Mean Momma wakes up kidlets...


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2006
Hehe thanks for the offer... but I get an employee discount at the pet store so... we shall see if I end up getting any more. I've got the rest of my life now to get addicted to them, who knows, I may be chasing you down in a few years, haha.

And I just discovered my lil guy has some red spots... hope some more of those show up!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Val layed 2 more eggs yesterday and I discovered something very unusual about her... she is quite the protective Gecko Mommy.

I saw her burying one egg and decided to leave her be to lay the other one. I went back an hour or so later, and she had them buried deep in her lay box and packed in pretty snug. She was just hovering over them.

I nudged her off the box and took it out to retrieve the eggs and transfer them to the incubator. She was not happy... and she is known for biting when especially gravid, so I really expected her to nip at me some.

When I returned the lay box to her viv, she was waiting. I put it back and closed up the viv and she went straight for it, digging around.. looking for her eggs. Watching this made me feel terrible! I still feel a little sad that she is missing her babies this much.

Today, I found a live plant destroyed over the lay box... torn leaves every where. Maybe she threw a little "fit of rage" at my "thievery"? I dunno.

She is one tough Momma, though. :)


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
In the wild, I imagine the eggs are left to their own volition. Whatever happens.. happens. In captivity, larger specimen will eat smaller ones on site... not to mention, I can't maintain proper incubating temps in her lay box, inside the viv, like I can in the inc'y. ;)