I got some interesting and amazing updates to some recent molts within my collection. Especially the L. sazimai, as he matured out. But check out his size for a mature male.
I'm feeding Pokies today, but I would also talk about the future of possibly starting a tarantula business. I don't know when, but sometime in the future.
The plan was supposed to rehouse, but substrate is low and it seems like everything of supplies is at a shortage for me. But let's get straight into feeding while I wait.
Currently, I'm getting ready to breed my Poecilothera ornata females and I could also use more P. ornata MM for bloodline purposes. So I'm still searching for more of them right now as more will be useful for sure. I'm also rehousing my M. balfouri communal as well while I'm at it. It was an easier rehouse than I expected.
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