I finally got a couple shots of my A. versicolor. This is the first time I've gotten a good look at him since he moulted about a month ago. He has just gained some adult colours.
Thank you! He just now got his adult colours. You can still see the juvenile colouring a bit though, the ends of his legs still have that dark blue juvie colouring. I was really surprised at how gorgeous he is, it doesn't sink in until you see one in person! Now if only I could find him a girl, and the A. huriana a boy!
i've got a versi sling, it is about 1/2" with the legs. It's a real sweety, all day long building it's web )) can't w8 till it gets as big as yours. Once again great versi you have there, i hope mine will be a female but ... will see, it has all the time in the world to grow strong and healty )) i'll love it as strong as now no matter if it is a boy or a girl ))
You should see them now! They have moulted since then and the femurs are a nice black, and there is more patterning on their abdomens. And they are only about 1.5". I love dwarfs! I have to rehouse them soon so I will get some new pics. Yeah hopefully they will become more common. I don't even know if anyone else in Canada has any. Which sucks for breeding prospects!
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