Acanthoscurria geniculata battling a roach that was a bit too large. It was pretty funny.
Avicularia sp. "huriana" adult female.
Brachypelma albiceps juvenile female.
Moulting upright
After moult
Brachypelma emilia young female.
Lampropelma violaceopes newly moulted mature male. He's all legs!
Pamphobeteus sp. "platyomma" unsexed. Received in trade.
Psalmopoeus pulcher male and female in their webs. They are still living together, it's been over two months. His abdomen is getting very small now though. Sorry for the crappy picture, I just thought they looked cute looking at each other from their webs.
Xenesthis intermedia
Yamia sp. "Koh Samui" this darn spider has not moulted in a very long time.
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