do with egg-production? Someone please enlighten me, I'm curious...


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2006
My preference would be to nuke the tarantula from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Sep 10, 2010
The question of whether invertebrates experience pain is hotly contested. I do not believe anyone can say for certain one way or another.
The word "pain" refers to the feeling that humans experience when exposed to certain stimuli and it would be difficult to directly transfer this to an invert. However, any animal will move away from a potentially damaging situation - I'm sure that if you were to burn the leg of a tarantula it would scarper pretty quickly. This means the animal is experiencing a stimulus it "knows" to be dangerous. While they may not feel pain in the same way as humans, they're certainly aware of painful stimuli and should be treated accordingly.

(In my opinion it's better to assume that any creature under one's care is capable of feeling pain, that way you help maximise its welfare and help mitigate risk)

As for euthanasia, I'm a great believer in the power of the size 11 boot. Never a nice thing to have to do, but necessary once in a while. (The use of an opaque bag makes the horrible task a wee bit easier)


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2009
As for euthanasia, I'm a great believer in the power of the size 11 boot. Never a nice thing to have to do, but necessary once in a while. (The use of an opaque bag makes the horrible task a wee bit easier)
I'd never be able to step on one of my pets, because (1) I've usually grown too attached to the animal to bear to do it (whether they have the ability to reciprocate or not), and (2) the sound/sensation of crushing an exoskeleton that large would likely cause me to vomit or worse. I don't consider myself squeemish, but since I started studying entomology, I find it completely repulsive to crush insects, spiders, etc. I still do it to cockroaches that I find in inappropriate places, but the larger they are the more nauseated and icked-out (technical term) I feel. So crushing is pretty much out for me as a method of euthanasia.


Oct 6, 2011
I'd never be able to step on one of my pets, because (1) I've usually grown too attached to the animal to bear to do it (whether they have the ability to reciprocate or not), and (2) the sound/sensation of crushing an exoskeleton that large would likely cause me to vomit or worse. I don't consider myself squeemish, but since I started studying entomology, I find it completely repulsive to crush insects, spiders, etc. I still do it to cockroaches that I find in inappropriate places, but the larger they are the more nauseated and icked-out (technical term) I feel. So crushing is pretty much out for me as a method of euthanasia.
I agree, the *squish* is a bit much. And then there's clean up...


May 7, 2012
I'm surprised no one has mention the Boiling pot of water. From my experiences heating up a large pot to a rolling boil kills things within seconds. For crab and lobster with hard thick shells it takes a few seconds, i've never seen anything more than 5 seconds, usually between 2-3.

I've dispatched fish this way, I had an Oscar that was hell bent on killing my other fish. I tried selling it to many stores, even tried craigslist. One morning i came out and my other Oscar had his left fin completely bit off and skin hanging from his belly. I snatched that bully fish and threw him in boiling water and he was dead with in 2 seconds. I have also killed many pests and bugs under running hot water from the faucet, in my parents house where the water is near boiling. They usually die in less than a second. I've done this A LOT! Its easy, fast, and clean.

---------- Post added 09-16-2012 at 12:03 PM ----------

For gun owners who have an easy place to visit, pull out the 12-guage shotgun! even if you don't hit the T the pressure wave is enough to vaporize it, so long as you are point blank. Or for those who live in firework states. Grab a cherry bomb or M-1000. explosions would kill even faster than a gun. In any case, this would be best for the T, and fun for you... not fun your killing things, but if it must be done that it is what it is. let the poor T go out with a bang...
Wow, I can't identify with any of this at all. Using fireworks, boiling water or a gun, to kill an animal wouldn't be "fun" for me in any fashion.

I know I am getting more sensitive in my old (42) age, but still...