Today i mated my Chilobrachys huahini female for a second time and this time she didn't kill the male!
He went into her container from a cricket tub and started drumming like mad but she was not intrested and was full up from her recent meals so she did not want to eat him at first. He was geting brave and walked onto the substrate still drumming but still she was not intrested and was making gestures that looked like she wanted him to back off and nothing like what she was doing in the first breeding and she faked lunging at him a couple times but he still persisted. He then turned a bit dum and tryed pushing her up at the wrong end, he done this twice before she turned around and lunged at him again but this time he waked back a bit and started drumming again. He got closer and closer before going for it, he pushed her up and when he done this she showed her fangs (he has no hooks) at this point he went right under got 1 insert and she came down on him. She tried nailing him but he got away and she grabbed him again but i got a divider inbetween them just in time and he legged it lol.
Some pics
Female after mating looking sad because she did not get her man meal after mating like she did the first time
Male after mating having made his escape and sitting on the side of the bath tub
I mated the 2nd of 3 females yesterday and it went great with loads of inserts and they were together for about 1 hour. Then i decided to part them myself rather then leaving them and risking him as my 3rd female has blocked herself in her hide and i'am sure she is molting.
Today i finaly got my female Theraphosa apophysis rehoused into a much better looking enclosure. I realy like the way that robc uses real plants and i decided to do the same with eco earth as a substrate and fertiliser sticks to keep it alive.
Avic sp. "Kwitara" female no. 1 and the best looking one i think so will be seeing the male first
Avic sp. "Kwitara" female no. 2 Should be moulting soon i think
Avic sp. "Kwitara" female no. 3 and the smallest one but should still be ok for mating
Avic sp. "Kwitara" female no. 4 and she is a very lucky girl because when i picked up her tub i noticed she had made a moult mat and as soon as i sat down she flipped over!!!,So i took the lid off ( becuse i think she would of got stuck because it's too small) and just placed the travel container in her enclosure and went to shut the lid when she rolled back over so i just left her alone. I went and checked on her a bit later and she was moulting upright in a really bad position with her bum at a bad angle and lying on two of her own legs. So i took her bark out and put a bit of kitchen roll down on the dirt and got my forceps, I pinched a bit of her moult mat and pulled it with the forceps to get her out without touching her, it worked and she rolled out onto the kitchen roll and i left her. She has now moulted succsessfuly although it does seem to be a bit of a wet moult but she is now fine and recovering. I will get some updated pics of her in a couple days.
I got 2 C. Darlingi males last week on loan for my two freashly moulted females and a P. Cambridgei on loan for my freashly moulted female
Piper the cambridgei
He was firsty and went streight for the water
His loverly mate to be (pics taken during rehousing)
Darlingi male 1 (Made a sperm web on monday)
Darlingi male 2 (I had to leave them in their tubs most of the day they came and when it came to rehousing i opened the cricket tub and found him with a sperm web and at closer inspection of the sperm web it looks like he has loaded)
Female 1
Female 2 (Very freashly moulted)
The moult
Giving me a threat pose a week after moulting
I will try the and the first female darlingi on sunday and give the other darlingi a go next week
Absolutely stunning collection! I'm extremely envious that I wasn't introduced to Tarantulas at such a young age. It impresses me to see such dedication
And some of those specimens are drool worthy! :drool:
Today i mated my darlingi female with a loaned male and it went great with 2-3 inserts
Male before putting him in with my girl (notice the remains of a sperm web!)
She came out of her burrow to greet him
Hooked her up
Backing off and cleaning palps after what looked like an insert
getting some more!
He wasn't so happy when i put him back in his container
I will wait until he makes another sperm web and stick him in one more time and give the other male a go with my second female when i rehouse her and she settles in
Not 100% sure but i think i have a sack or going to very soon as my mated obt has blocked herself off and the webbing is sooooo thick i carn't see through it with a torch!!!
thanx Calum
I ain't selling any apart from vagan and pueriens spiderlings atm mate
I have also mated elegans and cambridgei today aswell so a brill day for me
Will post some pics of the cambridgei mating in a couple mins!
I mated a loaned male with my female today and there were about 3 inserts, When he hooked her up the first time they slipped but he got an insert before both fell but both were ok and he climbed up the log and cleaned the palp he inserted and they both started drumming again. He got her hooked again and fell again but hung onto the log and made 2 inserts before she got away and he cleaned both palps this time and walked out.
Pics are not too great tho
Putting him in the right place after him searching everywere else
Here we go
Holding hands lol
I will try them again when he makes a sperm web but their will not be any pic because i will be watching for inserts and doing my best to make sure he doesn't become lunch.
So do i Calum with all them hairs!
I have also just found out that the person i sent my C sp. Machalla on loan too has N2s and slings hatching!!!:drool: :clap:
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