Today i got my lightfooti slings in the post :drool: , But i didnt get 3.......................... I got 4!!!
I am over the moon with them, there fab! I already had 1 so that brings my total lightfooti sling to 5!!!
Awesome pics, awesome collection. You have such a diverse collection, they've got to keep you on your toes. Thanks for the distraction at work and keep up the fine work
Well today after 3 weeks and 2 days we decided to pull the sac and we found eggs and eggs with legs
The eggsac hade a hole in it but no eggs spilled out, the female must have been trying to eat it or opening it for some reason. They all look fine but there isnt many in the sac but, it's only a little one
Some pics
The mom after taking the sac
Were the hole is
The sac next to my dads finger
(notice the little ewl that fell out the sac)
I have emptied the contents out and a couple are stuck together and some stuck to the sac but they all look great :}
I mated my Thrixopelma pruriens with a loaned male and after many failed atempts they finaly hooked up but i didn't see any inserts and she wrapped her legs around him and despite my best efferts she nailed him and he was gone the next morning. Since the mating she has been eating a lot and she started webing on friday and today i found her on a sac . This one looks just like the first but looks bigger and the first resulted in 300 slings!
I have covered up her tank and my fingers are tightly crossed!
I have not posted on here for a while now so here are some pics of 8 new tarantulas, 7 mated females and a sub adult male
Here they are:
Adult female Ornithoctoninae sp. orange fringed (Sold as looking gravid)
Adult female Haplopelma lividum (Mated)
Adult female Eucratoscelus pachypus (Mated)
Adult female Selenocosmia sp. ”Ebony” (mated)
Adult female Selenocosmia arndsti (Sold as looking gravid) All you get too see of her lol
Adult female Cyclosternum pentalore (Sold as looking gravid)
Sub adult male Hemericus sp. "Guyana", I was close to getting bitten by this little fella, He ran out his tub and ran round the bath before i got him and put him back, as i was about to put the lid on he ran out again but onto my hand and he spread his fangs !! I got him off in the end tho
Adult female Hemericus sp. "Guyana" (Mated) She also done a runner but with a cricket in her mouth ! These things are FEARLESS !!
Fingers and toes crossed i get some sacs :}
If any of the females moult out then the seller said he will sort me out some males
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