May Take the Plunge


Sep 27, 2017
So I have always been afraid but interested in tarantulas. I think I am finally ready to get one. Any suggestions on a very small, more docile species? Looking for something easier to get me started but small that I could probably hide from the wife lol.


Oct 18, 2017
Well most any sling is going to require very little space. New world terrestrial arid species is probably what you're looking for.

I believe most brachypelma and gramastola are GENNERALLY mello. (Most new worlds for that matter.)

On a side note: it seems to me like a bad idea to hide it from your wife. Could end badly for the spider (and you) if she finds it. (I am assuming that she is against the idea.)


Jan 30, 2018
I agree wholeheartedly with Theneil. By “docile”, I do hope you don’t mean “tolerant of handling”, because handling T’s is generally not a great idea. Also, if you’re still afraid of T’s, I’d recommend getting experience with them firsthand before you take the plunge. Go to a reptile expo (they usually have 1-2 invert vendors despite the name), ask some questions, see some T’s firsthand. I only say this because I can’t recommend you get an animal you’d still be afraid of.


Sep 15, 2017
Aphonopelma hentzi are somewhat small, docile, cheap, and can handle a wide range in temperature. The tarantula in my avatar is the same species.
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Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
At some point, your wife is going to find out. Keeping it from your partner is probably not the best route to take.
I would always suggest that someone start with a bit larger than a spiderling, if they are available. The recommendation that I always give is Brachypelma albopilosum for the following reasons...
  • They are easy to come by, and affordable, as slightly larger individuals.
  • They are hardy and forgiving to errors in husbandry.
  • They are faster growing than many of the other beginner appropriate species.
  • They rarely fast, accept when approaching a moult.
  • They are one of the more tolerant species when it comes to regular feeding and maintenance interaction.
  • They are always visible as late juveniles/adults, although some do burrow while young.
Although dwarf species do fill your 'small' requirement, I would never consider them appropriate for brand new people. Many dwarf species are rarely visible, spending their time completely burrowed or webbed up. They are not hardy overall and have a smaller window for error - especially as spiderlings that can be as small as 1/8-1/16". They are extremely fast and skittish and losing one is definitely not going to go down well with your wife... by the sounds of it.
While Aphonopelma are very appropriate for beginners, or most of the species are, they are very slow growing and can go very long periods without eating. A fasting tarantula tends to stress new people out.
If you have any expos in your area, think about taking your wife with you to visit a tarantula dealer. I have won over countless partners, who couldn't say 'Nope' enough times, when they are able to actually see the animal in person and hear the feedback of the dealer.
Please be sure that your fear will not get in the way of providing basic care. The normal interaction with them is very minimal, but you should be comfortable with their movements and what to expect in a worse case scenario. I would suggest watching some of Tom Moran's videos - Tom's Big Spiders - on YouTube to get an idea of what to expect. Tom has a couple of great beginner species videos.
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Nov 28, 2017
Euathlus sp. Red! They're smaller than the average t, generally regarded as docile, and very inquisitive from what I've heard


Sep 26, 2013
Hide it from the wife? Bad way to go. She'll find out, and be mad that you thought she was dumb enough not to notice, AND she will wonder what else you are hiding from her. Even if there is nothing else, you've started down a bad road of distrust with her. Honesty is the best policy.


Feb 9, 2017
Don't lie to the wife. The best way to put it is that as a man you are deeply ashamed to have any type of phobia, especially of spiders.

Ask for her support. Females like to peek behind the curtain and watch the wizard do his work on the mental side of things.

Of course, that means she gets to pick the tarantula or at least chime in but that can also make it fun.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Any suggestions on a very small, more docile species? Looking for something easier to get me started but small that I could probably hide from the wife lol.
Is hiding it from your wife the only reason you want a small tarantula? If so, I wouldn't recommend that course of action. While partners should be independent, part of living with another person is having enough respect not to bring in animals without consulting. Be a good spouse: don't lie or hide things.

Possible selling points you can use:
  • takes up minimal space (even for the largest species) compared to most pets
  • does not smell
  • does not make noise
  • low maintenance
  • low cost to own (averaged over the life of the spider)
  • If you need to go out of town, you don't need a petsitter. (They can go for weeks if not months without food as long as there is water.)
  • may help you overcome your fear (a good spouse normally wants to help the other grow as a person)

If you want a smaller species because it seems less intimidating, VanessaS is right that most dwarf species are too fast and too skittish to make good options for beginners. However, consider Euathlus sp. "red". While not a dwarf species, it is relatively small and has a reputation for being docile and inquisitive.

Other species that tend to be docile and not huge are Brachypelma albopilosum, Grammostola pulchra, and Brachypelma emilia.


Sep 27, 2017
I guess it's not so much a fear as a respect for them, handling is not planned. As for hiding from the wife, after I have it she is fine. I have scorpions now and she is fine with them, it just takes her a while to get comfortable coming back into the office, but after watching a feeding or two she will be fine. By docile I mean more not going to run around the enclosure in fear every time I walk in the room. I do have a reptile show near me but the last time I went they looked at me like I had three heads for asking any questions and helped other people, I was wanting to know a bit about a few species so when I go this weekend I can ask more specific things and not get pushed away so fast. As for buying one this weekend I will probably not, I prefer to go and ask questions then maybe next month after I have done plenty of research.


Jan 8, 2015
I guess it's not so much a fear as a respect for them, handling is not planned. As for hiding from the wife, after I have it she is fine. I have scorpions now and she is fine with them, it just takes her a while to get comfortable coming back into the office, but after watching a feeding or two she will be fine. By docile I mean more not going to run around the enclosure in fear every time I walk in the room. I do have a reptile show near me but the last time I went they looked at me like I had three heads for asking any questions and helped other people, I was wanting to know a bit about a few species so when I go this weekend I can ask more specific things and not get pushed away so fast. As for buying one this weekend I will probably not, I prefer to go and ask questions then maybe next month after I have done plenty of research.
Well it looks like you're off to good start, welcome to hobby!:)


Dec 25, 2014
If you plan to hide the whole thing from your wife, in the long run pay attention also to the feeders, crickets in particular. They have the bad habit of 'sing' and this is how we were spotted in early '90 when, as teens, me and bro purchased our first T's without, obviously, saying nothing to no one :)

Our grandmother, one day, when we were at school, heard the 'cricket song' coming from a closet while cleaning up our room. At first we were 'saved', inadventertly, by our dad that said to her, without checking: "... probably one of the boys jokes, they are always busy planning something" but after a couple of other days, after hearing that again, she opened that closet :angelic: :kiss:


Feb 8, 2017
So I have always been afraid but interested in tarantulas. I think I am finally ready to get one. Any suggestions on a very small, more docile species? Looking for something easier to get me started but small that I could probably hide from the wife lol.
I would not recommend hiding the fact that you're getting a T from your wife. Honesty is always best. If you have scorps that you keep in a separate room, you might use that as a point of sale, that she will not have to see the T any more than she sees the scorpions. However you go about it, though, be honest with her.

As for which T to get, I'm a huge fan of the B. albo as well. This was my first T, and is one of the most docile I have, even over other Brachypelmas. Of course, individual temperaments can and will vary, but for the most part, they are easy going. Plus, they are really hardy and great to learn with. I would honestly suggest a B. albo sling, especially since you still have some fears. Slings are much less intimidating and your confidence grows with them. Not to mention, slings take up MUCH less space, initially. ;)


Mar 16, 2017
You should go buy an adult female p.muticus and bring it home to your wife and show her the tarantula. Once her jaw drops and hits the ground because of those thick bad ass back legs and the awesome orange rusty coloration of the p.muticus she will send you to the pet shop to buy more so fast your head will spin.
Problem solved bro.


Feb 9, 2017
Dubai roaches and meal worms are not noisy at all. Crickets get annoying.

Of course, don't lie to your spouse. Marriages fail when communication fails.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
So I have always been afraid but interested in tarantulas. I think I am finally ready to get one. Any suggestions on a very small, more docile species? Looking for something easier to get me started but small that I could probably hide from the wife lol.
Dwarf species, exactly what you are looking below E sp Red, Kelly Swift of Swift's Inverts has some now. There's no better species that is easy to obtain.



Jul 17, 2004
OBT!! Just kidding LOL!

I really love the Brachyphelma and Aphonophelma species! Hentzi are so underrated in my book! Really nice spiders. But if you want a gorgeous spider, go for Brachypelma Boehmei(Mexican Fireleg). The Red rumps(Brachypelma Vagans) are a little cheaper and also quite gorgeous in my opinion. It's all about the New World Terrestrials!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
But if you want a gorgeous spider, go for Brachypelma Boehmei(Mexican Fireleg). The Red rumps(Brachypelma Vagans
Bad advice based on owner's stated needs. Neither of which is small, nor docile. Vagans more docile than the former. The former is a massive setae flicker. Any Brachy is a total crap shoot on setae flicking, not the E sp. Red or E sp. Yellow.